Author Topic: My elan youtube video  (Read 2525 times)

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Offline dirtysoap

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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My elan youtube video
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2007, 08:02:36 PM »
Edited out by OP :shamrock:
« Last Edit: January 29, 2011, 05:36:09 AM by »

Offline dirtysoap

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« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2007, 08:39:57 PM »
hey there. yeah I agree I just felt that I wanted to put something up there as soon as I saw their videos. Yes it looks slapped together but I felt the need to have something there to make somebody question elan if they were potentially going to send their kid there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline java.gurl

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« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2007, 11:54:38 PM »

I've yet to read the blog. Anyone that remembers me from Elan KNOWS without a doubt I was the MOST "abused" chick there. I came THIS close to breaking in a hardcore way a few times (suicide) BUT I held on. I knew I would be out of there sooner THAN later, Ct. could NOT hold me there FOREVER AND my dad was getting suspicious about the joint and my letters that had pages missing and the cryptic phone call about putting me in the ring for undisclosed reasons and Tania told my dad "I just need you to say yes, say yes" He said "NO". She went on and on and on and on to the house and her coordinators about getting me in the ring and teaching me a lesson in the ring and getting so and so to kick my ass in the ring and she sold fucking tickets to my ring and guess what? There was no ring for me. My dad said "NO". He said "What did she do? Why did she do it? What led up to it? What did they do to her to make her act in such a way? Can I come and see her and this ring? I want to talk to her first, Etc.." Tania refused and he in turn refused her request of him.

Listen, that place was all about the abuse and mental intimidation. People stick up for Elan. They say Elan did NOT abuse kids and the kids that say this are liars and pathetic and need to get over themselves and grow up and move on. Some say "Tomatoe" some say "Tomahtoe".....

I say that telling a girl that just found out her friend died that she "will never be 1/2 the person her dead friend was and that she was a loser and it should of been her" is not justified nor deserved. Here you are in charge of young kids life's and you say this to them?
Tania spoke out of a bitter place. She would take on pet projects and when they failed her she took it mucho personally and that person was in the dog house with her till they left. Rarely would they get in her good graces again. it took much ass licking to do it.

Maybe the place had a good thing planned but when they incorporated all of the "Fuck you's" and "Knock on this door" and signs saying "I am a baby" or my fave was this one girls that said "Please ask me why I am a receptacle for men's sperm.........". The girl wearing it was all of 15 or 16. I'll NEVER forget that sign or her humiliation wearing it. I talked to her about it and told her I was so sorry she had to wear it and I thought it was fucked up. I even said something to that effect when she brought it to the house. I said "Isn't that a little crude and harsh" and Marc got all huffy and red faced. I was "I see your thought for it but it seems cruel and counterproductive" needless to say I got a t/t after the house went to bed.  

Some of the shit was geared towards older, drug addicts. People who had seen/lived the ugliness life as a junkie or coke head had to offer. Some of us had seen ugliness in the kids shelters or foster homes or were abused but we were far from street savvy junkies and crack heads at that point. I say there was maybe 1 or 2 genuine substance abusers when I was there. I was there a long time too.  One kid had a shot liver and was like 17 maybe 16. I hope he is OK today. We saw ugliness but we were kids. We were still growing in all ways. Our minds were not done forming yet. We should not of been put in the same therapeutic category as the older, drug addicted, hardened criminals Daytop was caring for.

A lot of us needed Ritalin not GM's. For crying out loud there were some truly tapped kids there. Their mental states were bad and they were left to rot and called horrendous names and treated awful all because they could not control their mental illness. It was not a ploy or act or image it was a bonafide issue and they taught us kids to attack one another like rabid pit bulls after 1 piece of raw beef! It was sad and scary and I felt like I was under the gun. I felt like I was on some look goods' radar 24/7. I was sarcastic and a smart ass and I was primo fresh meat for these kids that wanted to look good and move up in the dichotomy. I was pissed at life for putting me in this spot (whether it was right or not) I thought life was giving me a raw deal and for me agreeing to go here and I was not shy about letting the world know what I thought and felt no matter the consequences. Shit, I was a kid. I had yet to learn how to control my impulses and use things to better myself and my situation with as little hassle as possible. I was all of 14.
I needed to learn and deal with what made me act out as a kid. And getting called a fucking bitch was not my therapy. Sadly I got to waste all that time and deal with life when I got out of Elan. Now I had MORE on my plate and I was 17.

Good luck with your lawsuit. I say "GO for it!" but I hold little faith you will actually shut the joint down. Unless there is proof of actual sexual and physical abuse, starvation (not just bad food), slave labor, keeping us from sleep for days on end, depriving us of basic needs, then there is no merit in most people eyes for shutting a place down. I am on your side 110% and I am also sadly realistic.

I'd LOOOOOVVEEE to have my say as a adult on a even playing ground with people like Tania and Hiram and Marty and Marc and Pete Rowe but I wonder if that will ever happen.
Oh well....It's always nice to dream huh??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dirtysoap

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My elan youtube video
« Reply #4 on: December 03, 2007, 01:16:52 AM »
thanks for your message. i hope you can one day feel the satisfaction of knowing that there is one less place around to waste and abuse the minds of adolescents. I'll keep you posted.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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My elan youtube video
« Reply #5 on: December 03, 2007, 05:12:01 PM »
« Last Edit: March 02, 2009, 10:48:36 PM by »

Offline java.gurl

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« Reply #6 on: December 03, 2007, 06:48:18 PM »

I always liked that emoticon cuz it reminds me of groups. Thanx for the kind words
Irish Kitten. I happen to be Irish, like, NO, make that LOVE kittens/cats and Hello Kitty too! LOL.
Hello Kitty is creepy to some because she does not have a mouth. I never thought of it that way.
I remember when I went to live in NYC w/ my pal Josh back in 2001 and we were wandering around Times Square after our bus got there from Hartford and it was like 1 a.m. and I saw a BIG Hello Kitty store!! It was open too! I was in HEAVEN. I picked up a few choice HK items like a wallet and a little key chain and a stuffed animal. That store ROCKS! You can actually design your entire house in Hello Kitty style. They have a "Glamour" HK, "Rock/Punk" HK, "Preppy" HK, "Ghetto Fab" HK, Etc.
Mariah Carey has an entire bathroom that is decked out in all HK gear! I was so "J" when I saw that!
She said her fans send her all of the stuff she has in the bathroom. It is filled with everything imaginable from special collectors items and one of a kind rugs, furniture, shower curtain, chandelier, light bulbs (they have the HK face on them!!), toothbrush's, scales, mirrors, brush/comb sets, bathrobes, every type of knick knack imaginable..It is simply amazing..... :nworthy:  ::mecry::
I've seen HK jewelry that costed 250,000$ for the HK head made with pink diamonds and yellow ones and red ones and sapphires. It was amazing.

Elan totally let kids down that needed psych treatment (yours truly). I remember these 2 kids Sean Dykstra and Sue Norris they were the poster kids for psychiatric issues. God bless their souls. Elan should of been sued up the yang for allowing these 2 to go without medicine and therapy other than "Fuck you, you fucking loser whore bag smelly slut, you piss me off, I hate you, die bitch die". I know that alone was top notch treatment but I think they could of used a more...sensitive approach. I felt SO BAD for them both! People used to joke about them hooking up together they were so similar.

Me too, I had a serious depression thing happening and serious past issues and they were all about the humiliation therapy or ther-rape-me. It was so not therapeutic. To whom? I do not "hate" the kids who come here now and say that we who complain about Elan are wimps and cry babies and losers and need to get over it. I feel for them. To of gone through it all and complied with treating your fellow students like punching bags for a weekly pizza and to never once say out loud "this is not right, isn't there another way?" is sad. I get the entire "survival of the fittest" deal some spew when confronted as to why they never "stuck up" for those getting shit on. I could not sit there like that and play the game and abuse people to move up a position. I HATED being shot down and a worker BUT I always felt like I kept my conscience in tact. I heard people sniffling in their beds at night and I knew what they were crying about. That shit took a toll on you. Whether you were a fuck up like me or a look good coordinator.

We are not losers and pathetic for talking about Elan here. That's what this joint is for. Elan has their special members only site and you can apply for membership if you wanna chew the fat with people who think all of us here at Fornits are whiny losers. I'd rather be here on the WORST days than there on the best!

That place left a majority of us in some sort of trauma after we left. What pisses me off is how they did not offer  any type of after care planning. I mean they did not even talk to you about it if you were NOT graduating. I still never got the remainder of my student bank account. LOL. Maybe Marc shot it up!!

They had a responsibility to care for us and our minds and our souls. They were the ones shouting it from the rooftops how they would take in a trouble asshole kid and send home a great and responsible young adult ready to conquer the world. Well, not all of us were Napoleon. We came in with issues and left with more and were failed all around the board.

What did Elan truly do for people besides housing them and feeding them? Prison did that too. Yeah, maybe a few choice things at Elan will make one pick it over a day in prison. Like the canoe trip or the camping trip I went on. THAT was fun. Linda Roy & Missy Esty took us gals from 3. It was a blast. I had fun and I can admit it. BUT it was away from Elan. We were actually "normal" and not screaming freaks. Asides from trips what else did Elan do for us that was really that special and great? My poor dad. He was older in life when I was born so he was like in his 30's when people like Marty and Marc were trying to be hippies and shoot Heroin and my dad hated hippies! He was a WW2 Navy Vet so he was THAT type. He did not hate ALL hippies he hated those that spit on soldiers back from Nam. That was wrong. Hate the war not the kids doing what they felt was right. They did not know the intricate politics all they wanted to do was fly planes and be on a ship. He saw Marc and was like "isn't he kind of old to be a student here?" I said "daddy he is a counselor". My dad was like "Of what?" I miss my dad...

I know of programs for kids that do great things for the kids and the name is NOT Elan!!

I don't know. It's sad till this day. I'm glad however that people are here and they talk about it and people are cool and give their advice and insight. That's cool. It's nice to know someone gets you. This site is cool. It's not all bad. Shit slips through but it never lingers long. That's life.

Gotta finish forgot actually. Intervention is on tonight...WOO-HOOO...Should be a good one!! I got a crap load of magazines today so that'll keep me busy till 8...Christmas decorating..Christmas shopping...Christmas blows buffalo chinks! It's good for kids bad for everyone else! LOL. If you are kid less and a adult and alone it's depressing. I picture people all alone on Christmas night with no presents or special food or booze and it's sad. It happens more than we realize.

Take care guys & gals...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dishdutyfugitive

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My elan youtube video
« Reply #7 on: December 03, 2007, 07:32:44 PM »
I ate my sister's hello kitty eraser that smelled like gum.

I'd like to ask you, in your professional hello kitty opinion did motorola, in fact, rip off hello kitty when they had that campaign that had the

"hello Moto" saying? ... &plindex=5
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »