Parent: Please be careful of chosing programs, especially out of State.
The State of Utah, in cases of Abuse or Neglect, do nothing.
For instance a few months ago a 14 yr old boy with disablitys died in a Aspen Program, due to Neglect, they did not take his medical problems seriously, and he died alone in a room with a mattress on the floor.
With a medical problem, that could have been taken care of instead they did nothing. Read on Fornits the Youth Care threads. This is common to happen. What happened when licensing finds they did not follow procedure, put them on a 90 day suspension, they will try to make it ok, and are back in business. Most times they shut the program down, and open with a new name, and go merrily on.
Aspen is owned by a California corporation, yet there are not any programs, schools, thereputic programs in California, they are in Utah why? Because California does not allow abuse.
Licensing in Utah says "we need a national language for child abuse".
? What about kids dieing needlessly when they could have been preventable.
It is not just deaths, most youth have many mental abuses, and it does not go away.
You may find that your child will be much worse than when he/she went.
Just a few insights to sending your child to a program, I wish I had the power to write all the data, but I do not.
I have lost someone in my family to these programs, and it never leaves your life.