Author Topic: Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy  (Read 4167 times)

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2007, 02:36:03 PM »

Err, seems Scheff has TWO blogs on the same topic (or as some might say, non-topic given that Whitmore Academy is no longer operating.)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2007, 02:51:17 PM »
Mama Mia - make that 3 BLOGS on Whitmore.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Joyce Harris

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Re-Posting Rebuttal to Scheff's Whitmore Blog
« Reply #3 on: October 11, 2007, 03:47:10 PM »
On July 25, 2007 I wrote what i said was my "final rebuttal" to Sue Scheff's Whitmore blog. Since Scheff has UPDATED her Whitmore blog - I will re-post the rebuttal I posted on July 25, 2007:

This will be my final rebuttal post to Sue Scheff's blog:
"Whitmore Academy - My Experiences"

This blog advertises two (2) additional blogs that will be released:
Scheff's "The Whitmore Academy, THE SECRET, Shhhh"
Zehnder's "Whitmore Academy - Up Close and Personal."

If and when these blogs are posted; I will respoond to them.

In this blog by Sue Scheff, she makes repeated reference to my daughter, who was age 12 when Scheff referred our family to Whitmore Academy; assuring me that she would "place her own daughter at this facility if her daughter required a treatment facility."

Scheff carefully uses words like: "seems" "I heard" "I was told" "may be" "I understand" "claims" "felt" "in my opinion" and of course she slaps on her legal-sounding DISCLAIMER at the end of the blog.

In this blog, Scheff repeatedly states that my little girl "may have been disclosing too much about her home life" at Whitmore.
That I was afraid my daughter "had stories to tell" that I did not want disclosed.
That this little girl felt so safe at Whitmore that she was "disclosing SECRETS!"
Scheff assures her readers that I, the mother "had something to hide...and wanted to keep my secret from coming out."

Scheff describes me as: "CRUELLA DE VILL; aka San Antonio parent ,who destroyed many lives." Along with the cartoon picture.

She advises her readership to "STAY TUNED for more details!"
She asks her readers: "What does she have to hide? Maybe her daughter was telling the truth about her?"

Scheff then gives the name of this upcoming blog that will "reveal all:" THE WHITMORE ACADEMY - THE SECRET, SHHHH

Basically I have this to say:
Sue Scheff claims to be a "child advocate" and she proclaims she "helps to bring families back together" among other things.
Yet: she dares to post such things about a young girl and her mother?

This nonesense about my so-called "secret life" has already been posted on fornits on a few threads...the "popular" one being---
"Joyce Harris is a Slut Woman."

Scheff also states: "This mother wanted to keep her private life private."

That may be the most honest statement Scheff made about me in this blog.
I have the "RIGHT" to my privacy--the same as Sue Scheff.

I have not posted blogs or statements about Sue Scheff's children: .
I haven't posted and asked these types of questions about Scheff:
Why did you place your daughter in Carolina Springs?
Why did you place your son in a Military School?
Why don't/didn't you keep your children home and parent them yourself, like most parents do?
Are the postings on Fornts true---did you abuse your daughter?
Did you suppress documents that might prove you hit your daughter in the face and put your hands around her neck in anger?
What family SECRETS do your children know about YOU?

NO: I don't do that---because; it is none of my business how Sue Scheff parents her children. I assume she has probably done the best she could. I really don't know.
But it certainly is not my place to BLOG about her children on the internet.

I don't post or blog about Sue Scheff's personal life:
I don't know or care if this woman is married, or single.
I have no idea why she got a divorce from her childrens' father.
I don't post her home city on the internet.
I don't know who she may or may not have sex with---her sex life is of no interest to me, WHATSOEVER.
I have no idea why she seems to find mine of such interest: I don't involve her in my personal life---so what's her compllant?

I, Joyce Harris, do not present myself as a CHILD ADVOCATE, or any type of ADVOCATE. I am not in the business of making any type of recommendations to parents in regards to the welfare, or treatment of their children on any levels. I do not own, or work in any type facility that cares for; or treats children.

I do not, and have not ever abused any child.

I am a wife and mother; and yes; I do have the "right" to privacy.

Scheff states that "this mother has a grudge against her."
That is her opinion.

My husband and I made our Statement to ISAC about our experience at Whitmore Academy and with Scheff's company, PURE. We have never revised this factual, true statement since we made it.

I believe this Whitmore blog written by Sue Scheff speaks volumes about who may be carrying a vindicative grudge.

Since I posted this rebuttal - Sue Scheff has been named as a defendant, along with Focal Point Academy, Glen Horlacher, and Boyd Hooper in a lawsuit filed by attorney David Leacock on behalf of the Green family.

It has been posted on Fornits that Sue Scheff's daughter, and son-in-law are working at Harbor Oaks Boarding School as counselors.

Sue Scheff has been removed from CAICA's Advocate of the Month list.

I'm not writing BLOGS on the internet asking Sue Scheff to explain her involvment in the Focal Point lawsuit suit. I'm not BLOGGING and asking Sue Scheff personal questions about her daughter's employment. I'm not BLOGGING and asking Sue Scheff why she was removed from an Advocate's website as Advocate of the Month.

I don't BLOG about this woman's legal problems, or her family's personal life or where they work, or don't work. Why is Scheff so interested in what she views as my "secret private life?"

I wonder if any recent activity in the Whitmore Academy civil case; or perhaps the GAO Investigation and Congressman Miller's hearing - which has brought these abusive treatment facilities to the attention of the nation - may have possibly spurred Ms. Scheff's blogging spirit?
I will simply forward this new "updated" blog ,and my rebuttals along, AGAIN!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Joyce Harris

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Scheff' Whitmore blog - Rebuttal
« Reply #4 on: October 11, 2007, 03:55:36 PM »
Scheff states in the Whitmore blog, "I have visited the Whitmore Academy and Mansion on several occasions."
Scheff also indicated to me in 2004 that she had visited Whitmore Academy in person.
Scheff's testimony in the PURE vs WWASP transcripts seem to indicate something different:

Sue Scheff gave testimony in the WWASP vs PURE trial.
On page 98 of the transcript, reference was made to paragraph three of an Affidavit that was signed by Sue Scheff, and filed on February 16, 2002.

"You never resided in the State of Utah and you had only made one visit to Utah as a tourist ten year previously.
Was that a true statement when you made it?"

Answer by Sue Scheff:
"Yes it was when I made it."

After reading this testimony by Sue Scheff; which I assume it TRUE;
I begin to wonder, and ask:.
If Sue Scheff had not even been in the State of Utah since "ten year previously to the year 2002,:" this would mean that Scheff had not been to Utah since 1992.

We were referred to Whitmore Academy by Sue Scheff in October 2004.
Why did Sue Scheff lie to me when she said she had personally visited Whitmore Academy? Whitmore Academy was not in existence in 1992.
Sue Scheff said to me: "when she walked through the doors of Whitmore Academy, she could feel the love."
Scheff also wrote that "Cherly Sudweeks's smile could light up a room."

Why would Sue Scheff say these things about a personal visit to Whitmore Academy, if she had not actually visited the facility?

I assume her testimony in the WWASP vs PURE trial was true.

Re-posted rebuttal to Sue Scheff's Whitmore Academy blog.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Joyce Harris

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #5 on: October 11, 2007, 04:09:09 PM »
Since Sue Scheff has updated, her Whitmore blog and added my name to it - I wanted to re-address another issue that Scheff wrote about me in her blog:

Sue Scheff wrote in her Whitmore Blog:
"No matter what it is/was;, all of this led to a civil case instigated by this mother."

Scheff is incorrect: The lawfirm representing the Whitmore parents in the civil case against the Sudweeks/Whitmore--HOWARD, LEWIS, & PETERSON -- was initially hired by the parents of the student who first alleged he was abused by the Sudweeks in November 2004 as reported by KLS TV in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Samanatha Hayes Reported on November 30, 2004
"A Troubled Teen Home Investigated for Abuse"
"A facility for troubled teens is under investigation tonight after strong allegations from one boy.
Carol Sisco, Child & Family Services: Our licensing office notified them we intend to revoke their license."

Scheff blog continues:
"What a mess - in the end - the most beautiful program to help families is closed, since it has to handle the legal mess this mother caused, in my opinion."

The Sudweeks did continue to have "legal problems" but I did not cause them.

Kristen Stewart's report in the Salt Lake City Tribune, "Boarding School: she stands accused of child abuse and hazing at now defunct treatment center." on June 11, 2005.
Cheryl Sudweeks was charged with 5 counts of child abuse and 2 counts of hazing against 4 Whitmore students.

Jared Eldridge, the County Attorney did not bring any charges on behalf of my daughter.
I am not privy to why the State of Utah removed the Sudweeks's license to operate Whitmore Academy. Ask them! ... 11.05.html

On September 22, 2006 Linda Thomson's report in the Deseret Morning News, "Plea deal for ex-school operator" reports Cheryl Sudweeks's plea bargain, in which she agreed to not operate a facility in Juab County "for the rest of her life."
In explaining this plea bargain, County Attorney, Jared Eldridge says: "These kids made some allegations of abuse, and I completely believed them. That's why I filed the case."

Again: I had nothing to do with this plea agreement. Why did Cheryl Sudweeks accept a plea bargain, instead of going to trial to prove the innocence she seems/wants to claim? I don't know. ASK HER!

I have no idea WHY or WHEN the Sudweeks decided to close the Whitmore Academy. Again---ASK THEM!!!

Summary: I did not initiate the civil case against the Sudweeks.
ANYONE who says I paid any parents to join this civil case is a LIAR. Anyone who says I paid any parent, or any child/student to lie about the Sudweeks is a LIAR.
My family was not a part of the criminal case against the Sudweeks. My family is not a part of the civil case against the Sudweeks/Whitmore Academy.

NOTE: I had never heard of the Sudweeks in 2001 when Mark Sudweeks was involved in his FELONY Animal Abuse case in Canada: Regina VS Sudweeks; and when the Sudweeks were evicted from Mexico for operating a school without a license.

So: hopefully Sue Scheff will not try to blame these legal problems of the Sudweeks had in these 2 countries on me, too "in her opinion.".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #6 on: October 11, 2007, 04:20:14 PM »
Why doesn't Scheff update her blogs with the news that Focal Point Academy, a program that is actually operating, was recently sued and she, Sue Scheff and her company PURE, are named as DEFENDANTS?

This Whitmore stuff is Y.A.W.N.  old, old news, not worthy of 3 blogs, or even 1, in my opinion.  The program was closed some time ago.  

Is Scheff aware that her friend/associate Isabelle Zehnder deleted her blog on Whitmore leaving her (Sue Scheff) with no real apparent support on this issue that I can see, except her own blogs?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #7 on: October 11, 2007, 04:34:32 PM »
LOLS - Scheff has this link (shown below) on one of her blogs.  IIRC, this was Isabelle's blog on Whitmore, praising the Sudweeks and making claims similar to Scheff's. / More details of Cruella's web of tales.

Think Sue needs a reality check or something.  There ain't no blog called whitmore academy.  Izzy deleted it.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2007, 05:55:30 PM »
Or, Scheff mght could update her blogs with information on Harbor Oaks Boarding School in NC where reportedly her daughter Ashlyn and her new son-in-law work.  Isn't the State of NC investigating this facility, too?

Wonder why Scheff  doesn't blog on Harbor Oaks, and Focal Point Academy- that are open?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Joyce Harris

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Rebuttal Scheff's Whitmore Blog
« Reply #9 on: October 11, 2007, 07:02:23 PM »
Additional Comments from the Director of ISAC, posted on February 16, 2005:

In a telephone conversation on Friday, February 11, 2005 with ISAC Director Shelby Earnshaw, Mark Sudweeks claimed that Joyce Harris "dragged her daughter out [of Whitmore Academy] by the hair."

In the days following, ISAC became aware of statements made by Sue Scheff who reportedly claimed to have a copy of the incident report filed by the Nephi City Police Officer who accompanied Joyce Harris to Whitmore Academy.

Along with this claim, Sue Scheff also reportedly said that the incident report stated that Mrs. Harris had dragged her daughter by the hair.

Sue Scheff also reportedly stated that the police officers investigating the case do not believe Mrs. Harris.

Because ISAC is committed to reporting FACTUAL INFORMATION, Director Shelby Earnshaw spoke directly to the investigator in charge of the case on Tuesday, February 15, 2005.

Among other things, the investigator stated that he believes Joyce Harris is "very credible."

During that conversation, ISAC also learned that due to a clerical error, the incident report in question had never been entered into the computer and DID NOT EXIST prior to ISAC's phone call to the Nephi City Police on February 15, 2005.

Therefore, it would not be possible for Mark Sudweeks or Sue Scheff to have a copy of the report in question.

Today, Wednesday February 16, ISAC obtained a copy of the report made by the Nephi City Police on the night that Joyce Harris removed her daughter from Whitmore Academy.

It is not public record so only excerpts will be posted on this site, however the report supports the fact that statements accusing Mrs. Harris of dragging her daughter by the hair, are false.

On 11-27-04 at approximately 02:21 hours I accompanied Richard and Joyce Harris of San Antonio, Texas to the Whitmore Academy.

When [the child] was about to leave several girls from the academy told Joyce that she couldn't take her. Joyce insisted and began pulling on [the child's] arm as several girls pulled on her other arm to try and keep her there.

Once again the girls told Joyce that she couldn't take her. Joyce pulled on her arm and the other girls pulled her back. [The child] broke loose and swiftly exited the mansion.

In the telephone conversation with Mark Sudweeks on February 11, ISAC informed him that he was welcome to submit a response to the statements made by Joyce Harris.

Mr. Sudweeks conveyed no interest in doing that and has sent no response to date, however he did state several times that ISAC would be hearing from his attorney.

Other people have reported to me that Sue Scheff has verbally repeated this untrue "story" to them about seeing a non-existing police report; and saying that I abused my daughter the night my husband and I removed our daughter from Whitmore Academy, while accompanied by Nephi Police Officer Wright.

I have written rebuttals on Fornits to most of the lies Sue Scheff wrote about me in her blog, Whitmore Academy My Experience. Scheff continues to update this blog; the latest "update" was September 2007.

Hazonmond - according to postings here on Fornits, isn't Ms. Scheff already really busy with other court proceedings; like the Carey Bock appeal -- the case that's been filed again her, Focal Point Academy etc; and some other case connected to State Farm Insurance Company?

Personally, I don't understand the purpose of Scheff continually updating a blog about the DEFUNCT Whitmore Academy, which has been closed for quite some time now; unless this might be a way to annoy the plaintiffs in the on-going Civil Case against the Sudweeks/Whitmore Academy. My family is not involved in that case- .
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #10 on: October 11, 2007, 09:03:59 PM »
Sue is like a pap smear gone bad with all this blogging! Does she shoot up or snort up before dreaming this crap up?

Answer me sue!!! I want to help find you a program to deal with your chronic lying, poor expressed creativity, and herion/coke/crack/cheese whiz addiction!!


At the very least I can help get you a new job. I'm sure some porn flick some where needs a fluffer or two.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #11 on: October 11, 2007, 10:07:10 PM »
The link to the supposed recording is no good either. Guess Sue Scheff doesn't bother to check the links she publishes to support her claims.



« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff and the Whitmore Academy
« Reply #12 on: October 11, 2007, 10:43:52 PM »
SUPPOSED RECORDING.....key phrase.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »