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« on: July 21, 2007, 05:44:30 PM »
Seems CAICA has made some changes -- no more links to PURE?  Personally, I haven't checked but according to a post on the Troubled Teens forum, it appears she may have removed such links, and even deleted certain blogs promoting her professional relationship to PURE and support for the Sudweeks and their defunct program, The Whitmore.

What's going on?

If this is true, why is PURE still linking to CAICA and Izzy still linking to PURE from her for-proifit business Positive Family Solutions?

Is this a game?  Or has Izzy severed her ties to Sue Scheff, PURE, and if so, why now?

Inquiring minds want to know what the real deal is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 05:51:17 PM »
Smoke and mirrors!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 06:02:35 PM »
Izzy's whitmore blog is definitly M.I.A.

Cease and desist?

Just guessing - I have no idea why she suddenly removed it.

Maybe she read Zen's post and is worried the GAO may report unfavorably on Caica and Pure?

Err ... if so, I'd say she's a day late and a dollar short.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 06:26:23 PM »
Leopards don't change their spots.  This love fest with PURE and Sue Scheff has been going on far too long for me to believe Izzy has suddenly changed her tune.

Second, IMO the Whitmore blog (and others) revealed a disgusting even vile personality TRAIT of Ms. Zenhder that frankly can not be erased along with a couple of links and controversial blogs.

Izzy is a self-promoter, first and foremost.  The real question ought to be what does Izzy fear she has to lose by publicly supporting Sue Scheff, the Sudweeks, and PURE?

Did it come down to the credibility of her coaching business?

A Cease and Desist Letter? Threat of a lawsuit?  Divine Intervention?

Who the hell knows.  Things seem to dramatically change with Izzy depending on which way the wind blows (or what's posted on Fornits).

Right Izzy?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2007, 06:39:50 PM »

CAICA Founder and President Isabelle Zehnder recently came to the defense of a mother whose son died in a wilderness program on 5-2-07. Former staff of the facility where he died commented on an article written about his death indicating he/she believed that the death was the mother's fault. This person claims to be a former staff member yet shows a strong interest in CAICA removing this child, Caleb Jensen's, story from the CAICA website.

After several posts back and forth, providing information to expose the abuse, neglect, and deaths in these facilities, someone posted under the User Name BeeTRue. Looking at her profile, the person posting derogatory comments about Isabelle Zehnder and CAICA had the first name "Joyce" with her Zip Code from San Antonio (see article below - coinsidence?) It appears this mother may have a thing or two to hide and that this mother may have a vested interest in attempting to discredit both Isabelle Zehnder and CAICA, as well as other child advocates and groups.

Isabelle Zehnder did her homework. She visited the facility after the allegations of abuse surfaced. She spoke to the owners, to lawyers, and to government officials. She interviewed parents and children who attended the Whitmore. During her interviews she was told by both parents and children who attended the Whitmore that this mother enticed three teens to run away from the program. Just one week prior to this incident some parents had visited the program and their children were happy and indicated that finally they were excited to learn and do well in school.

The mother paid a driver to pick the boys up from the Whitmore late at night, enticing them to run away from the Whitmore by paying for their ride from the facility to a town nearby where they would pick up money that was wired to them. From there they went to the airport and were flown half way across the country to a music festival that may consider a drug fest. According to the mother of one of the boys involved there is evidence of the money transfer, airline tickets, and so on.

They flew from Salt Lake City, Utah, and the music festival was in Tennessee. One of the boys was missing for a month, the FBI was involved. The other two turned themselves in after several days.

Two young people died that weekend at the festival - they overdosed on drugs.

It is time the truth is told - it is time to stop bashing advocates who work tirelessly to expose and rectify abuse, neglect, and deaths in residential treatment facilities.

Advocates who, contrary to what this mother would like people to believe, do not have a monetary interest in referring children to "abusive programs". Specifically she accuses Isabelle Zehnder of getting a financial kickback of some sort from referring children to programs.

There is no money exchanging hands at CAICA. Other than a few donations, CAICA Founder and President Isabelle Zehnder and her husband have funded CAICA.

Her work for parents and teens has been pro-bono.

Her work helping lawyers has been pro-bono.

The hours she has spent being interviewed by reporters has been pro-bono.

The endless number of hours she has spent creating what professionals have referred to as "the most comprehensive website on the topic of the teen help industry and children and teens abused in residential care" has all been done on a volunteer basis.

The CAICA website has been used by many researchers, reporters, lawyers, university students, parents, victims, and others.

Isabelle does not charge for her services and she has never taken money for referring children to any program.

She has, however, worked with a parent advocate whose child was abuse in a residential facility. This parents has worked tirelessly for the past 7 years locating safe alternatives for parents looking to place their children in a program.

It is unrealistic to believe there are no good programs for children and teens. There are. It is important parents receive guidance to find them, otherwise they can be mislead by the hundreds of websites that lead to the same group of programs known to be abusive.

What many people forget, including parents, is that this industry is for the most part unregulated, there is no government oversight and no one oversees the operations of these programs. It's a Buyer Beware business and parents need to be careful where they are sending their children.

Like it or not some children are going to go to programs. Some parents are at their wits end, some cannot care for their own child. Others are court-adjudicated. Some of those children's parents have a choice where the child will be placed.

We have one of two choices. Let the parent fend for themselves and be led to programs that are known to abuse and neglect kids, or help find safer alternatives.

I believe it is the responsible thing to help find options.

The parent advocate they claim refers to abusive programs, Sue Scheff, is a member of the Better Business Bureau with a clean record. The only complaint she has ever received was from the mother mentioned in the article below for referring her daugther to the Whitmore.

The state indicated there was no evidence of abuse at the Whitmore.


Parents frantic after three students go AWOL from boarding school

Whitmore Academy: One of the three, from North Carolina, is still missing

By Kirsten Stewart
The Salt Lake Tribune
Salt Lake Tribune

On May 31, when Peggy Rodebush last saw her 17-year-old son, he was safely enrolled at a Utah boarding school and, for the first time in years, enthusiastic about learning.

A week later, school officials informed Rodebush that Michael was missing.

"I thought, 'Oh my God, what happened to my son? Where is he?' You can't imagine the sheer panic," said Rodebush from her home in Tampa, Fla. After four sleepless nights and countless hours on the phone, Rodebush tracked down Michael and two other missing Whitmore students at an outdoor rock music concert in Manchester, Tenn.

Since then, the parents of the three runaways have worked feverishly to retrieve their children and piece together how and why they disappeared. One North Carolina boy remains missing.

Rodebush's husband will retrieve Michael today from a juvenile detention facility, where he is being held as a runaway. The third boy arrived home in Maryland over the weekend.

Mark and Cheryl Sudweeks, the owners of Whitmore, did not immediately respond Monday to attempts to reach them for comment, nor did Nephi police.

Whitmore is not currently licensed by state officials. Inspectors want to bring it under state regulations, arguing it qualifies as a therapeutic facility, but the school is fighting that designation.

Rodebush believes the boys were assisted by school critic Joyce Harris of San Antonio, whose daughter allegedly suffered abuse at Whitmore in 2004. Harris denies Rodebush's claim, and says a Whitmore employee facilitated their exodus. She declined further comment.

Rodebush bases her account on a brief phone call with her son and numerous discussions with Nephi police.

She says the three boys left Whitmore on June 6 and hid out in Nephi overnight, where Harris allegedly wired them money and provided for transportation to Salt Lake City International Airport. The following day, they boarded a flight to Chicago, again allegedly paid for by Harris, and spent the evening at an apartment in the city.

"If this woman was really worried about my son, why didn't she call me?" said Rodebush. "She has never even met Michael. Who is she to decide she has a better solution for my son?"

Juab County Attorney Jared Eldridge says there is some evidence that Harris was involved, but it appears the boys contacted her after running away.

"I don't know if Joyce [Harris] purchased the tickets, but doing so isn't a criminal offense," said Eldridge.

Later that week, Rodebush says, the boys took three separate buses to Bonaroo, a jam band concert on a 700-acre farm in Manchester that draws hundreds of thousands of fans.

"They couldn't get on the same bus, so they agreed to meet at the festival," said Rodebush.

Tired and running out of money, the 16-year-old Maryland boy on Saturday phoned his parents, who convinced him and Michael Rodebush to go to the police. They never met up with Kyle McEvoy, who is still missing.

Tom McEvoy, the North Carolina father of the 17-year-old, is "sick with worry," and working with Manchester police to find his son. He says he has had limited contact with the school.

"I just want my son back," said McEvoy, noting, "I was there for parents' weekend a week before all this went down and none of the boys indicated they were unhappy or planning on running away."

Rodebush also attended parents' weekend, and says her son Michael gave rave reviews of the school.

Unsatisfied with the county attorney's response to Harris' possible involvement, Rodebush has contacted the FBI and plans to file a complaint with the Utah Attorney General's office.

Meanwhile, Whitmore owner Cheryl Sudweeks is facing five misdemeanor counts of child abuse and two counts of hazing, filed last week for allegedly humiliating and harming four Whitmore students in 2003 and 2004.


This blog does not represent or endorse the accuracy or reliability of any of the information, content collectively, contained on, distributed through, or linked, downloaded or accessed from any of the services contained on this blog. The information in this blog is based on interviews with victims and parents, information from government officials, and lawyers. None of the contributors, sponsors, administrators or anyone else connected with this blog in any way whatsoever can be responsible for the appearance of any inaccurate or libelous information contained in this blog. All information provided using this blog is only intended to be general summary information to the public.

Posted by Isabelle Zehnder at 8:32 AM
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2007, 06:51:33 PM »
Friday, June 8, 2007

Isabelle Zehnder and Sue Scheff - Team work

Sue Scheff and Isabelle Zehnder believe in team work. They not only work with each other but they work with a group of other professionals who all share the same goals - to keep families together whenever possible and to help find safe alternatives when it is not possible.

Isabelle Zehnder is the Founder and CEO of Positive Family Solutions, LLC, and the Founder and President of the Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA).

Sue Scheff is the Founder and President of Parents Universal Resources Experts (PURE) and the author of At Wits' End (coming soon).

Today more than ever families are seeking outside help for their children and teens. Today more than ever parents are enrolling their kids into programs and facilities without really understanding what they are getting their child into. They don't realize they are dealing with an unregulated industry that has no governmental oversight.

While both Sue and Isabelle wish all families could stay together and resolve their issues at home that is not always possible. There is a rise in judges giving parents and teens the option to spend a year in a program rather than face a criminal record that will follow them for the rest of their lives. Parents and teens often choose this option.

And often parents are faced with issues with their teens that they feel they cannot resolve on their own. They need outside intervention and often need it quickly. There are times things are so out of control at home that there is no other option but to seek outside intervention.

Often they find Sue and Isabelle asking for advice as to where to send their child. If these parents are turned away the likelihood of their child being placed into a potentially abusive environment is high.

Read the rest here
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2007, 08:00:58 PM »
Only way to believe Izzy has cut ties with Scheff/Pure is a public announcement by Isabelle Zehnder, CEO, President of CAICA;or perhaps by Izzy's Board of Directors, stating why.

Izzy does claim to have a Board of Directors.

Does Izzy think she can simply remove this ONE Whitmore Blog from her blog page; and eliminate any damage she has caused; without, at least, a public apology?
  What about the "upcoming Whitmore blog" which is advertised; telling her readership to "stay tuned" because this blog will be based on the transcripts and testimony from the ongoing Whitmore civil case?

Sure, Izzy can delete this ONE Whitmore Blog; and put forth the appearance of doing the "right thing."  But, this Whitmore Blog has been on the internet for months; and seems to have served her purpose.
Sue Scheff's Whitmore Blog remains on the internet.
More Whitmore Blogs have been advertised, and one even has a title: "Whitmore Academy, The Secret Shhhh" and these BLOGS will most probably be written and published.

Who do you think you are kidding, IZZY?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2007, 08:44:07 PM »
I agree guest - Izzy is simply playing hide the ball, IMO.

My guess is the flack that Alex took for even being remotely associated with CAICA is what convinced her to clean house.  Only problem is, she didn't really clean house.  She swept it all under the rug.  

Poor Izzy.  Dufus that she is, she thinks she can just hide the mess she created.   She forgets all the advocates and survivors who are fighting this industry and consider her to be more foul than pond scum are not going away but rather, multipying in number.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2007, 08:53:53 PM »
Quote from: ""Izzy""
CAICA recently received e-mail and voice-mail correspondence regarding this Blog, and most recently an e-mail where the writer states β€œthe Whitmore was criminally charged, Whitmore is gone, shut down and shamed, and Cheryl is forbidden to open any such facility in Utah again.”

This person has obviously not done his or her research - those facts are incorrect. First, the Sudweeks were not criminally charged for abusing children at the Whitmore. Second, Cheryl was not forbidden from opening any facility in Utah again. She goes on to say CAICA is worried because we referred children there. CAICA is not a referral agency so never referred any child there.

The e-mail and phone call CAICA received came within days of each other and were both defamatory and threatening in nature.

As the author of the "e-mail" mentioned above, I'd like to respond:  I didn't send her an e-mail, I left a comment on the blog.  She had forgotten to set comments to administrator approval at the time.

The comment was:

You must be joking...three countries have gone after the Sudweeks, they are confirmed criminals. If you really believed the rubbish you were posting, you wouldn't hide behind the disclaimer. "Hearsay" has to be proven at some point. Can you do it? Also, you're focusing on some anonymous parent as the root cause of the Sudweeks' problems - I only wish one family could have an impact like that on an abusive program. I don't need a disclaimer about the abuse - it's proven. Why did Cheryl cop a plea bargain? If she were innocent, she should have gone the distance to clear her name. Your reputations will not be improved by this activity, only worsened. Whitmore's gone, shut down and shamed, and Cheryl is forbidden to open any such facility in Utah again. Your activities look slightly desperate - are you worried about possible legal action from families you referred to Whitmore? Keep defending convicted criminals, you're doing a huge favor for the drive to eradicate these programs.

Posted by Impure
April 8, 2007 9:20 AM

Since she had deleted the post, Iz was free to have a go at a rebuttal - and picked one sentence out of the entire comment.  Even then, she was wrong.

Izzy wrote:
"First, the Sudweeks were not criminally charged for abusing children at the Whitmore."

From the Deseret Morning News, September 22, 2006:

"Sudweeks, 51, pleaded no contest to four charges of attempted hazing, all class C misdemeanors. She was originally charged with six counts of child abuse, class A misdemeanors, and two counts of hazing, one a class A misdemeanor and the other a class B misdemeanor.

Those were criminal charges, Iz.

Again from Iz:
"Second, Cheryl was not forbidden from opening any facility in Utah again."

From the Deseret Morning News, September 22, 2006:

as Juab County Attorney Eldridge said, "It addresses some of the concerns I have β€” not all of them β€” but it resolves Mrs. Sudweeks to a be a law-abiding citizen for a year. Even if we got a conviction, that's all the probation she would have been given anyway. It requires her to pay a fine and do community service.  And it shuts her down, at least here in Juab County, so they can't do business here. I believe it effectively shuts them down in the state of Utah,"[/b]  

Sounds permanent and state-wide to me.  Eldridge sent the details of the plea and a letter from Cheryl Sudweeks admitting to "attempting" to haze four kids to the Utah licensing board, which is why he said they were shut down in the state.  Considering the hassles with licensing the Whitmore had already gone through, I can only hope even Utah would deny them.

I knew she didn't directly refer, but at the time I wrote the comment, I thought it likely that a desperate parent asked Iz for help, Iz passed them onto Scheff, and Scheff referred them to the Whitmore.  There didn't seem to be any other reason for Iz to participate in such a ludicrous defense of a proven abusive facility.  

After all, Iz, you claim it's all for the kids.  Whitmore kids don't count?

Last from Izzy:
"The e-mail and phone call CAICA received came within days of each other and were both defamatory and threatening in nature."[/b]

Since you pulled my post, I guess everyone was supposed to take your word.  Read my comment again, and show me how it was threatening in nature.  You and Sue can't continue trying to intimidate your critics into silence, because your critics are telling the truth, and why should they fear you if they can back up their words?

Quote from: ""Guest""
Izzy's whitmore blog is definitly M.I.A.

Cease and desist?

Just guessing - I have no idea why she suddenly removed it.

Maybe she read Zen's post and is worried the GAO may report unfavorably on Caica and Pure?

Err ... if so, I'd say she's a day late and a dollar short.

Yeah, if my post sparked her concern, she's obviously not the sharpest knife in the fry short of a Happy Meal.

Izzy, we've discussed you and Sue with the GAO already, and the investigators have read your Whitmore blogs, and your Disney-based attacks.  You're concerned  what your place will be in the investigation?  You and Sue will be involved...on the other side of the fence, with NATSAP, WWASP, and that lot, right where you belong.  Maybe you guys can sit next to the Kays and Big Bob Lichfield.

The two of you shot your mouths off thinking you were untouchable, and the sure wheel of Karma has turned.  Sue, you've always been trash.  Izzy, I've been told you started out with good intentions, but Scheff and the allure of money burned you.   Iz, you entered into a Faustian bargain with MephistSheffeles, and you've lost your soul.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

\"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"

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« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2007, 09:12:51 PM »
Zen, based on what I read Izzy did with ISAC and the investigation they were conducting on Majestic Ranch, I must respectfully disagree that Izzy started out with "good intentions".

Her first website called Kids in Captivity by Isabelle Zehnder, investigative journalist (LOLS) was created during this time frame.

She volunteered to help ISAC then proceeded to insert herself into the investigation screwing it up.  Her "report" is not even on the same level as ISAC's and yet, she does not link at all to ISAC.  What's that tell ya? ME, ME, ME.   She did the same thing with her "deaths" in facilities list.  The orginial source was TAUSA, that was obvious from the get go, yet she gives no credit to TAUSA or others who have been tracking these deaths for years.

In my opinion, Isabelle suffers from sort of delusional personality disorder.  The constant use of "WE, US" has been discussed before but I think it is a significant clue, as is the highjacking of other people's work, even their identity.  This goes beyond lack of integrity.  But I am not a psychiatrist.  I am simply pointing out how her "behavior" on several levels seems to suggest something bigger is going on.  What that is, I do not know but I can say it does not surprise me that Zehnder would be proud to call herself a "friend" and "colleague" of Sue Scheff.
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« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2007, 11:34:01 PM »
I don't know who is trying to sell folks on the concept that Izzy has had a change of heart - but whoever it is - you need a serious reality check, yourself.

The information about SS and PURE has been readily available since the publication of the WWASPS v. PURE trial transcripts.

DO NOT presume nor even try to pretend that Izzy did not read that document in full.

This is more damage control, IMO.

Izzy is not blind to the reality that she has no support, nor a shred of respect among her peers.

No one who has an ounce of INTEGRITY would have written that crap about Whitmore, or praised Sue Scheff ad nauseum.

Get real.  This borders on extreme misguided (wishful) thinking.  Izzy is what she is.  Deal with it.

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« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2007, 01:53:25 AM »
In my opinion, Isabelle suffers from sort of delusional personality disorder

Yah, it's called "narcissistic behavior" or "narcissistic personality". :rofl:
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« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2007, 02:07:58 AM »
Where's Izzy's public statement denouncing Sue Scheff and Pure?  Where's Izzy's public apology to all the Whitmore parents and their children; and her personal apology to Joyce Harris, and her family, since she pointed out this one parent and her family, in particular?
Where's Izzy's disclosure of the children she has referred to programs; so it can be independently verified that  the children are, in fact, safe at this point in time; after Izzy's involvment in placing them in  programs?
Where's Izzy's disclosure of who serve's on CAICA's Board of Directors, and the various Committees she lists on CAICA?

If Izzy is truly repentant, and ready to try becoming an "advocate" isn't it about time she start acting with some degree of honesty, and integrity?
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« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2007, 02:33:31 AM »
IMO... You have to have a conscience to apologize.  Don't think Izzy has one.  Right now it looks like she's playing CYA.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2007, 03:33:27 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Where's Izzy's public statement denouncing Sue Scheff and Pure?  Where's Izzy's public apology to all the Whitmore parents and their children; and her personal apology to Joyce Harris, and her family, since she pointed out this one parent and her family, in particular?
Where's Izzy's disclosure of the children she has referred to programs; so it can be independently verified that  the children are, in fact, safe at this point in time; after Izzy's involvment in placing them in  programs?
Where's Izzy's disclosure of who serve's on CAICA's Board of Directors, and the various Committees she lists on CAICA?

If Izzy is truly repentant, and ready to try becoming an "advocate" isn't it about time she start acting with some degree of honesty, and integrity?

Oh please.  Who honestly thinks that is going to happen?  Scheff still has her blog on Whitmore up - who cares if Izzy's is gone?  Or the blogs about Scheff?  Isn't that what one would expect her to do if she was trying to get off the D List?  Think logically, not emotionally.  Whitmore is no more.  Why are we still talking about that dumbass issue?  There is a lawsuit going on.  That's the way to fight back.  Words are cheap.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »