Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore

Sue Scheff Posts Victim Pictures on Whitmore Blog

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Hey Izzy - when you were in Nephi, Utah doing your "investigative reporting" and personal interviews for your disgusting Whitmore blog; did anyone give you pictures of these Whitmore victims to splatter all over those Whitmore blogs?
Did you get photographs of these victims from the criminal case, from the Sudweeks, the Sudweeks' attorney or any of other people you claim you were chatting with, "in person" there in Utah?
When exactly were you in Utah conducting this investigative investigation, anyway; when you claim you were visiting Whitmore Academy?

Which attorneys of the Sudweeks did you interview to secure information that you published in this Whitmore blog? Surely, Cheryl Sudweeks' criminal attorney could have provided you with the truthful facts from Cheryl Sudweeks plea agreement for your blog - if you had you interviewed him.

Surely if you had interviewed County Attorney Jared Eldridge: he would have reminded you that he was quoted in the newspaper that Joyce Harris absolutely broke no laws when she provided those Whitmore run-away boys with money for plane tickets to escaped Utah.
So - there really was no reason to reveal this parent's name in these Whitmore blogs - was there?

And, you had interviewed Mary Gentile - it appears.
So you certainly KNEW that these 3 boys who ran away, in fear from Whitmore Academy, were going to her son Chris Gentile's APARTMENT in Chicago.  YET, in your blog --you tried to give the impressiion that this mother had provided an APARTMENT for these run-away boys.

You were also probably aware that Chris Gentile had a job at this so-called-DRUG-INFESTED-ROCK-CONCERT that all 4 boys attended;  ;....and this parent had no knowledge of such an event prior to these boys arriving in Chicago.

You are probably also aware that this parent notified the Nephi Police Department, and the Nephi DCFS immediately; when these boys refused to contact their parents upon arriving at Chris Gentiles apartment in Chicago.

No Izzy - you falsely reported in your BLOG that this parent encouraged these boys to run away from Whitmore Academy - and that is a LIE. These boys had been on the run for 2 days--actually hidiing out at a Whitmore employee's barn -- when Chris Gentile contacted this parent for help.

Mackey: one of the run-aways has posted on Fornits that this parent had nothing to do with their decision to run away; and that she had nothing to do with any decisions they made after they arrived in Chicago.

Again:  Where did the pictures come from that are posted on these Blogs Izzy?

Izzy, you live on Fornits. Answer a few questions.
why the lies, and where did you/Scheff get those pictures?


--- Quote from: ""Guest"" ---If no permission was given; written or otherwise--hopefully this issue will be addressed then.  There is a legal case pending, IS THERE NOT?
--- End quote ---

Well...  AFAIK  It would be a civil matter, and probably not relevant to the case.  The victims COULD, however, have the photos taken down by having their lawyers inform blogspot of the situation.

I will say one thing that struck me, when I viewed the photos, the girl standing next to Ms. Sudweeks, did not look happy, she is smiling but you can tell she does not want to be next to her.  It looks like someone is very sad, but they are taking your picture and say smile.
That photo haunts me. :(

What BLOGS? how can i view the site where these blogs are ?


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