Author Topic: Sue Scheff and Isabelle Zehnder  (Read 1001 times)

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Sue Scheff and Isabelle Zehnder
« on: August 10, 2007, 12:38:38 PM »
Quote from: ""Scarlett Chiclet""
Oh, the irony of it all!

First, a little history. was just fine on BareMetal. Several of you militant toughlove hategroup storm troopers have tried threats, bribes and outright lies to get BareMetal to nix this site. Even though there exist some significant differences of opinion between myself and BM's other acitvist customers (which is why I established my own site instead of bringing my issue into MAPInc and DPA) they have steadfastly refused to cow to you bullies each and every time you've tried to stiffle us. The only trouble was that they charge so much for bandwidth that I had to go looking for a more cost effective option. And here we are back in Canada again.

The drug policy reformers are still quite enthralled with the Treatment not Incarceration Judas goat move. I think maybe they'll start reexamining their position on that now that Mitt and Mel are making international headlines. Maybe not. Activists so often become factionalized and militant and, ultimately, closed minded. We'll see.

The irony? The TOUGHLOVE hategroup and all of it's militant drones like O5 are ok with actually torturing and even killing kids, destroying families. That's just fine, so long as we all support their delusion that what they're really doing is saving kids' lives and bringing families back together.

I actually do still snicker a little bit whenever they react with stunned outrage over their victims wishing bad things upon them. Just to be perfectly clear, I don't think it's funny at all that so many people so vehemently wish such horrible things on you. Not at all. I know firsthand what drives that kind of rage. I just think it's funny as hell how you can dish it out but ya just can't take even a written expression of same directed back at you. Pussies! Wimps! Cowards!


Funnier still? You spoiled yuppie scumbags think a civil suit or public embarassment or the prospect of losing some of your precious stuff is too horrible to even think about. ::roflmao:: Fuck You! LOL I'm made of stone. You have made me and plenty of others like me so jaded, so tough, so far beyond the need for creature comforts and social acceptance that, now that I'm of age and you can't force me into any of your torture camps, you ain't got SHIT that scares me. And some of these younger ones coming up are even tougher.

Sue me! I beg of you, bring this fight back into the public eye in any way you can. I have no assets for you to take. I care not a whit what any fucker thinks of me except my close friends who know better than to listen to idiots like you. Worse case? Some judge orders me to do something I'm unwilling to do and I get to hang out in some local county jail with a bunch of hookers for a month or so. Hands down, by far and away better and more interesting company than when you sadistic bastards forced me into a program for two years.

Hit me with your best shot, cowards! At the end of the day, I can take it. You can't. You made me this way so be careful what you wish for!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
traight, St. Pete, early 80s
AA is a cult

The more boring a child is, the more the parents, when showing off the child, receive adulation for being good parents-- because they have a tame child-creature in their house.  ~~  Frank Zappa