Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Daytop Village

Another fine example of Daytop Staff in charge of kids

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Now Odie, How many times have I had to tell you your facts are wrong. If you google the issue you will see a number of articles that explain that Daytop did a backround check as well as a license check and for that matter even contacted prior employers. Not One and let me repeat Not one indicated any issue with this person. Now lets take it a step futher. Daytop checked with the licensing board and because his license was not suspended only put on probation no issues showed up. Now, again Odie you have your facts wrong. I also want to point out that Daytop, Nj has littlie if any worry about keeping the beds full. In fact Odie it the complete oppisite. They don't have enough. Most of the time the waiting list is months. SO Odie, I guess it's time you move on from your slander campaign and just accept the fact that you are misinformed.  :rofl:

I don't need to slander Daytop, they do a good job at doing it to themselves. This was just another prime example of what happens when you let the patients run the asylum.

Now Odie, You can do better then that. It's sad that you can't accept the truth. Well just remeber to "Act as If" and in time it will become real!  :P

Troll Control:
Spoken like a true moron, Honesty.  I'm glad you graduated Daytop, as high school would  be out of the question.

Mr. St. John, I can tell that the truth has cut you deep :oops: . When you or your buddy Odie are called on your lies You result to insults.  It's amazing that the both of you spend so much time looking for issues that don't exist. If you think you can just spew your bullshit without anyone calling you on it your wrong. Now for being a graduate, I never claimed to be one. But what if I am? Maybe your just mad :flame:  because you couldn’t complete the program and you continue to fail at Life.


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