1st Rough Draft, feel free comment on it. All useful input will be added for the final draft:
By attempting to escape you must accept the following risks
Injuries of all sorts
being forced to restart the program
being betrayed by your own family
consquenced by the program with humiliation tactics
The list above is by no means limited to those, and one should be aware that attempting escape is a dangerous activity. However, if you are the sort of person who is willing to undergo the risks associated with escaping then by all means continue to read on. If you aren't willing to risk it continue to the next chapters involving manipulating the program to advance quickly, program rebellion, and the other chapters that will be coming in the near future.
Escaping from a program isn't something you should consider on a whim. Depending on the location of your program you are forced to consider a variety of factors. For instance, if your program is in the desert in a remote location you may be forced to travel long distances in a harsh climate. You must tailor your needs to the demands of the enviroment.
Consider the following prior to your attempt to secure your freedom:
1) Climate
2) Location
3) Avaliable resources (streams, rivers, lakes, food sources)
Once you have determined these issues you are ready to move onto the next step in the planning process. This is a simple matter of taking the climatic information, location, and avaliable resources and determining what you will need to take with you when you flee. Keep in mind your needs when you do this planning, and also keep in mind your security. Don't make your preperations to obvious so to avoid detection by the program staff and fellow captives. Just because you all are in the same situation it doesn't automatically mean your fellow captives will aid you by remaining silent or helping with more tangible items like food and water.
No matter what your location YOU will need the following:
*A strong container to hold your water. I can't emphasize this enough. Water can be taken from various moving bodies of water such as streams, lakes, creeks, and even irrigation canals. Making a filter is actually pretty easy to accomplish if you understand the process. However, if you don't have a strong container to store you water after collection you are going to be struggling to survive from the onset.
Solutions for this problem:
Standard water bottles are good, but not always allowed.
Regular soda bottles with a cap work well. They are strong, hold a decent quanity, and can be found almost anywhere.
Avoid Glass jars and other glass containers due to breakage.
* You will also need away to purify your water. A poster on Fornits wisely suggest stealing some bleach. 2 drops of bleach can purify a full gallon of water. However, bear in mind that to much bleach can induce some rather funky bowel movements.
Solutions for this problem:
*Bleach(2 drops per gallon?)
*Iodine(2 drops per gallon?)
*A metal container to boil your water in for 20 minutes prior to drinking.
*A commercial water filter avaliable to backpackers if you can aquire one
Make your own filter, but bear in mind these tend to only work for the large impurities such as dirt and other debris. Consider this only as a partial solution. The need to purify your water with bleach or iodine is still very much a consideration.
http://www.ucls.uchicago.edu/students/p ... ilter.htmlThe above link is to a simple sand filter for straining out dirt from your drinking water. It still does not deal with bacteria.
The next item on your list is clothing. Most attempts that make it past the immediate reach of the program due to the lack of resources. Once you've fled with no clothing other than what you are wearing you limited by your options. Not all programs require uniforms. If this is your style of program your situation is greatly eased. If not, and you are forced by your HACKs, to wear a uniform then consider stealing your HACKs clothing when he or she is asleep. Other sources of clothing will be discussed shortly.
When you flee your captivity remember that your description will be sent out to the police and members of the surrounding community. Depending on the program private detectives may well be hired to persue you. By having a change of clothing you automatically increase your chances of avoiding detection.
Sources of clothing:
*Your own group is a walking clothing store. Just remember that if you are caught stealing from them the consquences may well be very unpleasant.
*Various charitable organizations have clothing donation bins located in public locations all over the country. Be aware of these sites and keep your eyes open when you are taken off campus. They aren't well secured and could well provide a veritable bounty of clothing.
*Some people still dry their clothing on clothes lines.(In these locations you can almost be promised a whiff of bird shot from an irate home owner from a 12 gauge is discovered... PROCEED WITH CAUTION)
*If you have money avaliable simply go to a good will or salvation army and outfit yourself accordingly.
The next big consideration is food. You can techinically survive for upwards of 7 days without food. However, your caloric intakes determines your body's ability to perform. With a reduced caloric intake you won't be able to run as fast, walk as far, and your judgement will be impaired. Decisions will not be made as carefully, and this could lead you to take risks that you normally would avoid.
*liberate a selection of high calorie packaged food items from your dining hall.
*If your torture center has a required snack then consider saving yours if you can do so without being discovered.
Don't liberate raw items like fruit, bread, or other perishable goods. Seek items in packages or cans. This saves you having to worry about the food going bad.
Once you've fled your torture center consider the following options for securing food:
*Dumpsters behind resteraunts and grocery stores.
*Going into busy resteraunts and finishing the meals that aren't finished off customer's plates.
*Charitable organizations often give out food to homeless individuals. (Proceed with caution as often contact with do gooders can lead to your recapture out of the spirit of good intentions.)