So I called Penelope Valentine this morning and asked her a few questions on the phone about coaching. I don't think she knew who I was, otherwise I doubt she would have talked to me at all.
Among other things I did confirm that Mel Wasserman
definitely created his workshops/seminars from est/Lifespring material (Yes, I know we all knew this long, long ago, but one more confirmation isn't a bad thing).
About coaching, I asked her a few questions about
this page of hers. Among other things, I wanted to know the purpose of this skill that is taught:
"Revealing the Barriers to 'What Is'"
she responded:
"one of the skills when we do our coach training talks about the barriers of parents seeing what is actually in front of them. Parents who have a struggling teen and young adult often are not able to clearly see what is right in front of them so... when we talk about revealing the barriers that's what we do, we talk about what the problem may be, we look at it objectively, how they can assess it... we look at some of the barriers that might, um, be in place which could be, um, expectations that they have for their child... It could be, um. Negative self-judgements, um, it could just be fear of change."
What didn't surprise me at all was that the coaching seemed to be, as she was explaining this, more oriented at coaching the parents than the students.
It's good she paused so much during her speaking... gave me ample time to type it down word for word.