So who got laid while in a program?
What sucks so much about SCL was that the boys and girls were completely seperated, we didn't even get to look at each other. The program I was in before that was also just for boys, even though it was a lot more open than a wwasps program. But during my stays at two other kinds of programs, we all intermingled, and I think it made it a lot more easy.
At SCL the sexual environment was non existant. Jerking it was a punishable offense and we all slept in an open room with a dude sitting in the middle no further than 10 feet at all times from us while we slept. So the only time to mess around really was in the shower, and those were timed... if you were lucky you got 4 minutes. A friend of mine had managed to tear out a small wallet sized picture of some girl from a magazine somewhere, and he hid it in his stuff. That was a big deal, he would show it around at night like it was something special, but I guess it was at the time.
Psych hospitals were a whole other deal. Girls galore, after lights out it we had so much fun sneaking around to each others rooms.
Good times.
Well.. not at SCL or the other programs that keep the sexes apart.. that shit sucks.