Author Topic: The Synanon Connection  (Read 13777 times)

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Offline Ursus

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« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2007, 11:39:11 PM »
Eliscu2, it sounds like your whole family got fucked over by Elan, in one way or another...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline The Elan Reporter

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« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2007, 09:33:11 AM »
(Yes he was a pain in the ass,but watching him defy,get beaten and come back for more was truly entertaining. )

Why would that be entertaining to you?

Did it ever occur to you that the reason he defied elan was because elan was defieable? When I was there almost everyone of my peers defied elan and either tried to split, or split, or when they turned 18 signed out. Yes there were a handful that had no choice but conform to the program as they had no other options.

Someone that defies the program is saying (I want out). There is nothing entertaining about someone who defies the program then gets beaten for it. I'm not sure what you really mean by beaten back in the 70's era, but as far as I know no one was beaten in elan in the 80's unless placed in the boxing ring.

I've seen my share of corner people that expressed how they did not want to be at elan and they truly made that known. They were being held as hostages by elan for not conforming to the program.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!

Offline Ursus

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« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2007, 11:18:32 AM »
Quote from: ""artman11111""
Marty had us kids shoveling snow in shorts and shoes w/ou laces from one pile to another and back again.

Why is this picture just so friggin' familiar to me!?  We had to do it with dirt piles; the distance the stuff had to be lugged (there and back) was idiosyncratically proportional to the degree of your offense, or how much of a hard head you were about it.  Or how much the relevant staff hated you, or how much you pissed them off. Sometimes we had to do it with wood piles.  I'm sure somebody or other had to do it with snow.  Don't know about the lack of shoelaces, however.

Note that Joe Gauld was a rabid Hawk, and who would probably have disowned his own son if he had refused to enlist in the Vietnam War, a fact that he discusses in his book "Character First..."  Actually, he talks about his wife, Blanche, saying that to their son, and how proud he was of his wife's courage and high ethical convictions.  As it turned out,  historical timing spared this family that decision.  Nevertheless, shortly before my time, there was a faculty member who was forced to resign due to his anti-Vietnam War philosophy.

I don't think Joe Ricci was a rabid Hawk, but I don't really know that for a fact.  Was he?   Are these punishments and means of controlling kids' behaviors and psyche's a primarily conservative bent, or do they defy political roots and definition?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2007, 11:30:39 AM »
Quote from: ""artman11111""
Several times I had seen Marty,Joe Rodrigas,and even Joe Ricci, manhandle,smack him with a briefcase on the head,and hit him in the head from behind.

Oh, and there was a girl at Hyde during my time who Joe Gauld smacked in the face so hard her glasses went flying into the dirt.  Is this shit from a military school paradigm?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2007, 01:43:58 PM »
Quote from: ""artman11111""
I dont mind telling/reading a story. But I really dont want to conversate about it all the time. Its a time in my life that I have mixed memories about. Mostly all bad,except for some of the people I have remained close with.
Monday morning,Robert Oconnor will be burried in Me. He has been maybe my closest fiend for the better part of 30 years. I am crushed  by his death. I loved him like a brother,and always will. I pray that his wife Wendy heals from this devastating wound that we share. She has been a good friend. We love her as well.
From my perspective,God got himself the most loyal friend that I ever knew.

What happened to Robert O'Conner?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline xres8182

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« Reply #20 on: August 26, 2007, 11:05:56 PM »
Art,what happened to Robert? What the fuck? PM me if you don't want to make it public. That's fucked up.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline xres8182

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« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2007, 11:17:02 PM »
Never mind Art,I googled him and got the info.That really sucks.If I had known sooner I would go to the funeral.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline java.gurl

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« Reply #22 on: August 27, 2007, 12:01:17 AM »
Ursus, I nearly ended up in Hyde instead of ELan back in "91" I had a pal there named...I forgot his name..OOPS! To many drugs I guess. He seemed to like it.

 I got a call from my DCF worker after spending the last year of my life in and out of these horrid teenage homeless shelters after my Auntie turned me over to the state of Ct. when I did not clean my room good enough and talked on the phone in my room to much (true story) And she told me that there was a "great" place in Maine that the kids "loved" and that they "asked" to go there.

 They "skied, waterskied, sailed, rode horses, swam, lived in cute little cabins in the woods, cross country skied, rode bikes, had fun, had friends and surrogate parents that loved them there, were treated kind and were understood" I was also told I could read and write all I wanted and there were a few short groups a day to attend before night school. Lots of free time to chill and reflect.

 I assumed it was like this Hyde joint my pal was at so I said "YES".

When I pulled up after a 8 hour long ride in the crappy snow all I saw was trailors and ELan 3. I was in shock! Tired and in shick. I snuck off smoked a cig and 1/2 a joint and went into Elan 1 and was like where is my cabin? And they laughed at me and were like this is not a resort, your not in Oz anymore Dorthy. I was furious and RAN out the door after the caseworker screaming at her that she deceived me and to take me home NOW! She said in a week if I felt the same I could go home. Liar. Whore. Lying whore.

Well, I was there from Feb 91-Sept 93. I had like 10000000  3 houses, 10000000 1 house GM's, 1000000000 HM's, 23000000000000 VR's, Etc....

The place was truly fucked! In a group once Marc told some tall, lanky, dorky kid named Sean (who was a goofy, cool dork type kid) that he gets blowjobs when he goes home and drinks beer while Sean was here in Elan jerking off in the mens dorms. I was so disgusted I left the fucking group. I got a stern VR/TT from Marc and a LE of GI'ing mops. I hated that LE.

That place was wacked. Thinking about it leaves me speechless at times. I liked what someone posted about it being like "Lord of the Flies".
I loved that book and said the same thing when I was there. I actually called it a lot of unflattering things.

I saw kids with obvious mental issues get raked over the coals, like Susan norris and Sean Dykstra. Those poor kids were so tapped upstairs and tortured by Elan's ignorance. I talked to them in depth when they were in my house and they were nice kids but had lived lives of hell before Elan. They needed help. Medical and psychiatric.

Elan let kids down. Some kids did OK there and that amazed me. How did they do it? Were they less fucked than I? Less emotional? Less sensitive? I took everything in around me and let it afffect me. Everyones emotions affected me a lot. That was bad when I was there but showed I was human. Maybe to human and they fed off of me like vultures.

When my friend died after she split Tanya M. told me I should of died in her place cuz she was better than I. Telling that to me a 15 yo and a kid who was over emotional was like putting a gun in my hand and telling me to kill my worthless self. That night I took like 50 assorted pills and all I did was barf all night! I am glad now I was OK but when I told my dad what happened I was home shortly after that. They blacked out the negative things I wrote in my letters to him. Actually blacked it out! So he did not know the real deal.

They do a job on parents btw. They tell them your a liar, user, loser, manipualtor, suicidal,Etc.

I think the 70's-80's crew like Eliscu, Ursus, Artie, X Rez, Etc. saw a evil side of Elan we did not see. It must of been REAL bad back then for you all! How did you guys do it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline The Elan Reporter

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« Reply #23 on: August 27, 2007, 06:26:00 AM »
(In a group once Marc told some tall, lanky, dorky kid named Sean (who was a goofy, cool dork type kid) that he gets blowjobs when he goes home and drinks beer )

I think Marc was a little too high when he made that statement. Marc had a nasty dope habit and most likely was giving head to get free dope. He has to be the biggest hypocrit to walk through the doors of elan.

Just by looking at the guy one could tell he was using. Then he would have the balls to slam some teen for using and abusing before coming to elan, yet this strung out, malnurished , track marked poor excuse of a person would be doing dope while working at elan.

I've seen Marc numerous times throughout my stay go into the unoccupied buildings which were empty through the windows of the house I was in. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out why he went into these unoccupied buildings. The guy would wear long sleve shirts in the middle of summer (to hide the track marks). I once seen Marc wear a short sleve shirt and he had alot of bruises all over his arms. The suken eyeballs and boney body was also a dead give away. Why elan hired this man I will never know. What really got under my skin was when he would call people junkies and losers for using cocaine, pot, ect. There is nothing more in the world that I despise then a hypocrit.

But that was only the icing on the cake. There was so much corruption going on at elan between the staff it was pathetic! I just want to know how do these so called (directors & staff) wake up, look in the mirror and live with themselves. They were in a position where they were suppose to counsel  teens gone bad yet were just as dishonest with themselves as an elan resident.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!

Offline Ursus

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« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2007, 01:24:44 PM »
Quote from: ""The Elan Reporter""
But that was only the icing on the cake. There was so much corruption going on at elan between the staff it was pathetic! I just want to know how do these so called (directors & staff) wake up, look in the mirror and live with themselves. They were in a position where they were suppose to counsel  teens gone bad yet were just as dishonest with themselves as an elan resident.

More dishonest than an Elan resident.  They were supposed to know better, serve as an example.  The kids are just working out the fucked up things in adolescence, and whatever other shit was foisted upon them by life, before they worked out a better way to deal with it...

But that's just it:  these places are inherently fucked up.  The starting principle is fucked up, the directors who buy into that principle are fucked up, the staff who try to put that principle in practice get fucked up by it, and the kids who go there, if they weren't already fucked up, get fucked up by it before they leave.

Poison enough for everyone to go around.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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« Reply #25 on: August 28, 2007, 01:27:50 PM »
Quote from: ""java.gurl""
Ursus, I nearly ended up in Hyde instead of ELan back in "91" I had a pal there named...I forgot his name..OOPS! To many drugs I guess. He seemed to like it.

There are many Hyde somnambulists who never wake up.  But they have bad dreams, for the rest of their lives, and don't know why...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline The Elan Reporter

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« Reply #26 on: August 28, 2007, 02:17:05 PM »
Quote from: ""artman11111""
Poison enough for everyone to go around.
Very well said
if I may ad
the torture,the abuse,the crimes committed, were a long, long time ago. At the rate of their "success" from my peer group.there will be noone left to tell the horrible stories. to warn others of the criminals that  are ELAN School.
So I will just keep posting the truth

You were one of those criminals scart. You aren't fooling anyone here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!

Offline Ursus

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« Reply #27 on: August 28, 2007, 02:31:34 PM »
Quote from: ""The Elan Reporter""
Quote from: ""artman11111""
Poison enough for everyone to go around.
Very well said
if I may ad
the torture,the abuse,the crimes committed, were a long, long time ago. At the rate of their "success" from my peer group.there will be noone left to tell the horrible stories. to warn others of the criminals that  are ELAN School.
So I will just keep posting the truth

You were one of those criminals scart. You aren't fooling anyone here.

That may not be so fair.  Sorry, ER, but I gotta to say it.  These places always recruit from the ranks of the already abused to staff their joints.  Think about it:  a lot of the brainwashing has already been done.  And, in the case of in-house recruitment, there are built-in loyalty factors, not to mention gratitude-for-the-opportunity, that they bank on.  They reward the former kid with affirmation that he's "made it;" he's actually responsible for "making a difference" in the lives of kids who used to be just like him...

Art has even bigger battle than most of us, who were just occupying the "kid" slot in the aforementioned equation.  The fact that he is still coming around here, still supporting the concept that Elan is destructive, not to mention that he continues to do so in the face of all the flack he receives...  Well, you gotta hand it to him.

He may not be perfect, but he's still here.  For that matter, none of us are too perfect, come to think of it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Botched Programming

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« Reply #28 on: August 28, 2007, 03:44:12 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
These places always recruit from the ranks of the already abused to staff their joints. Think about it: a lot of the brainwashing has already been done. And, in the case of in-house recruitment, there are built-in loyalty factors, not to mention gratitude-for-the-opportunity, that they bank on. They reward the former kid with affirmation that he's "made it;" he's actually responsible for "making a difference" in the lives of kids who used to be just like him...

You know Ursus... This is the same way it was when I was in Straight, as you moved off of your phases and "7-Stepped (graduated)" you became a member of what they call the 7-Step society where you never actually get away from from them. During the last phase (5th phase) of stay there, staff would recruit people to become staff trainees once they graduated and become 7-Steppers.

These are the type of people I really feel sorry for as the brain washing went deep. In some people too deep as they stay in denial of the harm they caused and wanted to believe that their efforts were nothing but honorable. But truth be known they were carrying out abuse...... Compare it to guys in Nam burning villages and killing women and babies, just because you are told to do something by someone in authority don't make it right. It takes a sick person not to be able to admit that they done wrong.

And hey Artie... I am willing to make a wager that you will strike at Reporter or myself without us provoking you. I have looked at the posts that you put up and you either ride on someones shirt tail or come out sideways with something, especially at Reporter. I've got $5.00 that says you lash out first.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline The Elan Reporter

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« Reply #29 on: August 29, 2007, 07:46:55 AM »
BP, you are going to be a very wealthy man...

All those $5 bills are gonna ad up rather quickly.  :rofl:  :rofl:

To answer your question about Scart lashing out, you hit the nail right on the head. He has been doing it for years. I purposely sat idle for over a week and waited to see what he would do, and sure enough after having said nothing to or about him he lases out sideways comments about me, you, and others. It will never end, in a way I kinda feel sorry for the guy being that he has no one in life to call a friend or even to talk to. This also has been noted before by the moderators. One said he was *Baiting & provoking* the other was siad *the Arthur Warshawsky show*. What can you say? He enjoys being center of attention.

On another note I do have to take my hat off to Scart for actually having a conversation about elan and telling it how it was. That was a surprising effort for once. And sorry to hear about the death of your (Friend Robert) was it? Or was that acquaintance?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
fArt Warshitsky sucks dicks!!!