Author Topic: bush supporting straight today...  (Read 1327 times)

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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bush supporting straight today...
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2008, 06:41:58 AM »
Ummmmm.....he didnt mention Straight Inc at all....actually the news release didnt mention Straight Inc....No where on the page was Straight Inc mentioned. Not only did he not mention Straight inc.  it was not even today that it was news....December 12th 2007was the date not as mentioned in the header for the thread. It was not even a credible News was Pathway Family Center web site....

Seems that it was all about the Pathway Family Center... No big deal, just misleading, There is a section on Fornits devoted to this Pathway Family Center perhaps if it were not posted there...It should be!

And please, be clear in the subject line....It may attract attention to those it impacts the most....and not waste the time of others that it has less impact.

Not to be a prick....ahem. However, if the your header, if your post is lacks credibility....making you appear less credible...making us all look less credible. Please, if an impact is to be made, do make every attempt to be accurate.

In Peace
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right

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bush supporting straight today...
« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2008, 11:03:35 AM »
how retarded! today as in current news and back when straight was straight it was supported by lots of polititions so is relavent in the fact that teen torture is still being supported
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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bush supporting straight today...
« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2008, 11:25:05 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
how retarded! today as in current news and back when straight was straight it was supported by lots of polititions so is relavent in the fact that teen torture is still being supported

For the love of Christ, please use a spell check.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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bush supporting straight today...
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2008, 12:07:11 PM »
Sorry Woof, that OP was me, LOL. I tend to get hasty around New Year's night, you know with the fireworks, kids smashing and/or exploding mailboxes and all that jazz. :rofl:  One eye on the computer, the other at the end of the driveway. If you may, my take on this article (detroit free press) is that PFC/KHK uses the entire Miller Newtonized and enhanced STRAIGHT, Inc. treatment model, so it is entirely relevant to this forum. PFC Also currently employs STRAIGHT, Inc. staff. They use the STRAIGHT Inc. building there in Milford OH, and the list goes on and on. These threads mix just fine. Seperating them would just add more credibility to "PFC is not STRAIGHT".

I started believing STRAIGHT, INC. was not necessarily 'defunct' when I got the document that said PATHWAY FAMILY CENTER- FORMERLY STRAIGHT, INC. from the state of Michigan. Compounded by the additional fact that indeed STRAIGHT, Inc. is irresponsibly not entirely omitted throughout certain portions of PATHWAY FAMILY CENTER and KIDS HELPING KIDS paperwork. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, it is my understanding that the abusive treatment is the MAIN issue regarding STRAIGHT, Inc and the $$$ is second, then the justice agenda would follow that all in rapid succession. So here you have a kid who just got out of the STRAIGHT, Inc. brainwashing treatment machine standing next to Bush. Why is it that out of ALL of the 'successful' rehabists (not real word, but what else are they called?) in the country, the white house hosted a kid from a STRAIGHT, Inc. spinoff. Considering John Walters was talking about rules getting tightened for prescription meds and all the connections the white house has to the DFAF, etc... Come on, it's very relevant here. Looks to me that Bush fully supports the program and this was proof positive. BTW, I've heard people say that he doesn't. In my mind, this is significant.

The treatment part of the program is the SAME. If the corporation is not named STRAIGHT, Inc, then oh well... no biggie. They are simply playing semantics and shell games. Remember "the bottom line"? Well, in this case, it is that the program is supported by the US Government, REGARDLESS of what the damn corporate name is. Wouldn't this lead folks to think that maybe the consipiracy theorists out there have something right? Seriously though, it may be worth a second look. Antigen???????? Any thoughts on this?

ideas for replacement subject line:






« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deprogrammed

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Definitely Relevent
« Reply #5 on: January 02, 2008, 12:26:34 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Sorry Woof, that OP was me, LOL. I tend to get hasty around New Year's night, you know with the fireworks, kids smashing and/or exploding mailboxes and all that jazz. :rofl:  One eye on the computer, the other at the end of the driveway. If you may, my take on this article (detroit free press) is that PFC/KHK uses the entire Miller Newtonized and enhanced STRAIGHT, Inc. treatment model, so it is entirely relevant to this forum. PFC Also currently employs STRAIGHT, Inc. staff. They use the STRAIGHT Inc. building there in Milford OH, and the list goes on and on. These threads mix just fine. Seperating them would just add more credibility to "PFC is not STRAIGHT".

I started believing STRAIGHT, INC. was not necessarily 'defunct' when I got the document that said PATHWAY FAMILY CENTER- FORMERLY STRAIGHT, INC. from the state of Michigan. Compounded by the additional fact that indeed STRAIGHT, Inc. is irresponsibly not entirely omitted throughout certain portions of PATHWAY FAMILY CENTER and KIDS HELPING KIDS paperwork. Correct me if I'm wrong, but, it is my understanding that the abusive treatment is the MAIN issue regarding STRAIGHT, Inc and the $$$ is second, then the justice agenda would follow that all in rapid succession. So here you have a kid who just got out of the STRAIGHT, Inc. brainwashing treatment machine standing next to Bush. Why is it that out of ALL of the 'successful' rehabists (not real word, but what else are they called?) in the country, the white house hosted a kid from a STRAIGHT, Inc. spinoff. Considering John Walters was talking about rules getting tightened for prescription meds and all the connections the white house has to the DFAF, etc... Come on, it's very relevant here. Looks to me that Bush fully supports the program and this was proof positive. BTW, I've heard people say that he doesn't. In my mind, this is significant.

The treatment part of the program is the SAME. If the corporation is not named STRAIGHT, Inc, then oh well... no biggie. They are simply playing semantics and shell games. Remember "the bottom line"? Well, in this case, it is that the program is supported by the US Government, REGARDLESS of what the damn corporate name is. Wouldn't this lead folks to think that maybe the consipiracy theorists out there have something right? Seriously though, it may be worth a second look. Antigen???????? Any thoughts on this?

ideas for replacement subject line:








I have always said and told you that bush was/is in on the whole damn thing. Of course he is: This was a big deal in the tv media recently. They made a big deal of bushie-boy coming out and making a speech and releasing that "adolescent drug use" has dropped significantly. He made a whole speech about it. I saw it.
I also saw the straight/seed inc. robot that ye are speaking of speaking with bushie boy on tv. It was ridiculous. Yet on Pathway's website they claim that drug abuse with adolescents is on the rise still. They contradict themselves at every turn. It is simply amazing!
Busie boy claims drug usage is down, pathway claims it is on the rise. Bushie boy wants the credit for it being down b/c his family and the Reagans and beyond the Reagans have been nutruring this type of mind torture for so long. Teri Nissley of Pathway was a former STRAIGHT INC. PARENT and has no credentials other than this to run a drug rehab. The board members are brainwashed just like they were with tri-state drug rehabilitation and counseling programs, etc.....and.....some board members I am sure are probably the same. Our government wants everyone to think the same and have mindless actions run by the machine.
They encourage ODADAS to recertify khk even with 13 deficencies.
They take people to secret prisons and torutre them without a trial without due process. Why on earth would any of this be hard for anyone to believe. It is happening all around us.
I am enraged and remain so because I am an american and this is the country where I was born. I will remain enraged until we can take our counrty back from this whole mess of neanderthal meglamaniacs!

BTW - I do not care if I have typos or misspellings here right now.
I needed to vent about this and show how angry this crap gets me.
Let my anger show through in my misspellings and typos for all I care. I type very fast when I am angry, and I will not apologize for caring about my country to anyone.
These are my stream of consciousness thoughts about the whole Govt./Straight thing.
Pink floyd new way back when in singing about "the machine".
George Orwell new it way further back than pinkie when he wrote 1984.

I am downright pissed off that the "Illuminati" or the "Elite" are running/ruining our beautiful beloved country and our beautiful beloved children.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"So, you can make me cum ...that doesn\'t make you, Jesus"....Tori Amos copyright
Read about Pathway Family Centers here.

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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bush supporting straight today...
« Reply #6 on: January 02, 2008, 08:52:05 PM »
I get it....really....I understand profoundly...I am as much a part of this goverment sponsored mind fuck as anyone...and have been for a long time....a long time. Not to dismiss those that got invoved after I did....its just a chronological fact that I got there when I did.

I do not dispute the spin off programs, I do not knock the efforts of others to expose them for what they are. Yet, a simple header (inaccurate), and a pasted URL (with no explaination).....well.....maybe, just maybe a wee bit more thought could have gone into it. The heated passion behind the effort may have spoken volumes.

Yeah, it sucks sometimes to take a few moments and pound out an idea on a keyboard....But the impact it has is far greater when we do! Maybe, if an idea is itching at us, demanding to be posted and time is of the essence....perhaps it would be best to wait....give it more thought and then let it fly. I am of the opinion we are all extremely intellegent peoples. As such when that intellegence is harnessed and focused we speak with authority. Because our experience backs up our own words, we speak with authority. When genuine authority  speaks people listen!....I believe we all possess that authority....we are foolish if we do not speak it and act upon it. (just my opinion....I have been known to be wrong)

If I may use my experience in art based forums. When an image is posted, with no history or explaination....all I can really hope for at best is a one or two word responce...."Cool" or "That Sucks" neither very helpfull or informative...On the other hand, if I respond in such a manner with "Cool" or "That Sucks"....I am not really being of any help to someone perhaps just as starved for input as I am.

There is so much passion here, there is so much raw emotion revolving around Straight Inc and it's many spin off's and it's many shit heads....Dont we as posters and readers ....not to mention surviors deserve just a lil more effort? An explaination? Accuracy? Reasoning?

I try not to come across as harsh or unreasonable. Generally, i read and respond to post about 5 or 5:30 am....Perhaps I should take my own words and wait until I have more time....then post

My friends, if I can say that...there is more to come, changes are happening within and without....I have much to say...My mind is spinning as I learn more and rage, my anger is just below the surface....I feel as if soon a battle cry will be wailed and a call to arms announced...I dont ask for your forgiveness, nor do I ask anything really, except your patience. As I am able to articulate, that which is forming with in....I will post...I am anxious to do so, as I am most uncomfortable tween my own ears and in the depth of my heart. Most uncomfortable, as if exposing my throat and extending a sword.....But I dont care....because what I do know is that I give less and less of a fuck, everyday!

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right

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bush supporting straight today...
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2008, 10:34:51 PM »

I like this one.

But is there such a thing as a "temporary" host home?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »