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« on: October 07, 2007, 04:07:40 PM »
Mothers-of-Darkness Castle



Subject:  Fritz Springmeiers Mothers-of-Darkness Castle
Date:  Tue, 13 Jun 2006 02:21:03 -0700 (PDT)
From:  xxxxx Harry
To: or ... s-2005.pdf
Denis Solvay (born on 1 July 1957) is vice-president of the Solvay Group, Chief Executive Officer of Abelag Aviation and Director of Eurogentec (a biotechnology company).
There are more intriguing pieces of information. According to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg official bulletin (28 December 2001), Patrick Solvay, shareholder of the Solvay Group, who lives in the Amerois castle (1, Les Amerois, B-6830 Bouillon (Belgium)) founded a company with Alexander de Wit, on July 3rd 2001. The name of this company is Itaca International. Through this holding company, Patrick Solvay is the main shareholder of The Little Gym, which organizes activities for children with summer and holiday camps. On May 1st 2004, Itaca International’s registered office was transferred to Bertrange (5 rue Pletzer, L-8080 Bertrange). This address corresponds to The Little Gym, located at the very same place. It seems that the former name of Itaca International was "The LifeSkills Company", which also belonged to Patrick Solvay. This is rather weird when you think about what Fritz Springmeier and a police report of the Dutroux affair told about the Amerois castle.
There were pictures of the Amerois castle available at, but they have been deleted. You can only find their traces in Google’s cached snapshots. There are weird things going on in this area. There are many testimonies recorded during the Dutroux affair pointing to orgies organized in castles. Michel Nihoul, Marc Dutroux’s accomplice, organized orgies in his Faulx-les-Tombes castle. Children corpses have been exhumed in the park of the Château du Sautou, close to the Belgium border, which was the property of the serial killer Michel Fourniret.

Fritz Springmeier
Top 13 Illuminati Bloodlines
See Google Video: ... 5118781394


The shoes are said to be golden at the Mothers of Darkness level in the Illuminati. ...  Electronic Mind Control ... .htm  


Article translated from French to English: ... ectionID=2

Killer in series
A killer on "ses"chasses
By stopping the wife of Michel Fourniret and by pushing this one in its cuttings off, the legal authorities threw an icy lighting on ten disappearances and murder made by the killer in series. But the sordid list of the atrocities perpetrated by the couple of the Ardennes could still lengthen...
July 3, Michel Fourniret indicates to the police officers where the bodies of two of its victims were buried.
It is the history of a hunter which does not need weapons. Except to scramble the tracks of the investigators launched to its cases. Its territory extends - at least! - of Brittany in Belgium. Its gibecière fills, with the passing of years, of innocences dirtied, violated and put at death. Since the excavations of last weekend to the castle of Sautou, in the French Ardennes, one knows, with a quasi absolute degree of certainty (the medico-legal expertises are in hand), that Michel Fourniret is well the murderer of Elisabeth Brichet, removed with Namur in December 1989, at the 12 years age, and Jeanne-Marie Desramault, a 22 year old Frenchwoman removed at the station of Charleville-Wall nine months earlier. The two skins were found on July 3, buried under several meters of ground, in the old forest property of the killer, close to Sedan and with only 2,5 kilometers of the Belgian border. But these victims do not form that only one chapter of the catalogue of the horrors (at least 10 died between 1987 and 2001), started a long ago by this 62 year old French, come to settle in Belgium there is nearly thirteen years.

Who is this man, so-called forest, whose name joined from now on the black book of the killers in series? Which traumatisms haunted its past, at the point to make of them a sexual, fatal pervert of coolness and polycriminel multirecidivist? The question could shock, with the ell of the pangs lived by the families of its many victims. One would however like to include/understand and find the outline of one explanation at the same time on the personality in the killer, his intimate springs and his ways of operating. How could it, methodically, with the complicity of his wife (Monique Olivier, 55 years) and in the presence of its one year old son, wisely installed on the back bench of the family vehicle, to approach the small Elisabeth Brichet and to embark it towards the rape and death, pretexting the urgency to find a doctor for his small child? How this couple machiavelic, formed there is nearly fifteen years, it could imagine other scenarios twisted û like the setting in scene of a false hitch-hiking, fatal with a 17 year old Frenchwoman, in Auxerre, in 1987 (his wife is at the wheel and takes on board the trustful girl, itself making mine be a hitch-hiker) û to mislead the vigilance of teenagers or young women being occupied with their usual occupations: in the street, at the exit of a station, on the carpark of a supermarket or a hospital? Why his wife did accept so a long time, like Michelle Martin, to play the part of active accomplice in such fixed prices, before "cracking" in front of the investigators of the legal service of district of Dinant, last 28 June?
Obnubilated by the virginity of its preys
Monique Olivier, accomplice activates of her husband, Fourniret, met at the time of her imprisonment with Fleury-Mérogis.
In spite of the fantastic blow of accelerator carried to the Franco-Belgian investigation since about fifteen days, the answer to such questions will probably not be known of as soon as. The remote past of Michel Fourniret û and particularly its childhood and its youth û, indeed, is sullied with vast zones of shade. It is however known, with certainty, that its contentions with French justice do not go back to yesterday. Already in 1966, to Nantes, then in 1973, to Verdun, it is condemned for violences and facts of m£urs against minors. In 1984, following a series of 11 sexual aggressions, it is again écroué. Imprisoned in Fleury-Mérogis (close to Paris), it quickly leaves the penal establishment thanks to the handing-over of sorrow and four years a custody. The psychiatric expertise, at the time of the lawsuit of bases, is clear and clear: Fourniret is a dangerous man, obnubilated by the phantasm of virginity at its victims and "fully not carrying out (its) antisocial character only in front of the resistance of those".
Resistance? It knows how to circumvent it. By holding up a vitriol bottle, in 1982, under the throat of one of its French preys. By tabassant commercial Namurian, in 1995, after him to have practised contacts and before stealing its bank cards to him. _ in threaten Marie-Asumpcion (13 year), the summer last, in Ciney, to him "cut the head" if it continue to request in the van of abduction "I be worse than Dutroux", him say it. If, sometimes, the approaches are less brutal, it is for better misleading. Because, with its impeccable elocution, its lips pinches, its eyelids a little falling, its average stoutness, its glasses of teacher and its astonishing capacity to be based in the mould of suitabilities, the predator have all appearances of the young a quiet, just little bougon or irascible grandfather when it is opposed by a conflict of vicinity or unforeseen.
Malignant like a fox
But this mask dissimulates its true personality. Much more than one phantasm, its requirement for virginity among women is a true obsession, ravageuse, which crosses all its existence. With the investigators it tells the great desolation of its life: not to have never married a virgin woman (Monique Olivier is his third wife). Thus T-it justifies its eternal search of children and girls, leaving regularly "to hunting", as this one with the investigators will explain it. In one of the interrogations, it admits digging the holes to bury its victims before even leaving to their research. One is far from sudden and unverifiable impulses. In its file the mention of a vague therapy, started in an old doctor of Charleville-Wall appears, it is a long time, and that of another therapeutic follow-up, more recent, with the prison of Dinant.
Intelligent, Fourniret? Malignant like a fox, rather. The investigators suspect it, in particular, of having knowingly removed young women in areas where prevailed of other killers in series, in the years 1980, or to have imitated to them modus operandi, in order to scramble the tracks. More recently, in April 2001, a few hours hardly after having tried to approach (in vain) a 20 year old girl with Han-on-Lesse, it takes along another young woman of Rochefort to Chanly, in its vehicle, without any problem, being gracious and courteous. Did it try thus, via this profile of rather sympathetic motorist, to anticipate its defense vis-a-vis with the investigators, knowing that it was going to be located via his plate of immatri- culation? This time, being unaware of the legal past of Fourniret, the Belgian investigators will not put it out of state to harm. A failure perhaps explainable, but whose consequences were tragic for Manyana Thumpong, 13 years, removed in Sedan (France) two weeks and found died later in spring 2002, in a wood of Nollevaux (Paliseul). True Change-Borders, Fourniret...
The castle of Sautou, the property of Fourniret, close to the Belgian border.
Its number plate will however be fatal for him, a little more than one year ago, at the time of the fallen through removal of Marie-Asumpcion, in Ciney. Bound, the gamine û true miraculée! û is detached and escaped, while busy memorizes the number of its kidnapper. Last November, behind the bars, "cooked" by the investigators on the disappearance of the au pair girl engaged by the couple in the house of Sart-Custinne (Gedinne), Fourniret tries to launch a false public call with this one, via a French newspaper: it praises qualities of disappeared and evokes happiness that this one would have given his/her son. Mysteriously, whereas the killer and his wife remember the details of misdeeds going up with more than twenty years, neither one nor the other claim to remind its first name. Monique Olivier, it, affirms that he strangled it, like the majority of her victims.
The days and the weeks which come could be rich new consents, macabre excavations and new discoveries. Contrary to the left image these last days, Fourniret collaborates with the investigators only in the dropper. It must initially be driven back, pushed in the cords, be confronted with its contradictions, to decide "to pass to table", to coldly enumerate its crimes and, finally, according to terms' of a magistrate, "to pour his crocodile tears and to take an air of beaten dog". For several months, the investigators of the legal service of district (SJA) of Dinant had suspected that they held a large fish in their nets. The judgment of Michelle Martin, at the time of the Dutroux lawsuit, made only precipitate the revelations of Monique Olivier. From now on, the police forces Frenchwoman, Dutchwoman, allemande and Danish reopen files of disappearances or murders not elucidated. Other acts of an extreme violence, nonsexual, could also be re-examined, same vein as the flight of weapons (by Fourniret) to the police force of the borders, Givet, in 1994, or than the murder of coolness of a motorist, at the edge of motorway A 6, in 1988. The frightening French didn't it succeed in, also, monopolizing a part of the treasure of war of direct Action, the bunch of extreme left of the years 1970, by strangling the partner (of which the body was never found) of an active sympathizer?
Here and there, in France as in Belgium, the languages could be well untied at the families of (rare) the surviving victims or in the criminal mediums attended by Fourniret. The started excavations with Clairefontaine (Yvelines, France), Tuesday July 6, will be probably followed by other research, in the various properties occupied by the couple. Impassioned sets of failures, the killer Michel Fourniret, that no psychiatric expertise never qualified the "insane one" nor of "demented person", will be then constrained to play its last parts of hide-and-seek with the investigators. Definitively.

Find the integrality of this file in the version paper.

Philippe Lamotte, Thierry Denoel and Marie-Cecile Royen

July 9, 2004 ... ectionID=2


 I visited this castle in 2004. Faulx les Tombes Castle lies just south of the village of Faulx les Tombes, south-east of the city of Namen (Namur in French) in Belgium.

The first castle at this site was built in the 13th century. It depended on the county of Namur. Around 1340 the castle passed into the hands of the Marbaix family. After many changes of ownership the castle became property of the Corswaren family in 1665 who held it until the revolution.

The present castle was built in 1872 by the architect Beyaert in a Gothic style. In 1961 the castle was heavily damaged by fire and partly destroyed but was rebuilt. In the 1970's the castle became property of the town of Etterbeek.

 The castle is now privately owned and can not be visited. Behind one fence I saw a weathered sign stating that the castle was a restaurant/hotel but I think that sign was forgotten.

The castle also played a small role in the infamous Dutroux-case; the Belgian pedophile who abducted and killed young girls. His companion M. Nihoul is supposed to have visited several sex parties which were held in the castle in the 1980's.

The castle has a fairy tale appearance, too bad I couldn't get in. I don't know which real medieval elements still remain in the present building.I would like to know more about its history so if you know more, please mail me.


 Flight to Brussels and the "Mother of Darkness Castle"

Deeper Insights into the Illuminati Formula by Fritz Springmeier & Cisco Wheeler



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« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2007, 04:11:35 PM »
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