Cover, did you see the info posted about Breakthrough Interventions? This info was posted on Fornits yesterday. As for your suggestion, in theory I agree but from a practical, real-life standpoint, it's simply not realistic to expect people, especially survivors of abuse, to feel any obligation to be kind to assholes. That includes parents of institutitonalized youth who are some of the most ignorant, emotionally abusive, mean-sprited people I've ever had the misfortune of coming across. Sometimes I think a "kick in the ass" *figuratively speaking* is exactly what they need. Those parents who demonstrate a sincere desire to open their minds and unconditionally love their children, will find they are treated with respect by survivors and others in a position to help them rescue their children and seek more appropriate ways to resolve conflict. Frankly, I have yet to see a so-called troubled teen who couldn't benefit from family counseling and therapy. The problem is many parents won't go to treatment and can not be forced to go. Far easier to blame the kid and raid their college fund or take a second out on the family home in order to feel better about themselves as good parents.