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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2003, 03:45:00 PM »
Do you have someone with these problems and addictions in your home???
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carey

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2003, 03:59:00 PM »
Angry Sister,

It sounds like you buy into the WWASP teaching "there is no right or wrong, there is only what works and what doesn't work."  That is the lesson that my boys learned at Dundee.  However, they now realize that is terrile message to be instilling in the kids in the "programs."

I am sorry that your brother has problems, and I admit I don't have all the answers, but I do know right from wrong and no matter how you slice it abuse is wrong.

First, you can't say that your brother would be dead if he were not in the program.  You can not tell what the future holds.  Second, your brother would recieve more services that would be of value to him if he were in juvinile detention than from what he has recieved at Dundee. Even Litchfield stated "all we guarantee is supervision."  

Have you been there, to Dundee?  I have.  It is not what you think it is.  Dundee is closing because of what I have seen and what the officials investigating it have seen.  Does that not tell you something?

I am sorry if you are angry, but you need to be angry with Narvin Litchfield, he is the one who has decieved you and your parents and many others like you.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #17 on: May 24, 2003, 06:36:00 PM »
  No I have never seen the facility at Dundee Ranch. My brother wasnt taken there in the middle of the night but actually just the contrary. MY father took him there willingly and he chose to stay. Every inch of the facility was checked out while he was there. He knew he wasnt checking him into the Ritz Carlton. It is policy to hold an investigation if a complaint is made. The same way there are investigated in our military and schools each day.
    You are correct, I do not know what the future holds. What I do know is that Im a college student at a University with 44,000 students and Ive seen plently of people including friends go down the path with drugs. When I mean dead, It applies to everything in life. People like that become dead to the world. They have no abition for anything but drugs or a concern for their future. OF course there are programs that work or dont work. How do you figure that there is an inbetween. Either they abandon the lifesyle they had or they continue it. I dont know who you are kidding by saying that our juvinelle system has more to benefit troubled kids. Our government provides minimal services for rehabilitation. If juvinelle detention was successful there wouldnt be so many habitual offenders in our society.
The sister
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #18 on: May 24, 2003, 07:20:00 PM »
Dear Angry Sister,
  Let me give you a little insight from two points of view that I don't think you have to draw on.

  First, I'm a mother. I have a 19yo daughter who scared the living hell out of us while she was going through her throws growing up. Out of respect for her and because you'd probably take it the wrong way, I won't go into a lot of detail here. Suffice it to say that, when Officer Friendly came to my door and told me that the only way he could 'help' her was if I filed criminal charges against her, I finally understood--really, completely, emotionally--why my parents had done what they had done to me and my older brothers and sister all those years ago. It was no longer just an accademic question, I didn't just accept and agree to let it go. I was able to truely forgive my dad.

  But I knew better than to make the same mistake because I had been on the receiving end of that kind of 'benevolence' myself. And I know in my heart that Dad was looking on from wherever it is that affectionate ghosts hang out and breathing a sigh of relief.

  The biggest difference between a kid who might be making self destructive decisions and one in a WWASP program is that the first kid can walk away and change their ways the minute they decide they're not having fun any more. If you think your little brother's odds of survival, or even of living out his life in better mental and emotional shape than a Viet Nam veteran, are better with than without WWASP, you're mistaken. Sorry, you just are.

  Again, I understand your impulse to try anything at all to help a kid who's scaring the hell out of you. I know. I used to think it was very much like watching my toddler cheerfully playing on a six lane highway and running, usually right into the worst trouble, every time I tried to reach out and pull her in.

  But you must, if you really love your brother, consider the first precept of the Hypocratic Oath; First, do no harm. No matter how bad you may think it is to do nothing but keep your door and your heart open to him, WWASP is worse. Kids die there. Kids commit suicide there. Most of those who make it out alive are not at all OK; not for a very long time if ever.

  Oh, if you're wondering how my daughter's doing, she's a whole lot better off than I was at her age after 2 years of 'help' from another Synanon based TOUGHLOVE outfit. Unlike me 20 years ago, she knows better and is lucid and sane enough NOT to get pregnant and try to marry the first psycho who comes along. Unlike me, she doesn't have panic attacks and night terrors--so I'm sure it's easier for her to hold a job.

  Like me, I'm sure she'll figure out the rest all in good time. And she's got family who she can trust should she ever decide she she needs or wants to come for an extended vacation and take a load off for awhile, no strings attached.

People everywhere enjoy believing things that they know are not true. It spares them the ordeal of thinking for themselves and taking responsibility for what they know.
Anonymity Anonymous
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #19 on: May 24, 2003, 07:25:00 PM »
Dear are obviously young, fresh with the absolute authority that what you say is absolutely right.  Give it a little time (years) and you may come to realize that what you "know" may not be right.  You cannot know your brother would die if not in Dundee.  You cannot know that he will learn that drugs are dangerous and to be avoided, even if he needs to forget the awful experiences at Dundee after he is released.  You cannot know that this was his last resort, that no other alternative except this humiliating lifestyle would save him.  

I have a relative in another WWASP facility.  This person was not in the dire straights you seem to think your brother was in.  In fact, the "problems" I, as an older/wiser/experienced parent and adult saw were more a fact of being a teen and experimenting with independence.  Smoking pot a few times, smart-mouthing a parent, and failing algebra is no excuse for removing a person from society, all personal contact with friends, extended family, even fellow inmates, newspapers, schooling, physical outdoor activity, food necessary for growing bodies, clothes that help identify the emerging adult personality, the dignity of being allowed to have an independent thought, or having the love of a parent who can talk to you as you try to sort out what you eventually want to be. You think this Last Resort is great for your brother, who went off the deep end?  Well, Dear Sister, is it also there to warehouse and demoralize your average teen whose parents have more money than brains and wouldn't recognize a correct parenting technique if it smacked them in the head?

The majority of children in these facilities are like that, but are suffering the severe treatment that you feel is the Last Resort measures saving your brother. NOBODY deserves this.  WWASP has a slogan banner they put up in seminars:  "Nothing Can Change When You're Comfortable".  Well, that's 100% wrong.  Change doesn't happen then; discomfort only makes the problem dive deeper.  Watch out for when it surfaces!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #20 on: May 24, 2003, 07:42:00 PM »
Sister, do you really believe that drugs are that big a problem? Based on some of your friends who are having trouble? Well you have to balance that out with all of what you see and hear. Does that make sense? Well look around you. Ever since they started keeping track in the early 70's, illicit drug use rates among high school and college age kids has remaind about the same. About half of all high school kids and a little more than half of college kids use illicit drugs at some point.

Most of us, the vast majority, go on to live normal, productive and satisfactory lives. This includes your doctor and medical staff, your professors and faculty, the people who own and operate the businesses and government services you patronize every day... If you're in a room or elevator with 6 other people, usually 2 or 3 of them have used illicit drugs at some point (you?). Are half or more of the people you see every day skidrow junkies? Do anywhere near 1/10th of the people you went to high school with fit that description?

Our survival instinct is so much stronger than you're thinking about right now. Almost everyone grows up, learns responsibility and gives up habits that get in the way of their goals. Beating them up and brainwhashing them doesn't help them through the process. It just makes it more difficult and makes certain sadistic lunatics very wealthy and powerful.

You should go down and take in the atmosphere then do the math. 200 kids * 2 years * $30k = $12,000,000 income. Expenses include a run down, former hotel; no trained staff, medical, educational or psyche; no decent food or clothing; no air conditioning; no janitors or cooks or lawn crews (your brother is providing those services) and they get extra for chasing down and beating him if he tries to run.

Believe me, the authorities in Costa Rica are NOT known for medeling in the private affairs of businesses or individuals in that country. If they decided it was apropriate to intervene, it's not like a bogus CYS call in the States. They don't mess around with that sort of thing. They go after serious criminals only.

Narvin Lichfield is in some deep stuff! And I like to think that he's getting the oportunity to reacquaint himself with a few of his former 'students' who may have been able to run away, but couldn't get back home without their Visas, pasports or any sane family back here.

God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference.
Anonymity Anonymous
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Janet

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #21 on: May 24, 2003, 09:59:00 PM »
Sister, please listen to Antigen.  She knows what she is talking about.  Not all teens sent to a WWASP facility are in serious trouble.  One I read about just wasn't religious enough for his fundamentalist parents.  One just was talking back to his parents.  My ex-friend's daughter just was engaging in sex and not doing well in school.  Well she hadn't done well in school since she entered kindergarten.  I can't understand how the parents were so surprised. She wasn't intellectually slow, just that school didn't interest her.  As a former teacher and a lover of school, I can't understand this, but I know not everyone needs a college education.  As for sex, her older brother and two older sisters engaged in premarital sex too.  She was the one who was kicked in the teeth and roundly punished!She did need a good talking to about how to avoid pregnancy and STDs, and how to avoid being exploited by males.

Sister, I mention the above because I want you to understand many are sent to WWASP prisons for frivolous reasons.  There are also many, (some have written on the internet) who had sons and daughters with very serious problems with substance abuse and/or felonies. And their kids turned themselves around all by themselves, and perhaps, with the knowledge that their loving parents would be there to help them.
The only time I MIGHT consider a WWASP facility is if my minor child was convicted of a felony,and the stupid state in which we lived was going to incarcerate him in an adult prison!  One kid who testified at the Virginia trial was in that situation.

Your parents are spending a bundle on your brother's stay at Dundee.  Perhaps it would have been better spent seeking psychiatric help.  Maybe  he would have been the 1% who would have ODed or would have become  a vegetable from drug use.  If that was his destiny, Dundee probably won"t help.  Not everyone comes out of a WWASP "school" cured!  What makes WWASP such a "success" is that kids have a way of growing up all by themselves. WWASP takes the credit for something that would have happened anyway.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carey

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #22 on: May 24, 2003, 10:58:00 PM »
"I would like to see my brother at home, drugfree, and achieving academic goals. Realistically this can't happen"

Please change your attitude about your brother.  That would help him more than you could ever imagine.  If he continues to be told by those he loves that he is a failure then you are making it that much harder for him to be anything but.  He needs you and your family to believe in him.  Give him what he needs.

He has been through a lot.  I don't know how long he was at Dundee but I know it does not take long for the psychological and physical abuse to begin.

"It seems to me that you have enough problems of your own to be consuming yourself with the problems of others"  

Others will always be important to me.  It hurts me terribly to think there are still kids in these programs who are being abused. I can't turn my back on them. Until all of these children are out of these abusive programs, I will continue to fight.  This has also helped my boys more than you will ever know. They have peace knowing that Dundee has been closed.  They have even a greater sense of peace knowing that Litchfield is going to be held accountable.

Angry sister, I hope you have opened your heart and your ears to what we are trying to help you understand.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #23 on: May 25, 2003, 12:17:00 PM »
Yes I really believe that drugs are THAT big of a problem in our society. I you are wrong statistically on population drug use since the 70s. In all the criminology, psychology, and law classes I have taken at the university, they have all gone into great detail showing that drug use has steadily increased in our society. In addition, to increased number or users they are used more often and are about 5 times stronger than those used in the 70s. Yes it is a big problem, anyone who would drugs arent, is either uninformed, uneducated or strictly naive when it comes to drugs. Its a harsh reality when its someone you love.
   If our survival insticts as humans are so much stronger than I believe why has the war on drugs been ever increasing. Why does our government spend billions on the drug war, and billions on rehabiliation centers, which by the way have a small percentage of succesful results. Most addicts have relapsed within 3 years of a rehab center. People with a drug addiction at a young age have an 80% chance of having the same problem and worse as an adult. Statistically that doesnt give my brother or any other troubled kid that much of a chance.
    As far as giving my brother the love that he deserves. I think that awarness andunderstanding of his problem is the most love and support I can do for him. I support him with all my heart and would have done anything to help him quit. He has never been deprived of a loving and caring family. We are only 3 years apart and I was raised in the same family under the same conditions that he was. It is strictly a matter of character and responsibility that made us chose different paths in life. My parents didnt just send him to Dundee Ranch to get rid of him. After all other sources were exausted, changing schools and therapy along with other alternatives there his problem continued to get worse.
   Some kids may not need a facility like the WWASP programs, and that is each childs parents decision to send them. It is their child and their conscience that they have to live with. I do not agree with demoralizing people but how sure are we that these accusations are true. Most of these allegations come from students that were there for a short period of time and were unable to finish the program. In the same light, I would probably of said the same thing about someone who restricted me and given me the first set of rules I had seen in years. Most of these kids have had minimal discipline going into these programs. Change is rough.
Maybe it is just because I see these problems everyday, not just with my brother but with peers, I realize the horror and wrath of drugs. I dont disagree that it is possible for some people to only "experiment" with drugs. But for most of the kids in the WWASP programs, that isnt the case. For the ones that continue and have drug dependent lives, therapy becomes a joke. Great if it has worked for some people but Id love to hear a success story from a parent who had a heavily drug addicted child where THERAPY was the "cure".
  Anyway, Im not trying to change anyones opinion of these programs. They arent ideal but if it saves one kids life, isnt it worth it. My brother had the odds against him when it came to recovery. He was a bright kid with a good heart but drugs took that over. I know that he was given many opportunites to change with all sorts of professional help but when someone doesnt want to change, no therapists or doctor (which my father is) is going to do that for someone. It is a matter of will and only the individual can have that.
  Oh by the way, after being picked up from Dundee Ranch after 5 weeks, he spoke nothing of abuse. Yes, he wasnt fond of the food but other than that there was minimal expected complaints. He went completly willingly to Ivy Ridge. My brother is no quite one and would have been screaming his head off if he was terrified of another school. While this may not be the school for everyone it is right for others. Thats the parents decision. Im so proud of the success that he has made thus far and I support and love him completely. If these programs can help him, I support them also.
A suppportive sister
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #24 on: May 25, 2003, 01:06:00 PM »
Well ma'am, you appear to me as having a bigger problem than drugs. Sure, drugs are more potent, your current PC is probably faster than a 8086 IBM from the late 70's, so what? Does this mean you should condone torturing and mindraping children? I doubt that reasoning would hold up in a US court. Just the act of sending your kid/sibling/etc... out of the country, where places like Dundee and all the other abusive treatment programs out there are, who can have their evil ways with kids and get paid big bucks for it, presents certain liabilities that I doubt you want to have.
Your only option, in my opinion, is to get him out of there now! And, demand a the very least.
You yourself said treatment doesn't work guaranteed, so why allow him to be abused and why do you pay money for that? That is simply unacceptable.

Please go to and do some reading. Check with the survivors that post on this site too. There are lots of reasons why you are just plain wrong by thinking that WWASP helps. Please, do yourself a favor and do some more research.

MG8 :smokin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #25 on: May 25, 2003, 03:55:00 PM »
Dear Sister,
I just had to "weigh" in on this discussion.  I am a parent of a son similar to your brother.  Thankfully, I came to my senses rather rapidly and pulled him out of a WWASP school after 2 1/2 months.  These "schools" aren't for anyone.  In fact, my son's problems were way worse after his involvement with WWASP.  Why do we as a society believe that "punnishing" someone will "cure" them?  There are reasonable, and viable, solutions for troubled kids, within the U.S., that do not include torture, pain and humiliation.  Granted, I was sucked in by WWASP, and bought into their bull for a short time, but I came to my senses after attending the first seminar.  In fact, their seminars are very similar to a form of "mind control" which was in existence during the 70's called EST.  As soon as I found out what they were really about I pulled my son - thank God!  He is now in a school was he is given the respect and dignity that he deserves as a human being.  In fact, he is doing great - straight A student, and sober for over 6 months.  So you see, there are other alternatives.  It doesn't have to be so extreme.  Why won't you at least consider the possiblity that WWASP is a poorly run, destructive force in the lives of troubled children?  Just consider the possiblities...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #26 on: May 25, 2003, 06:18:00 PM »
On 2003-05-24 18:59:00, Janet wrote:

 Maybe he would have been the 1% who would have ODed or would have become a vegetable from drug use. If that was his destiny, Dundee probably won"t help. Not everyone comes out of a WWASP "school" cured! What makes WWASP such a "success" is that kids have a way of growing up all by themselves. WWASP takes the credit for something that would have happened anyway.

Thanks, Janet. I just wanted to comment on this, though (so contraryy! eh?)

More like .001% of people who try illicit drugs or legal drugs illicitly (underaged drinking, filching pills, etc) ever wind up seriously overdosing. Most people never get addicted to the point where they can't beat it. These people, about half of the adult American population, never come into contact with law enforcement or other authorities as a result of their drug use; they work, love, marry, divorce, watch football and go skiing and don't look anything like a homeless psychzophrenic or that racoon eyed gal on the Ad Council commercials.

What makes WWASP so 'successful' is that they have no problem with lying a whole lot AND that brainwashing actually does work. It's not the least bit therapeutic, mind you, but it is extremely effective.

I remember being asked to give my statement in a criminal investigation into Straight, Inc. I could have described how I had been thrown on a cold concrete floor and held in a 4 point without a pillow for a couple of hours for refusing to apologize to Group for having run away to my sister's home in another state. I could have described, without exageration, what happened to another kid who was not allowed to sit or sleep or use a bathroom for at least 2 1/2 days while other boys yelled at him, slapped and shoved him and also held him on the floor.

I chose not to do that. At the time, I didn't think that he or I had any valid complaint. After all, I did rebel and refuse to do what I was told. Aren't kids supposed to do what they're told? And the other kid had run away and, when they 'restrained' him, he faught back (before or after his rib broke, I don't know).

It took some time to sort it all out and understand just how F'd UP it all was. That's why no talking to anyone. That's why no reeding, no adequate sleep, severe punishment on the slightest pretense and pervasive fear and hostility like a heavy fog. Not only can you get a person to say what you want them to under these conditions, you can actually get them to believe, for a time, whatever you want them to. That's how cults work. The prison without walls.

Those letters home that some parents point to as proof that the kid is alright with what's going on are not the result of a well thought out, reasoned thought process; "If I say this, then this good thing will happen or if I say that than this bad thing will happen". It's more like, every minute, wakeing or not, you're constantly walking a tight rope to keep from getting in trouble and to try and get closer to getting out. But it becomes so all consuming that, after awhile, you actually forget what you really believe and have a hard time seperating your own thoughts from the Group identity.

Understand that legal and illegal are political, and often arbitrary,
categorizations; use and abuse are medical, or clinical, distinctions.

--Abbie Hoffman

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #27 on: May 25, 2003, 07:39:00 PM »
::noway:: Sister, you said:

"...but if it saves one kid's life, isn't it worth it?"    

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #28 on: May 26, 2003, 12:17:00 AM »
On 2003-05-25 09:17:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Yes I really believe that drugs are THAT big of a problem in our society. I you are wrong statistically on population drug use since the 70s. In all the criminology, psychology, and law classes I have taken at the university, they have all gone into great detail showing that drug use has steadily increased in our society. In addition, to increased number or users they are used more often and are about 5 times stronger than those used in the 70s. Yes it is a big problem, anyone who would drugs arent, is either uninformed, uneducated or strictly naive when it comes to drugs. Its a harsh reality when its someone you love.

So then, what? Go ahead and kill the kid cause he was going to die anyway? His brain could use a little washing? Look up from those books for a while and look at what is going on around you. Drug use has possibly risen, some, but not a whole lot. But you're missing the point. All the fear mongering propaganda about how certainly destructive certain drugs are just doesn't mesh with the fact that most people who use those drugs as kids simply do not grow up to be skidrow junkies.

More to the point. Most of the kids I went to school with and who used licit and illicit drugs recreationally went on to college and/or happy marraiges and careers and are living decent lives now. Not so for most of the people I met in Straight. Even though most of them were your typical spoiled rich kid, just like the ones I knew before. The Program messed them up profoundly.


   If our survival insticts as humans are so much stronger than I believe why has the war on drugs been ever increasing. Why does our government spend billions on the drug war, and billions on rehabiliation centers, which by the way have a small percentage of succesful results.

Good question. The definition of insanity, being what it is. Simple answer? Because you're still buying into it, sucker! You should know, if you're planning a career in law enforcement, that prohibition does not work. It never has and never will. You'll be asked to take an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of your jurisdiction. Then you'll be immediately ordered to break your oath.

Drug abuse is a personal, spirital, possibly medical problem. It is not a crime as defined by out Constitution, which engenders personal responsibility, liberty and government protection ONLY from crime by others to a nonconsenting other.

Most addicts have relapsed within 3 years of a rehab center. People with a drug addiction at a young age have an 80% chance of having the same problem and worse as an adult. Statistically that doesnt give my brother or any other troubled kid that much of a chance.

So.... then why are we torturing him? And how, exactly, do you think torturing him now will make his life any easier later?

Please think about exactly why you believe WWASP is effective. The only basis I know for those claims are their own advertising and anecdotal stories of recent graduates. Ask them for long term outcome studies. Not just synopsises or citateions. Take a look, if you can get them to show you (which I doubt), at the actual studies and methodologies. If you're familiar at all with clinical research, you'll crap when you see what they're hawking as legitimate research.

Honey, I know you're a true believer and you love your brother. But, if the editorial board of the NY Times and (a few years back) the Washington Post can be sumarily duped, so can you. You're being taken for a ride.

I do not agree with demoralizing people but how sure are we that these accusations are true.

You just couldn't make this stuff up. One after another after another kid, and often parents, keep coming back with similar stories. Hell, even the parts that the Program supporters don't deny speak volumes to those of us who have been through similar Synanon based programs. You think it's a petty thing to be screamed at, scrutinized, deprived of sleep and, all the while, not allowed to talk to anyone or even smile at your fellow 'students' for a number of months? Just go and try it for yourself.

And remember (asif anyone could forget for a moment) the consequence of failure may well be being made to kneel on a hard surface for a number of hours. Try that for 20 minutes. Right now. Just get down on your knees on a hard floor and try and remain motionless for a full 20 minutes. Can't do it? Then you're being rebellions, sister! A couple of people will come and put you face down while they pull your arms backward up toward your ear till you see things their way and try again.

Most of these allegations come from students that were there for a short period of time and were unable to finish the program.

Not true. That's just what the salesmen told you. Graduates take a little while to come around. Most are somewhat scrambled in the head for awhile. All are fearful of being sent back. But, eventually, just about anyone you ask who's been out for awhile will tell you how it was.

Here's another interesting experiment. Try and get a complete contact list of families who have been out of the program for, say, the last 2 years. You figure they've got, what, about 5k kids at a time so they ought to be able to give you about 10k names, right? You'll find that they won't give. The last thing in the world they want is for former students to get together and compare notes. They have no alumni committee, no reunions, no way of contacting old friends from "school". As a matter of policy, it is frowned upon. Contacting people who left the program is strictly forbidden.

Lady, you're dealing with a cult. Wake up and smell the coffee.

I know that he was given many opportunites to change with all sorts of professional help but when someone doesnt want to change, no therapists or doctor (which my father is) is going to do that for someone. It is a matter of will and only the individual can have that.

There's only one way to change a kid's behavior against their will. Break his will. That's what these programs do. If drug use is so certainly destructive and it's only the rare lucky one who escapes junkiedome, then how do you reconcile the known fact that over half of high school kids use illicit drugs while only a rare few ever come into the kind of trouble that you attribute to drugs?

  Oh by the way, after being picked up from Dundee Ranch after 5 weeks, he spoke nothing of abuse. Yes, he wasnt fond of the food but other than that there was minimal expected complaints. He went completly willingly to Ivy Ridge. My brother is no quite one and would have been screaming his head off if he was terrified of another school. While this may not be the school for everyone it is right for others. Thats the parents decision. Im so proud of the success that he has made thus far and I support and love him completely. If these programs can help him, I support them also.

A suppportive sister


If my father, a priest and a cop had come into the Program and asked me to my face if I wanted to leave, I would have thought it was a trick and told them no. Years after I got out, my dad asked me why I'd never told him before what had been going on. I was surprised at the question. I told him "Dad, because you would have turned me in." He knew that was true.

The right of self-defense is the first law of nature; in most governments it has been the study of rulers to confine this right within the narrowest possible limits. ... and [when] the right of the people to keep and bear arms is, under any color or pretext whatsoever, prohibited, liberty, if not already annihilated, is on the brink of destruction.
-- St. George Tucker, Judge of the Virginia Supreme Court 1803

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
American P.O.W. 10/80 - 10/82
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
Anonymity Anonymous
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Majiktrvls

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Pani Issues Report Amid Chaos at Dundee Ranch
« Reply #29 on: May 26, 2003, 01:14:00 AM »
According to the SLTribune, it is offical that Pani has successfully closed the Dundee Ranch. I cannot get the whole article to link here, an AOL issue, I am told, but go to and read the article about the findings and final days of this Lichfield retreat for kids.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The New Definition of BITCH....Babe In Total Control of Herself!!