Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Troubled Teen Industry

Alldredge Academy

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Was that message directed towards me??-- im the one that was at alldredge and wrote the post above that. Let me know please...

Although i did write that.  I agree.  I attended.  I passed with flying colors.  I was brainwashed when i got home.  I couldn't feel my feet for 3 months after i got home.  I think about alldredge everyday.  It's like nam.  I was on the inside...even the instructors knew it was bad news.  It hurts me that there is a place like this.
if you went and you feel the same, email me [email protected]
We need to help eachother out

Obviously these wildnerness programs are a scam, and I know the "school"-part is basically nonexistent in terms of actually teaching anything as opposed to just making phony transcripts for 20 grand a kid.

What specifically did you find wrong with Alldredge besides the usual wildnerness type things. The usual stuff being the bad food, the fire building nonsense and the hiking and the fact that no one wants to be there.  Do you feel that you were brainwashed because my friend came back from Alldredge and he said it was great for about a month or two and then gradually he started to be less enchanted with it until now he regards as just another load of bs that he was put through by his nutcase mother. He did not stay after the wildnerness portion though so I guess he would have a different pov on things.

I always thought it pretty twisted that SUWS and Alldredge train the kids for "search and rescue" which is just a pretense for using the kids to track down their other inmates who escape.


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