Author Topic: RE: HLA ON FIRE?!  (Read 31833 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #150 on: June 01, 2007, 10:07:06 PM »
What phone call Robert? I never received a phone call telling me to do or not do anything. I have no idea what you are talking about. You notice I am not cowering, I havent run away, I havent gone into hiding, and I havent stopped posting. I just choose to post on some things and not on others. Im also sometimes not home or too busy with life to get on here and post. Its my choice, not anybody elses but mine. Nobody owns me, tells me what to do, or tells me what to say. Sorry but thats your own fantasy of what you think is reality. Truth is, I post when I want, say what I want, and when I want to. Just because I choose not to post on some things does not make me a coward, its just my choice, its as simple as that.

Believe what you want, but I know what reality is in my own life, you don't.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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« Reply #151 on: June 01, 2007, 10:19:22 PM »
Whatever you say kitten. I know for a fact that you recieved a phone call telling you what we had been telling you all along. You neither then nor now have ever known anything about Hidden Lake Academy. Pretending otherwise just makes you look more foolish.

You claimed you werent posting anymore because you suddenly had no opinion on hla, despite having run your mouth incessantly for over a year. Its okay though Sanna, we know it was because of the phone call. You were silenced because you were afraid of what would happen if you didnt shut up. Thats why you got so quiet so quick and why you wont discuss the lawsuit or any other matter related to hla now.

You were told not to.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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whatever Robert
« Reply #152 on: June 01, 2007, 10:39:43 PM »
Am I silent now? Am I under a court order? Did anybody tell me not to ever post here again? No to all of the above. If you were told there was a supposed phone call, you were lied to. I didnt sign any contract. I am not a HLA employee. I was not under any gag order, nor am I being told what to say or not say by anybody. I post on what I choose to post on. Some topics I dont know the answer to, some are too controversial for me to want to get in the middle of, some are a bunch of the same BS back and forth, and some I am not interested in. I only posted on here on this thread about the age of the bldg which I knew to be incorrect, and that I felt generalities about housing and people in general in North Georgia to be unfair to the folks who are from there or reside there because I happen to know what its like there and some on this board do not. This wasnt supposed to be a bashing of me thread or a fight with Robert thread. You took it in that direction. Please, get back to the topic at hand, which is the fire, cause, guilty parties if any, and the investigation into it. I am curious about that, but have no idea if it was arson, who did it if it was, or even begin to tell you any details about it, Im just curious like the rest of you. Please stop this ridiculous obsession you have with me, I am not trying to start it with you. I have the right to post here as much as you do, whether or not you agree with me. Please move on to another target and leave me out of your rants.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #153 on: June 02, 2007, 01:01:20 AM »
SH---This is all he has.  There is obviously nothing else of value to him in his existence.  He has reached for you with his pathetic ire and threats.  Ignore him.  He'll soon go to his kitchen for another ice cream pop and forget all about you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RobertBruce

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« Reply #154 on: June 02, 2007, 10:25:56 AM »
So long as we can agree you neither now nor then have ever known anything about the true inner workings of HLA.

You had no clue what was really going on there.

Stay out of conversations of which you know nothing and everything will be just fine.

Now that that's settled let's get back to the things that matter.

Classes are set to resume Monday correct?

I guess we'll find out soon enough whether or not they're going to keep this train wreck going.

We should get a pool going.

Somebody set it up while I run and get another ice cream pop.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #155 on: June 02, 2007, 12:08:53 PM »
I lost the damn pool, I thought this fucking thing would be toast before Christmas.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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I Lost As Well
« Reply #156 on: June 02, 2007, 03:33:39 PM »
Yes, I'll have to admit as well that as of May 31, 2007, I lost the pool also. My rationale for the school closing date was based on the end of the semester and not enough returning students to cover finances...instead they are keeping the price the same and significantly cutting the offerings. Why didn't I think of that???
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Function Junction

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« Reply #157 on: June 02, 2007, 04:31:38 PM »
My goodness you guys are predictable!   ::roflmao::  
When someone challenges an anti-HLA perspective, the anti-HLA'ers get threatened and throw temper-tantrums.  It's fascinating to hear people who claim having been abused are themselves verbally abusive to others.  Rather than boring myself and others about the predictable patterns I've seen from the anti-HLA'ers, please look at this link below:

I'll try to keep this short since my posts tend to look like legal briefs (they bore me some times).  Yawn is right RB!
Here are the reasons I don't think Dr. B torched or hired someone to burn the place:
1.  Insurance companies don't automatically pay a claim.  In fact, they are pretty good at spotting insurance fraud.  Any sign of this would delay or prevent payment.  It's too much of a risk to wind up having to pay for a new building, a lawyer to defend a case of insurance fraud, and the present attorneys.  By the way, the comment about Dr. B skulking aroun in a cat suit  was just a joke.  It seems as though someone took it too seriously.
2.  It's hard to believe an HLA-supporter would try to commit the stupid act of insurance fraud around the same time as graduation.  It would be an embarrassment, which isn't needed at this time.  I think this was done by an anti-HLA'er (one of the delightful people from Fornits?) who is trying to embarrass HLA and try to close the school since it's still operating.
3.  If someone were ridiculously stupid enough to commit insurance fraud, they would torch a building that isn't connected to others to minimize the collateral damage.  According to the satellite view, there is one down by the lake, one across from the burned Academic Building, the Cafeteria, or the Gym.  This person probably wanted to torch the middle building with the hope of burning the other two buildings on each side and possibly the surrounding forest.

Maybe you just need some hugs.  I'm sending out this e-hug with much luv to all of those peeps, to use a hip colloquialism. ((O)) (that's a pathetic looking hug, but still full of love for all of you.  I'm not good at these emoticons)

(No anti-HLA'ers were harmed during the scribing of this post)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
arl The Baptist = Devin The Unemployed

Offline RobertBruce

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« Reply #158 on: June 02, 2007, 04:48:43 PM »
Good to see you back Sybil. Hey did you get my question about whether or not you had seen anything going on that night? I only asked because you told us before that you like to wander around the campus in the dead of night.

As to your comments regarding the fire, I dont believe anyone on here has made a direct accusation against Len or any other hla puppet. People have however stated such a scenario wouldnt be difficult to imagine. You on the other hand are allegations that one of us was involved. This of course is baseless and makes no sense, nor does your claim have any sort of facts to back up. This however is predictable and expected. None of you lap dogs have ever been fond of facts, I cannot expect you to change now.

Per the comments you linked to, here was the response I offered.

Of course you were never quite able to handle responding to any of my questions, but if youve worked up the courage now feel free to get on it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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« Reply #159 on: June 02, 2007, 06:33:06 PM »
Hello.  I am a former employee of HLA (an administration member) and I recently left due to the dire financial situation HLA finds itself in and the inability it has shown in meeting expenses and payroll.  I'm not "disgruntled".  I was a long time supporter and still believe that if the place were run correctly it could have great beneficial effects.  Sadly, this is not the case.

I am not going to get into back-and-forth arguing over semantics or anything, but I would like to interject some perspective into this conversation.

I have followed this website and the HLA threads for years.  Is there hyperbole?  Yes, on both sides.  Have some people lied about things?  Yes, on both sides.  

That being said, I can tell you all that the vast majority (maybe 90%) of allegations leveled against HLA are in fact true.  I'm not going to go over all of the details ad nauseum; suffice it to say that HLA has been caught "dirty" on nearly all of the issues that have been posted here.  

The lawsuit has merit and is so stunningly accurate in regard to the financial schemes regarding HLA and Ridge Creek that it was without doubt created with incredibly closely-held information and actual records (financial and other) that were provided from some very key players at HLA.  Some of the things posted here are verbatim from financial records, email exchanges and conversations of administrative staff in closed meetings of only a handful of people.  I know because I was there and what has been posted here is what happened in those meetings.  

As for "Function Junction," I'm not exactly sure who he is, but I have a really good idea.  I'm not here to "out" anyone, so I won't be posting anyone's names, but FJ is an HLA employee.

What FJ says here is carefully crafted to shift the focus off of HLA's bad behavior and to a certain degree it has been successful.  

However, regardless of where the focus lies, the allegations from former staff, students and parents are nonetheless almost entirely true, with a few minor exceptions that aren't very important to the core issues.  I think that this validation is owed to those who have been wronged either financially or by the treatment they received at HLA.  You will never get that from anyone still deeply involved with HLA and trying to protect their own income.  Those of us that have departed, however, feel no such constriction and are free financially and ethically to tell the truth.

I wish you all the best and the best of luck in the future.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #160 on: June 02, 2007, 06:43:40 PM »
This is obviously someone pretending to be a former HLA staff member.  If you were in the big meetings then that would narrow you down to just a handful of people and if you just left, that would pin point who you are.  This smells of a fake posting.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #161 on: June 02, 2007, 07:02:02 PM »
I'll try to keep this short since my posts tend to look like legal briefs (they bore me some times). Yawn is right RB!
Here are the reasons I don't think Dr. B torched or hired someone to burn the place:
1. Insurance companies don't automatically pay a claim. In fact, they are pretty good at spotting insurance fraud. Any sign of this would delay or prevent payment. It's too much of a risk to wind up having to pay for a new building, a lawyer to defend a case of insurance fraud, and the present attorneys. By the way, the comment about Dr. B skulking aroun in a cat suit was just a joke. It seems as though someone took it too seriously.
2. It's hard to believe an HLA-supporter would try to commit the stupid act of insurance fraud around the same time as graduation. It would be an embarrassment, which isn't needed at this time. I think this was done by an anti-HLA'er (one of the delightful people from Fornits?) who is trying to embarrass HLA and try to close the school since it's still operating.
3. If someone were ridiculously stupid enough to commit insurance fraud, they would torch a building that isn't connected to others to minimize the collateral damage. According to the satellite view, there is one down by the lake, one across from the burned Academic Building, the Cafeteria, or the Gym. This person probably wanted to torch the middle building with the hope of burning the other two buildings on each side and possibly the surrounding forest.

Okay, moron. listen up. The building that burned was one of the oldest buildings on campus.  AGAIN, I have been told that it is quite probable that it was not insured.  If it was insured, then the insurance company would bring in their own investigators, which would not be good for HLA.
The building was not worth much in itself. The land is worth much more than the building...the value of the land still remains.  The financial records, contracts have been reported to be lost in the fire, with a multi-million dollar new administrative building, what were all the records doing
with the mold in the old building?  Surely, it wasn't so the administrators would have to take a walk everytime they needed a file. Get real.
No insurance, no private insurance investigators, no insurance money,
all financial records etc. lost( that allegedly were already shredded or put in the 50 gallon drum by the unsuspecting hourly employee).  The owner is sad now, the victim of an unexplicable fire.

Ask yourself, is the land worth more than the school?  Absolutely.

The owners arrogance (that found him in this mess in the first place)
larger than his ethical values?  That is for the reader to decide. But,
one would think now, he would have wished his ethics were more important than lining his pockets.

Would his arrogance allow him to sell the school, close it?
The fire happened, either way.  Whether one believes him to have
some culpability or believes him to have no culpability.  The fire is
now convenient.  The transference from the families as victims to
the owner.

One possible scenario:

Classes will be held in the gym or attempted to be held in the gym.
HLA can then say they did their best.

The entire property is sold for development of whatever.  He pays his legal bills, goes off into his twilight years.

Yes, it is a ridiculous idea that someone at HLA would tourch the place the night before graduation.. that is an 'honest' response. but, honestly, reportedly,
HLA has been less than 'honest' over the years.  

Regarding insurance, is [ HLA] that stupid? ah, arrogant.  Most certainly.
Medical insurance:  Signing off on all records, by Dr. B. for insurance
purposes.  All children for insurance purposes are labeled ODD.. Ridiculous, yes..  Eliott Spitzer ,then the Attorney Genral for NY State, apparently thought so with a so -called TBS school in NY.  the school lost.

Before one opens his /her mouth, like you do, one needs to understand, again,
that you have no clue what really has been transpiring at this school over the years.  It is not just 'this' school'.

If the court case is not classed, it just means that the case does not meet the requirements in the Judges mind for classing it.  It does not mean that
what occurred, was not reprehensible.

The discovery is still sealed, so you have no iota of facts to back up your outrageous statements.  You are a disgrace with flagrant disregard for the children that were hurt under HLA's watch.  When you wipe their parents tears or feel an ounce of compassion for what some of the families have been through, then maybe you would find an ouce of humility in your soul.
Then, again, The "H" in HLA does notseemingly stand for humility, but the "A" stands might stand for "arrogance".  You are the perfect fit for HLA.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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If you are true:
« Reply #162 on: June 02, 2007, 07:25:56 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Hello.  I am a former employee of HLA (an administration member) and I recently left due to the dire financial situation HLA finds itself in and the inability it has shown in meeting expenses and payroll.  I'm not "disgruntled".  I was a long time supporter and still believe that if the place were run correctly it could have great beneficial effects.  Sadly, this is not the case.

I am not going to get into back-and-forth arguing over semantics or anything, but I would like to interject some perspective into this conversation.

I have followed this website and the HLA threads for years.  Is there hyperbole?  Yes, on both sides.  Have some people lied about things?  Yes, on both sides.  

That being said, I can tell you all that the vast majority (maybe 90%) of allegations leveled against HLA are in fact true.  I'm not going to go over all of the details ad nauseum; suffice it to say that HLA has been caught "dirty" on nearly all of the issues that have been posted here.  

The lawsuit has merit and is so stunningly accurate in regard to the financial schemes regarding HLA and Ridge Creek that it was without doubt created with incredibly closely-held information and actual records (financial and other) that were provided from some very key players at HLA.  Some of the things posted here are verbatim from financial records, email exchanges and conversations of administrative staff in closed meetings of only a handful of people.  I know because I was there and what has been posted here is what happened in those meetings.  

As for "Function Junction," I'm not exactly sure who he is, but I have a really good idea.  I'm not here to "out" anyone, so I won't be posting anyone's names, but FJ is an HLA employee.

What FJ says here is carefully crafted to shift the focus off of HLA's bad behavior and to a certain degree it has been successful.  

However, regardless of where the focus lies, the allegations from former staff, students and parents are nonetheless almost entirely true, with a few minor exceptions that aren't very important to the core issues.  I think that this validation is owed to those who have been wronged either financially or by the treatment they received at HLA.  You will never get that from anyone still deeply involved with HLA and trying to protect their own income.  Those of us that have departed, however, feel no such constriction and are free financially and ethically to tell the truth.

I wish you all the best and the best of luck in the future.

And, truly wish us all the best, then PM either Deborah, Juniper2, Dysfunction Junction or Robert Bruce.  Contact Judge O'kelley, the attorneys... thank you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #163 on: June 02, 2007, 07:28:34 PM »
Of course this person will not report anything because they are a fake.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troll Control

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« Reply #164 on: June 02, 2007, 08:28:53 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Of course this person will not report anything because they are a fake.

Speaking of "fakes":  Function Junction is an HLA employee, yet claims not to be.  Function Junction posts as numerous people, including the so-called "insurance company owner" :roll:

Let's examine the facts here.  HLA employees are desperate.  Their jobs are going away.  They're not qualified to work at a "real" school or a "real" treatment center and they're MAD AS HELL about it.  

But why are they mad at Fornits?  Because what is said here is TRUE and has been abundantly proven by state investigations into HLA, the lawsuit and testimony of people all the way up to the top of HLA's management.  We have their financials.  We have their emails.  We have their affadavits.  We have their NUMBER.  None of this would be upsetting if it weren't true.

You all should be mad at yourselves for participating in the fraud and abuse.  You all should be mad at Len for leading you around by the nose and subsequently bloodying it when you complain.  I thought HLA taught introspection and accountability.  I suppose it does not.  How could someone with no morals, ethics or ability to introspect or take responsibility teach someone else to do the same?

The bottom line is that those of you that are here (it's only one or two of you posing as different posters) are a bunch of wretches on the wrong side of the facts and it burns you to be held to account for it.

Most of all, FJ embodies the modus operandi of HLA:  shift the focus, place the blame and lie, lie, lie.  This is how FJ treated the kids there, so why not do it here?

Parents who are reading this forum, even if they don't believe a word of the already proven allegations of fraud and abuse, can clearly tell that people like FJ, dripping with arrogance, disdain and hate should never be allowed around children, much less "treat" them.

At the end of the day,  FJ is just lashing out because his career is finished and he isn't qualified to do anything else except manual labor or working the checkout at the grocery.  THAT's where the venom comes from.  THAT's where the hate comes from.  THAT's where the vitriol comes from.  It all comes from SELF-PITY.

FJ, face the facts, boy.  IT'S ALL OVER BUT FOR THE CRYING.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The Linchpin Link

Whooter - The Most Prolific Troll Fornits Has Ever Seen - The Definitive Links
"Looks like a nasty aspentrolius sticci whooterensis infestation you got there, Ms. Fornits.  I\'ll get right to work."

- Troll Control