Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > PURE Bullshit and CAICA

Questions for Lon Woodbury Re: CAICA/PURE/WHITMORE

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Lon Woodbury posted an article on ETHICS on Struggling Teens yesterday going on and on about these profiteers who refer to and are PAID BY PROGRAMS,YET he seems to condone Sue Scheff posting these Whitmore Blogs trashing parents and prasing the defunct Whitmore Academy and their criimal owners on hiis website.

Preachiing ETHICS and publishing anything that Sue Scheff seems to throw his way? What's that all about?


--- Quote from: ""Guest"" ---Lon Woodbury posted an article on ETHICS on Struggling Teens yesterday going on and on about these profiteers who refer to and are PAID BY PROGRAMS,YET he seems to condone Sue Scheff posting these Whitmore Blogs trashing parents and prasing the defunct Whitmore Academy and their criimal owners on hiis website.

Preachiing ETHICS and publishing anything that Sue Scheff seems to throw his way? What's that all about?
--- End quote ---

Greed and hypocrisy.

Troll Control:

--- Quote from: "Guest" ---It couldn't hurt...

When I read Lon's article about Gage and the hot tub it was like a neon sign flashing in my head "CHILD MOLESTER, CHILD MOLESTER, CHILD MOLESTER!"

It just goes to show that ED CONS, like Lon, have NO BUSINESS making referrals to programs they are incapable by education or morality to objectively evaluate.  Lon simply lacks the cognitive tools to put the pieces together or he knowingly refers to abusive facilities/people.  Pick one...

This is why Ed Cons should be strictly avoided in the mental health care decision process:  they have a vested interest in long-term institutionalization of children and their expertise (if they have any) doesn't extend into the arena of psychology/psychiatry.  It's like asking your mechanic how to treat your kid's trichotillomania.  

It doesn't make sense on any level, yet these dupes keep going for Lon's "advice."

Good advice when dealing with Ed Cons and programs:  When the only tool they have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
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It's all about the money, people.  The sooner you get that through your thick heads the better off your kids will be.


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