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Offline try another castle

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Summit stretches.
« on: December 16, 2007, 08:04:54 AM »
For those of us unfortunate sods who had the additional burden of being responsible for the costumes in the summit stretch exercise, we will most likely have in our notebooks a painstaking description of the stretches, who they were assigned to, and all of the additional behavioral shit that was tailor made to each person. (Although I do believe that other people have that in their notebooks who didn't have to help with costumes. Not sure on that.)

I was one of those people. I had to help the staff participant. (You know, the one who goes through everything with your peer group.) She was in charge of the costumes.

However, not every summit utilized every stretch. There were too many of them.

So, this is a call to all of those costume mules out there who still have their notebooks. Let's pool our resources and see if we can discover every stretch. Granted, none of them will be completely the same, because there were tasks that were assigned to that person based on how the staff viewed their behavior.... or something opposite their behavior, in an effort to take them out of their "comfort zone."

In addition, some characters were unisex. i.e. they had male and female versions, such as raggedy ann and andy, pinnochio and pinnochia, etc.

The other thing that blew me away about this was the ridiculous amount of minutia that had to be dealt with in the construction of our costumes. A task that we only had a few hours to accomplish.

Before I list our stretches, here is a copy of the guidelines:

Totally in agreement. No private areas or possessions are to be taken. Both lodges, decks and major work areas are off limits. No one is to know what is going on. All agreements are in effect. Totally responsible for buddy. Taped area is off limits. Costumes made to last. Have 3 hours to do this stretch. At 1:15, no one is left in this room.

Anyway, here were the stretches in my workshop:

Superman comes to party dressed as Clark Kent working on assignment. Brings newspaper. Wears hat. Rumpled suit. Unsure, insecure. Clark Kent must bring a phone booth. Must be big enough to change in. Wear superman clothes. Once he changes, say superman speech "faster than a speeding bullet.." Find someone in distress and do a good deed. Then changes back to Clark Kent and looks for Lois.

Pinnochia must dress as a little girl. Shorts w/suspenders. Knee socks. shoes. strings attached to every major joint in her body. She wants to become real. Has nose that grows every time she lies or manipulates. The bigger the nose, the less real she is. Sings "I got no strings". Skips around party and lies, tells  untrue stories, flirts with guys. When they respond, she rejects them. She is in charge of the girls bathroom.

Peter Pan: Come to party dressed in green pixie tunic exactly thigh length. Green tights. Pointy hat w/feather. Green shoes (elfin). Also must bring an attached shadow. Spend time at party being fun and irresponsible kid, singing "I won't grow up". Must bring a hand made gift for everyone at party.

Winnie the Pooh comes dressed like a bear, overstuffed. Real chubby. Whiskers. Bear ears. Has a shirt that says Pooh. (It's a) little too small. Has honey pot. Trying to get everyone to like his honey. Kind  until someone says "no" and then he explodes on them, then goes into corner and pouts, "nobody loves me, nobody understands me, I can't trust anybody." Then goes back to party. He carries sack with him, his precious shit. Weighs a minimum of 10 pounds. Tries to make everyone else feel sorry for him. (Weight that represents shit.)

Dudley Doright wears a red jacket w/black chest band. Wears gun. Black pants with single stripe goes down the outside. Badge. Mountee cap. White gloves. Shiny boots. Brings his horse. Impeccably dressed. Must have a whistle. Any time at the party blows his whistle 3 times. Shouts "I am right, and you are wrong. When you are wrong, I am right. Because I'm Dudley Doright of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police." (Also) looking for Sweet Nell.

Luke Skywalker wears total white including the shoes. Luke looks at and sees only the light in people. Very neat and clean. Will receive a manicure from somebody else invited. Says "May the force be with you." Sings the star wars theme music until he finds someone in trouble, helps them, and moves on. Must come with a light saber that really sheds light. Talks about forgiveness and the force within. Periodically, he will be overcome by dark force from past and must fight Darth. After each battle, make peace and move on.

Cinderella wears Cinderella cleaning woman rags. Cleaning floor, keeping room clean and neat. Supplies, cleaning stuff. Down and messy hair. Constantly facing floor, talks about how sad her life is. Talks about her mother. How she always wants to quit. When Luke says "May the force be with you and you are beautiful", she turns into a princess. High heels, hair out of face. Tiara. Long gown. Dance with your prince at the ball. Doesn't stay Cinderella. Someone gongs clock 12 times. She must turn back into cleaning woman before 12.

King Arthur. Party in Camelot. Host of the party. Dress as king w/cape, crown, shoes. Very neat. Carries excalibur. Represents love and generosity. Brings shield w/eagle & heart. Goes to all characters - talks about Camelot, the dream, round table, importance of knights, says "this is the time of King Arthur, and by god, I shall be king." Gets royal haircut from Pinnochia. Will get a royal manicure from a character.

Indiana Jones wears leather jacket, whip gloves. Hat that Indy would wear. Boots and a gun. Come with real hair on his chest and arms. Dashing, handsome, adventurous. Takes chances, nothing he won't do. Looking for Ark. (It) represents all the love and peace in world. Must bring ark - includes secrets of peace. Talks of all the women waiting for him in all parts of the world. Comes with a black book with 8 (at least) names, address and phone numbers of girls waiting for him.

Annie Oakley: She is nothing but fun, outrageous, wild, (tells) dirty jokes. Out of control. Wears cowgirl hat. Two guns. Wears vest, cowgirl shirt. Cowgirl boots with spurs. Wears hair in two braids with two bows. Direct power into life. Fun, outrageous and obnoxious. Always saying "I have the power to do anything I want, anytime I want to." Brings her own dead horse. When she feels especially bitchy, she kicks dead horse. Assisting with all of the costumes.

Tarzan wears leopard skin loincloth, long and untidy hair, bare-chested, bare-legged. Brings club and vine that he swings on. Outrageous and powerful. Looking for adventure. Tries to bring value and beauty. Yells tarzan call. Looking for Jane. Can only use primitive, jungle-like phrases. Must bring a cage. He gets into his cage, starts talking about negative thinking and about how he tricks people to think he's giving. Also wear 6 inch key, so he can get himself out.

Raggedy Andy wears exactly Raggedy Andy (clothes). Shorts with suspenders, red and white striped shirt, red yarn for hair, big smile, lashes painted on eyes, big rouge cheeks. Come with knee socks that match shirt. Little boy type shoes. Sailor cap that wont fall off. Completely silent. Anybody can play with you, drag you around, put you into any position they want.

Dorothy wears cute knee-length dress, ruby slippers. Wears her hair in braids with matching bows. Little white ankle socks. Brings her dog Toto in a basket. Always singing "Somewhere over the rainbow". Knows song by heart. Looking outside of herself for her home. Sometimes stands and clicks her heels together 3 times with hands on cheeks, saying "There's no place like home." Kind to everyone at the party. Looking for Oz. When she's scared she goes to Oz. Talks about how home is within each of us. Talks about how we each have a home inside of us. In charge of putting away all costumes.

Quasimodo has a hump, drags himself around, really ugly and distorted. Wears cape with hood. Drools. Has beauty inside and he wants to share it with people. Brings a little bell that he rings. Every time he rings it, he says "sanctuary". He likes to touch the beauty of people at the party and of course they run away. Keep break room in order, helps put costumes back.

Scarecrow: stuffed with man made straw. Clumsy, tripping all the time, dependent on dorothy. Trying to find Oz to get his brain. Sings "If I only had a brain." Every time he falls, says "I'm so stupid, I'll never get this right." When he sees everyone else enjoying life, he goes into a rage for at least 15 seconds. Responsible to clean up room after party and the boys bathroom.

Wizard of Oz: Man of many faces. Has all kinds of contraptions to make noise, flashing lights. Stays behind a stationary screen at all times. He's always giving answers to people that are confusing, elaborate, dishonest answers. Wizardly language. Must have directions for dorothy to go home. Has a Phd of psychology for scarecrow. This Oz is very disconnected. He becomes unplugged. Has extension cord tied around his waist. Occasionally he comes out from behind screen, has hysterical fit. Then says "Don't pay any attention to that man behind the screen."

Glenda: Good witch with bad witch blood. Wears long beautiful gown, high heels, hair up on her head. Wears tiara. Smiles at everyone. Makes nasty put-downs, rejections, constantly with a smile. Very kind to the Oz group, though. Finds fault with everyone. Doesn't use foul language. Brings a fishing pole. Has at least 6 hooks on the pole. Each has a beautiful red heart on it, with names of boys she's hooked. Each heart is two inches in width. Brings four different witch outfits with obvious design labels. Assist with the girls bathroom.

Tin Man wears tin all over his body. Totally covered. Must carry oil can and safe axe. Looking for his heart. Sings "If I only had a heart". Wears funnel. Very protective of all Oz characters. Every time he is touched, he cries and rusts. Goes to Oz to get heart. Oiled by dorothy. Will receive haircut from Annie Oakley.

Wonder Woman has silver bracelets, big, 2 inches thick. Represents her power. Wears leotard tights with boots. Wide, sparkling headpiece, huge belt buckle, stars all over her leotard top. At least a dozen. Has a lasso. Whoever she catches in her lasso must tell the truth. Sings wonder woman song and twirls. Can't quite give to herself. After someone tells the truth, she doubts herself and says to herself "I tricked him/her. I can't trust my own power." Gives very powerful manicure to Luke and Arthur. Must be in charge of costumes. Bring at least 21 toll house cookies 3" in diameter.

Mad Hatter. Wear white shirt, vest, bow tie, top hat w/large rabbit ears. Have 8" diameter pocket watch w/chain, shiny shoes, exactly 15" long, w/nice slacks. Constantly in motion. Says "There's never enough" and "I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date." Speaks very fast. Dings 12 times for cinderella. Rings phone for Clark Kent. "Never enough time."

Mr. Rogers: Wear nice pair of slacks, coat and tie and nice pair of polished shoes. Create space in party that represents his home. When enters, change into a button down sweater and sneakers. Sings "A beautiful day in the neighborhood." Speaks very slowly. Very safe to be around him. Very safe and slow. Gentle. Brings everyone into his home to show all the toys for children. Tells them stories. Has written 3 stories that he reads to people when they visit him. Whenever he comes out, he has to change. Tries to get people to come to his home.

I actually started to feel ill writing this. I used to look upon the stretch experience as really the only relatively fun thing in the summit. Then when I read my notebook again I was like "Wow, this is uh... pretty sadistic." and remembered how exhausting the party was, how we were scrambling to get our costumes together. How we had to present our costumes to the staff, which they went over meticulously, looking for any error or inaccuracy that did not meet the assigned guidelines. i.e. the tin man's armor keeps falling off, Wonder Woman's toll house cookies aren't 3" in diameter, etc. Then we had to go back and fix whatever they found wrong with it before the party could start. And then the party itself was so fucking draining, going around having to repeat the same actions, loudly, to music. Or, in the case of raggedy andy, do nothing at all and let people touch you and move you around.

Whatever. I was wrong. It was not fun. It never was. The only bright moment was that some people did their stretch brilliantly in terms of utilizing some really great humor. The guy in our group who had to be the wizard was the best by far, because he was really creative and could come up with a lot of very funny contraptions. It also seemed that he was making fun of the fact that he was assigned this silly thing to begin with.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Rugby Punk

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2007, 12:18:09 AM »
For whatever reason I don't remember it being called 'stretches', but that could be the difference between Cedu and RMA.

I was superman. I did actually have fun with mine and had some good help with my costume. red spray painted Jordans for my super boots. I wrote some funny lines in my reporters notebook to say outloud and it got some laughs. I also kept pretending to be on the phone in the booth and talking to Batman about partying and doing Wonder Woman. (We didn't have the Wonder Woman character, or stretch, in our group.)
It now comes back to me that I had one of the easier characters and that some people had it really brutal. Like the Pooh character, we had two staff women going thru the propheets with us and one had a real weight issue. She was Pooh, and man could you tell she was in agony. She was usually pretty arrogant and condescending, but still nice. This just sunk her so low and broke her down. I'll never forget it. They really ripped on her.
It makes me think about some of the posts on here from former staff about behind the scenes political shit. I think maybe she had an epiphany and rebelled a little before the workshop and this was her comeuppance.

Guns?? Where the hell were you supposed to get guns? They must've stopped that at Cedu before my time. I don't remember the manicures or haircuts either.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
he Fog of Cedu RS 89-91

Offline stina

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Re: Summit stretches.
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2007, 12:47:31 AM »
Quote from: ""try another castle""
Superman comes to party dressed as Clark Kent working on assignment. Brings newspaper. Wears hat. Rumpled suit. Unsure, insecure. Clark Kent must bring a phone booth. Must be big enough to change in. Wear superman clothes. Once he changes, say superman speech "faster than a speeding bullet.." Find someone in distress and do a good deed. Then changes back to Clark Kent and looks for Lois.

We had Superman, I was in charge of turning him into Superman, I'd say "ring! ring!" and he'd have to go change. I tortured the poor guy, had some fun. Other than that it was just like you wrote.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
Peter Pan: Come to party dressed in green pixie tunic exactly thigh length. Green tights. Pointy hat w/feather. Green shoes (elfin). Also must bring an attached shadow. Spend time at party being fun and irresponsible kid, singing "I won't grow up". Must bring a hand made gift for everyone at party.

This was hiiiilarious. Our Peter Pan was super cocky, and the role fit perfectly. Same outfit you describe, except for some reason he didn't wear a shirt, he had to keep looking for his shadow, had to skip around singing "I won't grow up, I don't want to go to school, you can't make me". Had to go around admiring the man values in others but scared to be a responsible man. Made excuses why he can't be loving. He rang the bell 12 times to turn our Cinderella into a princess.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
Winnie the Pooh comes dressed like a bear, overstuffed. Real chubby. Whiskers. Bear ears. Has a shirt that says Pooh. (It's a) little too small. Has honey pot. Trying to get everyone to like his honey. Kind  until someone says "no" and then he explodes on them, then goes into corner and pouts, "nobody loves me, nobody understands me, I can't trust anybody." Then goes back to party. He carries sack with him, his precious shit. Weighs a minimum of 10 pounds. Tries to make everyone else feel sorry for him. (Weight that represents shit.)

Ours was always looking for tigger and Christopher Robin. He was the one who had to bring homemade gifts for everyone.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
Dudley Doright wears a red jacket w/black chest band. Wears gun. Black pants with single stripe goes down the outside. Badge. Mountee cap. White gloves. Shiny boots. Brings his horse. Impeccably dressed. Must have a whistle. Any time at the party blows his whistle 3 times. Shouts "I am right, and you are wrong. When you are wrong, I am right. Because I'm Dudley Doright of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police." (Also) looking for Sweet Nell.

:rofl: We didn't have this one, but it sounds pretty brutal.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
Cinderella wears Cinderella cleaning woman rags. Cleaning floor, keeping room clean and neat. Supplies, cleaning stuff. Down and messy hair. Constantly facing floor, talks about how sad her life is. Talks about her mother. How she always wants to quit. When Luke says "May the force be with you and you are beautiful", she turns into a princess. High heels, hair out of face. Tiara. Long gown. Dance with your prince at the ball. Doesn't stay Cinderella. Someone gongs clock 12 times. She must turn back into cleaning woman before 12.

Had this one too.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
Indiana Jones wears leather jacket, whip gloves. Hat that Indy would wear. Boots and a gun. Come with real hair on his chest and arms. Dashing, handsome, adventurous. Takes chances, nothing he won't do. Looking for Ark. (It) represents all the love and peace in world. Must bring ark - includes secrets of peace. Talks of all the women waiting for him in all parts of the world. Comes with a black book with 8 (at least) names, address and phone numbers of girls waiting for him.

Had this one.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
Dorothy wears cute knee-length dress, ruby slippers. Wears her hair in braids with matching bows. Little white ankle socks. Brings her dog Toto in a basket. Always singing "Somewhere over the rainbow". Knows song by heart. Looking outside of herself for her home. Sometimes stands and clicks her heels together 3 times with hands on cheeks, saying "There's no place like home." Kind to everyone at the party. Looking for Oz. When she's scared she goes to Oz. Talks about how home is within each of us. Talks about how we each have a home inside of us. In charge of putting away all costumes.

This one too.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
Glenda: Good witch with bad witch blood. Wears long beautiful gown, high heels, hair up on her head. Wears tiara. Smiles at everyone. Makes nasty put-downs, rejections, constantly with a smile. Very kind to the Oz group, though. Finds fault with everyone. Doesn't use foul language. Brings a fishing pole. Has at least 6 hooks on the pole. Each has a beautiful red heart on it, with names of boys she's hooked. Each heart is two inches in width. Brings four different witch outfits with obvious design labels. Assist with the girls bathroom.

This was mine, Glenda the good witch gone bad. I didn't have the fishing pole or have to have 4 other outfits though (Thank god). But yeah, smiles constantly, no hair in my face, tiara, gown, the whole thing. All my comments are judgmental negative shit. I was kind to Dorothy and the Cowardly Lion. Talked shit about everyone else. When someone told me I was beautiful I'd find a reason that I wasn't. Found fault with everyone. I was responsible for the girls costumes.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
Wonder Woman has silver bracelets, big, 2 inches thick. Represents her power. Wears leotard tights with boots. Wide, sparkling headpiece, huge belt buckle, stars all over her leotard top. At least a dozen. Has a lasso. Whoever she catches in her lasso must tell the truth. Sings wonder woman song and twirls. Can't quite give to herself. After someone tells the truth, she doubts herself and says to herself "I tricked him/her. I can't trust my own power." Gives very powerful manicure to Luke and Arthur. Must be in charge of costumes. Bring at least 21 toll house cookies 3" in diameter.

Had Wonder Woman, although what's the deal with 21 toll house cookies 3" in diameter? WTF is that all about? Ours didn't have that. And I don't remember anyone getting manicures.

The only one I can add is the Cowardly Lion. He had to dress up like the character (obviously), but the only thing I can remember is that he had to slink around all scared, and all of us were to shout "BOO!" at him occasionally, at which point he'd run into a corner and mutter something for about 10 seconds and then start the whole thing all over again.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
I actually started to feel ill writing this. I used to look upon the stretch experience as really the only relatively fun thing in the summit. Then when I read my notebook again I was like "Wow, this is uh... pretty sadistic." and remembered how exhausting the party was, how we were scrambling to get our costumes together. How we had to present our costumes to the staff, which they went over meticulously, looking for any error or inaccuracy that did not meet the assigned guidelines. i.e. the tin man's armor keeps falling off, Wonder Woman's toll house cookies aren't 3" in diameter, etc. Then we had to go back and fix whatever they found wrong with it before the party could start. And then the party itself was so fucking draining, going around having to repeat the same actions, loudly, to music. Or, in the case of raggedy andy, do nothing at all and let people touch you and move you around.

Whatever. I was wrong. It was not fun. It never was. The only bright moment was that some people did their stretch brilliantly in terms of utilizing some really great humor. The guy in our group who had to be the wizard was the best by far, because he was really creative and could come up with a lot of very funny contraptions. It also seemed that he was making fun of the fact that he was assigned this silly thing to begin with.

I think it's funny, and I'm allowed to think it's funny because I had to participate, but it was definitely not fun. It was brutal. And so fucking exhausting. And then didn't we have to get up and do it by ourselves for the whole group? Am I making that up?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

Offline try another castle

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2007, 01:10:03 AM »
Guns?? Where the hell were you supposed to get guns? They must've stopped that at Cedu before my time. I don't remember the manicures or haircuts either.

They were toy guns. Of course, there were three people who needed to have a gun with their costume, one needed two, and the other two needed one each. Guess how many toy guns there were available in the costume heap? Three. I had to fashion my second one out of a broken fishing pole and some oak tag to mimic the handle, trigger and revolver chamber.

And then didn't we have to get up and do it by ourselves for the whole group? Am I making that up?

Yeah, we did. Just like the contract exercise. And then when we got it "right", they crowd surfed us to "fame".

I sometimes wonder if this exercise ever caused a survivor to get into cosplay. Lord, I hope not. Cosplay is such a joke.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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no, not making that up
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2007, 01:17:24 AM »
not called the stretches here; but yeah 'the party', and actually that story I told you about sticking up for my 'whore' friend was from this 'cause they made her dress up like red light style i think; but eventually i lost it with them over it.

my friend was peter pan and thats ironic now b/c it was sort of supposed to be like he wouldn't ever grow up, but now he owns a comic book store.

we also had a convict with a ball and chain, a fat guy that had to dress up like a chip 'n dale and do like a strip tease dance thing for dollar bills (not real ones of course); and one of the guys who was always joking around had to do like a ballet dance to pachabel or something...Sir Lancelot, sest moyle sest moyle (cest moil, cest moil) I will rule my kingdom strong speech something...what seems like maybe a baby or something, this one kid, we got grouped up to do the costumes but for a diaper it was like a cut up blanket or something and you could like totally see his ass falling out and stuff, haha poor guy.

they didnt go to individual songs though.  once you got it right they played neil diamond alive and you did the flying thing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stina

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2007, 01:26:46 AM »
Quote from: ""try another castle""
And then didn't we have to get up and do it by ourselves for the whole group? Am I making that up?

Yeah, we did. Just like the contract exercise. And then when we got it "right", they crowd surfed us to "fame".

We were crowd surfed to the Rocky theme. God I remember being so jazzed about the whole thing. It took forever to get mine right though. I think I got up there over a dozen times.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

Offline try another castle

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2007, 02:40:49 AM »
Quote from: ""stina""
Quote from: ""try another castle""
And then didn't we have to get up and do it by ourselves for the whole group? Am I making that up?

Yeah, we did. Just like the contract exercise. And then when we got it "right", they crowd surfed us to "fame".

We were crowd surfed to the Rocky theme. God I remember being so jazzed about the whole thing. It took forever to get mine right though. I think I got up there over a dozen times.

I lucked out. I only had to do it once. When I told my dirty joke, it cracked Stacy up and she flipped on the stereo. (I was Annie Oakley)

If memory serves, the joke was "what can life savers do that a man can't? come in five different flavors."

I will say, however, that as someone who is a cum connoisseur, that is totally not true.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stina

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #7 on: December 17, 2007, 03:18:59 AM »
Quote from: "try another castle"
Quote from: ""stina""
Quote from: ""try another castle""
And then didn't we have to get up and do it by ourselves for the whole group? Am I making that up?

Yeah, we did. Just like the contract exercise. And then when we got it "right", they crowd surfed us to "fame".

We were crowd surfed to the Rocky theme. God I remember being so jazzed about the whole thing. It took forever to get mine right though. I think I got up there over a dozen times.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
I lucked out. I only had to do it once. When I told my dirty joke, it cracked Stacy up and she flipped on the stereo. (I was Annie Oakley)

I can totally see you being Annie Oakley. Yeah, my Summit was with Ned and Vicki, I don't think I've ever hated her more in my life than when she kept telling me to sit down cause I wasn't getting it right. That picture of her grinning on her new website was traumatizing.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
If memory serves, the joke was "what can life savers do that a man can't? come in five different flavors."

you did not.

Quote from: ""try another castle""
I will say, however, that as someone who is a cum connoisseur, that is totally not true.

Honeydew melon, if you didn't already know this as a cum connoisseur, actually makes it taste better. So do grapes. So I've heard.

Castle, are you up right now? I want to talk to you about something. check your pm if you are.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2007, 12:01:57 AM »
I was Princess Leia.  I was the last one to 'get it.'  I can't remember much else on the part.  Oh, when you 'got it' they all lifted you up crowd-surfing style.  

Boy, I sure am feeling like an amnesiac here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stina

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Re: stretches
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2007, 01:53:20 AM »
Quote from: ""Siphi""
I was Princess Leia.  I was the last one to 'get it.'  I can't remember much else on the part.  Oh, when you 'got it' they all lifted you up crowd-surfing style.  

Boy, I sure am feeling like an amnesiac here.

yeah, it's weird how much memory you lose about that place.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I used to be Snow White but I drifted.

Offline alia23

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2007, 02:31:38 AM »
i was the cowardly lion

i don't remember what anyone else was

i dont remember my costume rules

i had to be brown all over, have a tail, i had to make lemonade with no seeds

they said i did a good job, it was like god had come down from heaven and blessed me personally for rudy bentz to compliment my fucking lemonade.

what mother fucking ass holes.

they made me the cowardly lion, as if to mock how much they terrified me.

such cruelty.  nicely packaged, high cost cruelty.  and uncle sam took his cut, and all the paperwork was just so, and it was all A OK.  

thats why the neighbors never came busting the doors down, CEDU was an established member of the economic community and had been sanctioned by our own preisthood in this facist faithist society.

cedu is a cult, so is neo conservativism, so are most of the decision making communities on the planet generally.

in my opinion, cults are what happen when people try to rule over one another, rather than respecting each individual's liberty.   cults are the system of controlling someone's behavior by social beleifs and rules rather than physical force, so america is a cult, keeping us running this dirty machine we're all in that is eating the planet.

we are all back in cedu right now, but this time we can do something about it and change it.  we aren't teenagers anymore, and more is at stake than a 2.5 year detour, the future of america is at stake, i feel.

we must change our course or we will be as miserable as we were there and more so.  call your senator, impeach bush and cheney, block the 5 billion dollars they are trying to give to the nuclear industry to build more power plants, stop them from completely privatizing the media, there are bad people like Mel doing worse things than mel did and using YOUR tax dollars to do it!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
your silence will not protect you

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« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2007, 02:58:54 AM »
i couldnt agree more.  except i think it so much bigger than the president stuff (but you meant that).

yeah; with you; when can we start?

ahhhh, almost signed my real name to that one...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline nashari

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #12 on: December 21, 2007, 03:13:48 PM »
I was oz... and had fun with mine.... i found everything annoying, loud, drumsticks, bells, and had fun with it.... they hadn't broken me down in 2 and a half years, and they definately weren't going to do it in the summit... lol.  "I never snitched on noone!!!", and since i was good at decieving people to yell at me about being a flirt, or not having true intentions, blah blah blah, I was able to be everyone's scapegoat, and smoke my cigarettes, do my drugs, and be left alone to do them in peace.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
n reality as in dreams, nothing is quite what it seems. -The Book of Counted Sorrows

Offline AuntieEm2

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #13 on: December 28, 2007, 06:39:48 PM »
Alia wrote:
such cruelty. nicely packaged, high cost cruelty.

This whole thread creeps me out--makes me ill, as Castle said. Using icons from childhood to drive home the message about conforming? Appalling.
Auntie Em
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Tough love is a hate group.
"I have sworn...eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." -Thomas Jefferson.

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Summit stretches.
« Reply #14 on: December 28, 2007, 08:29:53 PM »
Quote from: ""AuntieEm2""
Alia wrote:
such cruelty. nicely packaged, high cost cruelty.

This whole thread creeps me out--makes me ill, as Castle said. Using icons from childhood to drive home the message about conforming? Appalling.
Auntie Em

The cruelest of ironies is that, for the longest time, even fifteen years after being there, and even after knowing full well that the program was fucked up, I thought the costume party was the most fun part of the summit. Which isn't saying much, I know, but still way off-kilter to even think that.

Maybe it's because I'm a drama queen? One of the things I was most well known for as a child was my huge collection of costumes, which I would wear for no special occasion at all, except to be fabulous.

So yes, RMA excelled at doing a little bit of revisionist history when it came to childhood icons and passions.

The children's propheet and the imagine were the most brutal examples of this. Interestingly enough, the Children's propheet was my favorite, since I was a total inner-child whore and a big time fan of arrested development. I was playing with GI Joes way past the recommended age. (Up to 16. I still have them. As well as all of my star wars figures and ships.) Now, of course, this is incredibly trendy since Otaku is so chic. Yay for me.

I mean, fuck, man. I even *supported* in a Childrens.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »