
Will Dick Clark be back next year?

YES, They\'ll roll him out in his wheelchair!
3 (75%)
NO, Dick is about to pass the torch on to Marty and Kickapoo!
0 (0%)
They should stop New Years in Times Square if he dies!
1 (25%)

Total Members Voted: 4

Voting closes: December 31, 2045, 05:46:10 AM

Author Topic: Dick Clark: Last New Years: Yes or No?  (Read 1254 times)

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Dick Clark: Last New Years: Yes or No?
« on: January 01, 2008, 12:23:05 AM »
Happy Holidays to everyone!!

I am home like the loser I am this Holiday season. LOL. Not feeling so hot so I decided to sit this one out. I did Christmas and new Years was a blast when I was young and used to drink but now it's nice to watch on TV and be safe in my cozy home with my cats. Oh my God, did I just say that outloud?! Is THIS what getting old is like?? Even my neighborhood is quieter this year. Last year at midnight gunshots could be heard all over the city but this year there were a few weak firecracker sounding things.

I watched good old Dick and my heart went out to him, I knew he had a stroke and was shocked to see how old he really got. I hope he will last till next year. He is a part of New Years like gifts are to Christmas. I can see them rolling him out in his wheelchair at 100 years old!! He is mad cool and makes the NY celebration so memorable and sentimental to those of us who had been around for awhile.

I did Times Square in 95-96 and had a BLAST! I rolled into to NYC with only my train tickets and my boyfriend & I met up with a group of kids who these HUDGE bottles of Vodka in their backpacks. Needless to say I barely remember the ball dropping!! Then we hooked up with a group of kids coming from a Phish concert who had a bong in their backpack and got smoked up. Then we started walking to Grand Central and got so lost!! We ended up all the way down in the Lower East Side so we stayed there and partied more. It was a crazy, fun night. Now I am sitting with my cats watching Fergie sing in Times Square.

Time to make resolutions....

Happy Holidays to all of you and I hope Santa got you what you wanted for Christmas this year!![/color][/b]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »