Author Topic: Custody  (Read 4834 times)

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Offline Hamiltonf

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Re: Honestly interested with no agenda
« Reply #15 on: October 15, 2007, 10:27:44 PM »

Thank you, uninformed outsider/survivor.

Sort of gives himself away doesn't he?  Note also his favourable comments about the "Church" of Scientology.  Amazing how people who have exposed the cult of the Church of Scientology have to get restraining orders, even hide their whereabouts because of threats as a result of their exposes.  Hmmph, and the Church of Scientology gets to operate directly across from the courthouse in Edmonton.  

He sounds so REASONABLE until you read him closely, doesn't he.

I wonder if he even realizes the internal contradictions in his arguments.

And I wonder too about the fear that some survivors have about coming forward having examined in some detail the experiences of some people wanting to expose AARC who have posted here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline ajax13

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Re: Honestly interested with no agenda
« Reply #16 on: October 15, 2007, 11:47:31 PM »
Quote from: Interested
First of all, I never heard of AARC until a few months ago so I confess, I am approaching this as a relatively uninformed outsider. I have not claimed to have any first hand experience or knowledge of the program and I feel that being referred to as a former client or staff member at AARC is unfair and would cause some to dismiss my genuine concerns as being manipulative.
 For many of us survivors that know about Fornits there are probably 100 people that do not know to every one of us who do know.

AARColyte, you have achieved a new level of ineptitude in a history rife with disingenuous fuck-ups.

Another comment I have is with regard to the constant complaint that AARC is staffed by uncredentialed and uneducated personnel. I feel that those who are the most vocal in their complaining have invalidated their point when they have become equally as vocal in complaining about former clients who are currently studying to become certified in addictions counseling.

You're right Interested.  Just by making a comment in regard to the fresh crop of AARColytes trying to get skooled, I have completely disproven the claim that the current staff is unqualified.  As a result of my comment, Vause, Luciano, Imbach, Campbell, Brown and Anderson have all been licensed as psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers.  These are glorious times in which we live.  Praise unto Dean.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #17 on: October 16, 2007, 08:55:21 AM »
"There was one comment on another thread which asked: Do you realllllly think that the centers are going to tell the kids about our forum so they can come here and tell us of the goings on??? For many of us survivors that know about Fornits there are probably 100 people that do not know to every one of us who do know. "

The poster was quoting another thread geniuses.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #18 on: October 16, 2007, 11:35:52 AM »
I am sorry if I was unclear. I should have bolded the quote from Botched Programming.  
My "favourable comment" about The Church of Scientology was actually a question. I think the Church of Scientology is really full of lies, false doctrines,  and confused people. I do not support or agree with their teachings at all,  I just never thougth of it as a cult for some reason. Thank you for the insight.
The former AARC clients who are trying to educate themselves to be of service in addiction treatment should be commended for their efforts. They will bring a compassion to their work that those who merely studied the issue without first hand experience could never bring. Are they attending what would be considered reputable institutions? What would you rather have them do if this is a calling they feel on their lives? What are the motives of others who study addiction treatment?
Please point out the other internal contradictions and I will try to clarify them as best as I can.
Please also address my other questions or comments. Hopefully people will take the time to read my postings and not just the replies since my words have been taken out of context in some of them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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« Reply #19 on: October 16, 2007, 12:05:20 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
"There was one comment on another thread which asked: Do you realllllly think that the centers are going to tell the kids about our forum so they can come here and tell us of the goings on??? For many of us survivors that know about Fornits there are probably 100 people that do not know to every one of us who do know. "

The poster was quoting another thread geniuses.

As you added the quotation marks Guest, I supposed that where the quote ends and starts is up in the air.  But I can certainly admit to an error.  
As a completely disinterested third party who only heard of AARC through an "acquaintance who is a parent of one of the clients", I laud your intellectual curiosity Interested.  It is not often that a person with no ties to AARC comes across a website for people who are opposed to the practises of AARC and makes such a vigorous effort to familiarize themself with the situation.
 I do apologize for any confusion that the statements about AARC related here caused.  I know it can be confusing when one side says that the host homes are not licensed or regulated, when the other side says....
or when one side says that Vause received his PhD from the Union Institute, the same school that gave Miller Newton his, and the other side says...
or when one side says that none of the staff is a licensed therapist, social worker or psychiatrist and the other side says...
or when one side says that the study AARC calls independent validation of their methods was in fact written by Vause, Imbach, Goresky and Choate, all affilliated with AARC, and overseen by another Union Institute product, Patton, and the other side says...
And it can be very confusing when one side says that although AARC is registered as a Society,  AARC's treatment facility has never had a license from the Government, but the other side says...

Those kinds of arguments would have anyone's head spinning, Interested.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline hanzomon4

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« Reply #20 on: October 16, 2007, 05:01:04 PM »
Everything AARC staffers learn comes from AARC, that's the addiction gospel to them. It's based on using humiliation, intimidation, and in some cases horrific acts of violence to get someone to admit to drug addiction(even if they were never addicts) and submit to the power of AARC. No compassion or intelligence is to be found in this bunch of counselors and their treatment. If you want to know more about Kids of the Canadian West(AARC's original name) read about Straight and Kids of North Jersey/Bergen County. AARC(Kids of the Canadian West) is just the Canadian branch of, the now defunct, Kids of North Jersey/Bergen County which is the Straight inc. spin off started by the Clinical Director of Straight inc. Miller Newton.

If you read the stories from Straight and Kids Survivors, which have been proven to be true in American Courts, and compare them to AARC stories you will find them identical. You can't just dismiss the accounts of abuse at AARC when you look at the history behind it. Another thing you will see is that, just as in AARC, Straight and Kids had it's stalwart supporters even among kids who went through and experienced/witnessed/participated in the abuse... It's all a part of the cycle.

Try this site for a start. K?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
i]Do something real, however, small. And don\'t-- don\'t diss the political things, but understand their limitations - Grace Lee Boggs[/i]
I do see the present and the future of our children as very dark. But I trust the people\'s capacity for reflection, rage, and rebellion - Oscar Olivera
