Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Troubled Teen Industry

Carey Bock - Position Statement


POSITION STATEMENT:  It is true that Carey Bock was removed from a private discussion group of individuals dedicated to implementing
regulation, oversight and accountability of specialty programs for children.  She was excluded for reasons including disrespectful
postings, breach of confidentiality, and general instability.  You will note that all of these things are evident in her postings at this forum,
and we know that reasonable people will lend those rantings no more credence than they deserve.  Neither I, nor other members of the group,will engage in further dialogue on the subject at this or any other forum, as it serves no useful purpose, and we prefer to dedicate our
time and energy to protecting children.

That was a very vague response (like the WWASP verbage).  Can't you be a little more specific with your accusations.  I am specific with mine.  I can directly state what my argument is with "the other BBS" (that is Sue's BBS).  Why can't you?

I will respond to any accusation you put before me.  I will tell the truth and I will argue my case.

I can use my real name because I am not hiding in fear of my statements.  Why can't you?

Post the three things I was removed for.  Show the reason "including disrespectful postings, breach of confidentiality and general instability."  Make sure they were before I got the boot by including actual postings with their times and dates.  Then I will show when I was booted with the actual posting showing the time and date and we can see if that was why I was booted.  You can't do it because it is not true!!!!

Sue's girl, if you want me to post all of it I will.

a concerned parent:

--- Quote ---On 2003-05-19 11:59:00, seesgurl wrote:

"POSITION STATEMENT:  It is true that Carey Bock was removed from a private discussion group of individuals dedicated to implementing

regulation, oversight and accountability of specialty programs for children.  She was excluded for reasons including disrespectful

postings, breach of confidentiality, and general instability.  You will note that all of these things are evident in her postings at this forum,

and we know that reasonable people will lend those rantings no more credence than they deserve.  Neither I, nor other members of the group,will engage in further dialogue on the subject at this or any other forum, as it serves no useful purpose, and we prefer to dedicate our

time and energy to protecting children.


--- End quote ---

And you had to post to announce this? If only you knew how bad you sound.

You say:

"She was excluded for reasons including disrespectful

postings, breach of confidentiality, and general instability.  You will note that all of these things are evident in her postings at this forum,

and we know that reasonable people will lend those rantings no more credence than they deserve.  Neither I, nor other members of the group,will engage in further dialogue on the subject at this or any other forum,"

  So in other words PURE inc DISCSRIMINATES. And tries to sensor information that is posted on their board by keeping certain opinions from being heard. Sounds like you are the mentally unstable ones. What kind of "group" or "program" are you really running?

 I looked at you site. You are nothing but a catching mit for abusive programs, so that you can profit instead. My opinion of you is very low as well as is others.

Can you smell something?

Can't you smell that smell!

--- Quote ---
On 2003-05-19 11:59:00, seesgurl wrote:

...and we know that reasonable people will lend those rantings no more credence than they deserve.  
--- End quote ---

And no less credence, either. "We" seem to forget the room to which these comments are addressed. Most of us have had about a belly full of this kind of brow beating already. In fact, for all the diversity and outright hostility that bleeds and oozes all over this place, the one tie that binds us is a common and severe alergy to being told what to think about anyone or anything by some know it all third party.


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