To top it off I believe strongly that it is every person's sacred duty to educate themselves regardless of their circumstances.
Being educationally crippled by forced attendance in a public school is hardly an adequete excuse for not tending to your own education.
That's "adequate"
And it ain't that simple, guy.
People's life situations are idiosyncratic, and comprised of gross limitations.
A famous author’s mother (forget who), circa 1930s, held that cleanliness was always possible; all you needed to do was work at it. Than, she was forced out of her home and wound up in an ethnic ghetto by the turmoil of WW2. She found that the new time constraints, inaccessible resources, and work exhaustion made such a thing impossible. Her house became inevitably dirty, but she gained a more realistic understanding of environmental conditions and their effect on animals/humans. Educating oneself is possible to an extant, but again, dependant on one’s situation, and even then, self education can never equal the one gotten though a reputable university system. This is why we don’t have “self educatedâ€