Author Topic: Perspective about the Naive and Selfish  (Read 1671 times)

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« on: June 10, 2007, 01:50:16 PM »
Very early on in her 'advocacy' a couple years ago, IZ wanted to volunteer for ISAC. At the time, she had been workin with a lawyer etc etc... and helping us was what she claimed she wanted to do. So after receiving our specific instructions, she disregarded them and decided to report abuse at Majestic.Ranch, thinkin that she was SAVING the kids. Actually what she did was to screw up a golden opportunity to finally document and PROVE abuse inside a WASSP facility. She blew it. I couldn't believe anyone could do that bullshit, and smack myself regularly for trustin her. (Keep in mind, this was the FIRST anyone had ever heard about her) learn by the burn so to speak. She completely bypassed common sense and moral character to serve her own interests. Also, what she failed to realize all the while was that CPS there works very closely with M. R. , right? Hey IZ, check the WASSP Crimes Report or do YOUR OWN research! You know, family looks out for family, etc etc and all the call did was to ALERT the abusers that someone was talking to the 'outside'. This industry doesn't offer 2nd chances. Apparently she is still reeling from that experience. Ever since, it seems to be going downhill for her and her reputation. She's done this to herself. Nobody has to slam her or 'defame' her, it looks to me to occur naturally. What about the time she 'stood up' the Rolling Stone reporter? Hmm, not cool. Oh well, What goes around must actually be coming around for her. Let the ball roll where it may...  :roll:


PS: Hey IZ, unless only YOU care, you can take down that litchfield vs isac suit now, LOL... It's been over for MONTHS!!!   :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« Reply #1 on: June 10, 2007, 10:47:38 PM »

Looks like Izzy even wrote a report on MJ and had a press conference.

Who's this friend and colleague Thomas Coleman?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« Reply #2 on: June 10, 2007, 11:00:43 PM »
Lest anyone forget - Izzy's other friend and colleague Sue Scheff referred kids to Majestic Ranch (WWASPS) after starting PURE - meaning she was would have been well aware of the abuse allegations leveled against WWASP because that was one of the reasons she claimed to have formed PURE in the first place.

So tell us izzy, was this fact published in your report?  

After all, it seems logical to investigate how children as young as 7 years old end up in these abusive programs, don't you agree?

Thanks to ISAC for all their hard work over the years.  

For those who may not know, apparently CAICA is a spin off of "Kids In Captivity" which was a website for Isabelle Zehnder, Investigative Journalist. ...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2007, 11:10:51 PM »
So basically Izzy blew ISAC off and went and did her own thing proceeding to screw up what ISAC had already started and was attempting to finalize?

Damn!  Way to go there izzybelle.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2007, 11:47:06 PM »
What a horrible excuse for a human being.  A glory grubber.  

I wonder if she was truely niave in thinking she could stop the abuses and shut down the porgram or if she just wanted the attention regardless of the outcome?  A chance to get her name in the public?  

I am not familiar with the time line of her love affair with SS.  Can anyone tell me when it began?  Did she meet SS via the industry and then they started working on refering parents together or do you think they are old friends that plotted this kind of marketing avenue?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« Reply #5 on: June 11, 2007, 03:23:57 AM »
It would appear that the "love affair between Izzy and Sue-Sue" must have begun after June 2005, since it has been said that Scheff was advising Cheryl Sudweeks to sue CAICA for defaming and writing slanderous lies Whitmore Academy about this time.

Was Isabelle Zehnder actually supporting the Whitmore Academy parents, and their children's allegations of abuse against the Sudweeks in June 2005?  If so, wonder why Zehnder changed her mind, and withdrew this support?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« Reply #6 on: June 11, 2007, 03:46:19 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
It would appear that the "love affair between Izzy and Sue-Sue" must have begun after June 2005, since it has been said that Scheff was advising Cheryl Sudweeks to sue CAICA for defaming and writing slanderous lies Whitmore Academy about this time.

Was Isabelle Zehnder actually supporting the Whitmore Academy parents, and their children's allegations of abuse against the Sudweeks in June 2005?  If so, wonder why Zehnder changed her mind, and withdrew this support?

Because there is no right or wrong - only what works? Seems she dicided making SS happy would work better for her than having her mad.

I wouldn't want to give the wrong impression - I have never had anything to do with Izzabell. I don't actually know her. All I know of her is from others who have had first hand experience. I can say that as a result of their experience, I have always felt she was best avoided.

I was angry with her on many occasions, as a result of her actions towards others. For example, the way she ignored ISAC's instructions, during that brief episode where she wanted to *help*; and IMO, ran ahead of common sense, in a grasp for what she thought would be her path to glory and riches. From that point on, I thought of her as ignorant and unreliable at best; and at worst, an attention seeking megalomaniac.

And BTW - she was reported to have told people she intended to find a way to make this advocating thing pay. I head this from two different people she said this to. She thought she was going to set up CaCa and the money would start rolling in. We all got a laugh out of that. There is no money in Advocating. The money is in program selling - as she seems to have discovered.

Then there were a few other little things that troubled me. . .
Foremost, in my mind, was the way she treated one young man she was calling incessantly as part of her "investigating". I know his name, but as I don't know how he would feel about it, I will keep that to myself. I should also explain he and I have never spoken. However, I speak frequently with two others who have often spoken with him, and even met with him when ISAC did the news conference in San Diego. It is they who told me how shamelessly Izzabell had exploited this kid. She was calling him on his cell phone, and talking on and on and on - as she tends to do. He expressed concern about the bill being run up, and she assured him it wasn't a problem; not to worry; she would take care of it - and on and on she talked. The bill came to (if I recall correctly) 800.00. Izzabell then decided she couldn't afford to help with these charges after all - she totally stiffed the kid.

I did mention this to Izzabell on one occasion - while explaining why I didn't want anything to do with her. She told me, there wasn't anything keeping the kid from hanging up. He could have just hung up the phone if he thought the call was running to long. Yes, he could, but he was being told not to worry about it, that she (Izzabell) would help with the bill; and I expected that no matter how badly he wanted to just hang up, he was apparently to polite to do so.  But in any case, I thought that was deplorable behavior on her part; and for me, it was the last straw.

As a side note, It was about the time Izzabell came on the scene, that SS got pissed at ISAC for posting the parent's letters about Whitmore and PURE. The next thing you know, SS is suggesting to various Trekkers, who had been supportive of the work ISAC was doing, to cut ISAC dead, and support Izzabell, and her then pal, Thomas Coleman instead. Like the good worker bees that they are, they did as the queen bee said - or at least they cut ISAC dead. Can't say if they ever supported Izzabell or Coleman.

It was also just as this was happening, that Bob Litchfield filed a case against ISAC, which has now been dismissed. I always found the timing of great interest. In one of my last conversations with SS, she told me "Your little Friend is in for a surprise." That "little friend" was/is Shelby Earnshaw, of ISAC.  Soon there after, she was served papers in the case Robert Litchfield filed against her and her husband and ISAC.

There were a number of other curious little details, that I felt supported the suspicion that SS was involved with the orcastration of that law sute. But as her friends insisted - She would Never work with WWASP!

But this thread is about Izzabell (funny how it is harder and harder to separate the two) and so lets get back on topic.  To sum it up, she has left a lot of angry people in her wake. She has offended nearly every one who ever had anything to do with her - and that includes SS; as has been noted; altho she got over it as soon as Izzabell removed Whitmore from her so called watch list.  

Other advocates and grieving parents have all had troubling experainces with Izzabell.  And now we have all this with her referring to a transport agency that transports for WWASP. . .

I have to agree with those who say: Time to retire Izzabell. Go find another cash cow to milk and Leave the kids alone.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« Reply #7 on: June 11, 2007, 04:29:40 PM »
Sure, blame the kid. "HE could have hung up".  

Sounds a lot like the philosophy of program owners/operators and yes, even WWASPS:


Isn't that how it goes?  

Pay the boy, IZZY, from your donation fund or coaching biz.

 :flame:  :flame:  :flame:  :flame:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Perspective about the Naive and Selfish
« Reply #8 on: June 11, 2007, 05:32:53 PM »
GOD, how long did that Izzy woman keep that young man on the phone to run up his cell phone bill to some $800?
That cheap ass woman needs to pay him back because there is no excuse for this, none what-so-ever.
Can just imagine that most of this conversation was probably her running her mouth.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Hogzilla and Uglyzilla
« Reply #9 on: June 11, 2007, 09:38:03 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""

Looks like Izzy even wrote a report on MJ and had a press conference.

Who's this friend and colleague Thomas Coleman?

I don't mean to cut a person down for being a little over weight or a little hard to look at--but these 2 "women" if that's what you call them take the prize.  You have Isabella who looks like the HOG of the century, standing there next to Tom Coleman.  That poor man!  

Then you have Sue Scheff who EXACTLY the same FACE as Hogzilla but on a skinny body.

It's just too much to visualize when I'm having my dinner here tonight.  (VOMIT).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »