I could give two shits about scientology. If a pack of adults want to join a faith system/ cult/ religion which worships aliens and tom crazy cruise, then I can only wish them good luck. I dont see a need to protest this.
The need to protest and limit this industry is far more vital. Any system that incarcerates children or any other citizens without trial is inherently morally wrong and out of place in a democratic country. One is a crazy belief system that people can elect to buy into or not, the other is a violation of fundamental human rights. Sorry Psy, but your scientology focus is on a non issue.
www.whyaretheydead.net (and yes, the CoS has programs (and connections to the industry)).... also.. Do you know where est came from?)
Also... I'm not trying to say we should protest this, or something is worse than something else. I'm just saying that the strategies Anonymous is using against the CoS are applicable to the industry (web2.0 campaigns, information dissemination tactics, subversion, protests, satire, provocation, etc...).
Anonymous didn't decided to /protest/ the CoS... they flat out declared war on the organization (not the belief system, the organization(which, everybody here knows, will collapse without the organization, as a kid blow up when he leaves the bubble of the program)). Within days, they were able to organize worldwide protests with the turnouts in the thousands. Call something a focus or not, but Anonymous is onto something that I think can be adapted to fighting the TTI. There are a lot of victims of this industry that have either lost hope or for whatever reason are remaining silent. If we are going to end this industry, we need to show the world that we will not be silenced. I've been watching and learning, yes...
Consider when i went down to Benchmark they pointed cameras at us to scare us. CoS does the sam thing.
Consider when i went down to Benchmark they spread lies about me. CoS does the same thing.
Consider when i went down to Benchmark they forbade others from talking to me. CoS does the same thing.
Consider when i went down to Benchmark they called the cops on us again and again. CoS does the same thing.
Consider when i went down to Benchmark they tried to harrass us at our motel. CoS does the same thing.
Consider the CoS has people to troll forums that are critical using the
exact same tactics TheWho uses.
Consider the suicides the CoS covers up with police connections.
Consider the suicides/attempts Benchmark covers up with police connections.
Consider the litigious nature of the CoS as compared to the industry...
I could go on and on and on and on...
The LGAT roots of this industry, if you look far back enough,
are in Scientology. L Ron Hubbard himself said that est was a copy of Scientology with the terminology changed. Second gen thought reform (attacking the concept of self) came from him. Concept of putting yourself "at cause"? Hubbard's
exact words. The similarities are mind-boggling, which is not surprising since they're both similar cults and although cults are different, they all rely on the same principles (albeit accomplished through different means). Point being, if one cult is effectively fought using tactics XYZ, they're probably adaptable to another series of cults.
bla bla bla... make fun of me all you want .. but offering suggestions is often better than blasting your mouth off. I think the tactics are applicable to the TTI, and who knows, given an increase in public knowledge and interest, Anonymous could very well end up declaring war on Programs. Just wait and see. The CoS is already starting to buckle under the pressure. Cults rely on controlling communication and keeping their members in the dark. Anonymous does nothing better than spreading information.