Author Topic: Ruined For Life  (Read 3501 times)

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Offline seamus

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i was told
« Reply #15 on: June 18, 2007, 06:18:54 PM »
in my intake iwas told this wouldnt be like when i was locked up before(sandhillsNC school for boys,Ivy ridge,correctional,sandhills MH center,orCamden Military Acadwmy.I could leave whenever i wanted.I was 16ish,dopesick,and un believeably depressed,these days I see it as being kidnappe  by both my own parents,who if youdd have told magic beans would help would have signed anything. And just by deciet.desparate parents,taken advantage of in their time of weakness,by manipulative,wicked motherfuckers,who would pump that bullshit down a kids,throat but not an adults. Did you{while on your program}ever wonder why if str8 was all that then why wasnt a line of 21 yo motherfuckers beating down the door"?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

Offline seamus

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i was told
« Reply #16 on: June 18, 2007, 06:20:39 PM »
in my intake iwas told this wouldnt be like when i was locked up before(sandhillsNC school for boys,Ivy ridge,correctional,sandhills MH center,orCamden Military Acadwmy.I could leave whenever i wanted.I was 16ish,dopesick,and un believeably depressed,these days I see it as being kidnappe  by both my own parents,who if youdd have told magic beans would help would have signed anything. And just by deciet.desparate parents,taken advantage of in their time of weakness,by manipulative,wicked motherfuckers,who would pump that bullshit down a kids,throat but not an adults. Did you{while on your program}ever wonder why if str8 was all that then why wasnt a line of 21 yo motherfuckers beating down the door"?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Ruined For Life
« Reply #17 on: June 18, 2007, 10:35:32 PM »
Seamus, I never thought of that.  Good point.

Botched Programming, Thoreau says in order to find yourself you must first lose the world.  This was something I somehow knew intuitively.  I was never the type of survivor who tried to bury the memories or anything.  I was always studyin and analyzin with a militant ferocity.   I've already posted a few threads about the major breakdown I forced on myself after I spent 23 months on my phases and 6 months on aftercare.  I played along until I could move out of my folks house and get an apt. with my straight girlfriend.  A month after we got the apt. I started eatin acid regularly.  I used the LSD to help me recover from $tr8 by using it as a catalyst to mental breakdown.  I had at least 3 distinct personas or egos that had seperated out from who I was.  One was the child who walked into $tr8 in Mar of 85 and who had withered and atrophied into a very fragile and scared part of me, hiding away from the world in the darkness of my soul.  The 2nd was the $tr8 ego which I became in the joint and who I hated and detested but was trapped in, and the 3rd was the red-neck/hippie personality I adopted as a coping mechanism in order to make some attempt to relate to the world outside of the cult.

At one point, after about a year an' a half out I became aware of this dynamic within me.  I was standing on the balcony of my apt.  in the depths of financial and romantic crisis due to my inability to relate to society.  I hadn't been able to keep a job anywhere since I left $tr8.  I'm sure you can imagine the trouble I was in.  I remember when it all first hit me; that I was developing seperate egos within myself.  Seperate egos who were at war with each other.  It was incredibly painful and scary to face.  But there was no choice.  I had to walk through the suffering.

I had to not only lose my world, but everything I knew.  Everything I was attached to I had to break away from.  I had to lose myself and I did.  

This all went down in the years immediately after $tr8.  I lost all my references.  Couldn't have the simplest conversation with strangers at the bus stop.  Couldn't understand the context of anything anyone was saying to me.  I just could not relate and I don't think I even really wanted to at the time.  It was very painful for me, but I knew I had to break free and gain strength before I could live my life.

Now, I'm not prescribing a drug induced nervous breakdown here. But in order to break the chains of conditioning which were put upon you in $tr8 you must seek to lose all contexts and all references, forget everything you know.  Be re-born through new understandings.  Go on an adventure.  Let your life be that adventure.  Seek to lose the world and you will be left with yourself.  Once you know yourself you will begin to recognize your reflection in the world and understand how you project your own ego onto it.  Once you realize the many forms your ego takes in the world you will begin to see the world for what it is and know your place in it.

It is a hard road to go down.  You might not even get any rides.  Might have to walk the whole road alone.  Have courage, for one day Death will smile at you and I for one will want to smile back.

Sorry if I come across as arrogant. I have no fear of hypocrisy.  My words speak for themselves and are only representations of "the narrowness of my own experience" as Thoreau put it, in Walden, and since I re-read this thread today, I realized I had an idea for you and for any who would so boldly ask such questions.

Lose it all and you will be left with what is real, or go to Bhutan for a year and live with the locals.  Whatever path you choose to take, it has to be completely outside of your normal experience, in order to break you free of your conditioning.

These are my thoughts.

God is in you.  I wish you Peace.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

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Ruined For Life
« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2007, 10:40:11 AM »
:idea:  Through direct and indirect confrontation of the perpetrators from back then and even today, it should be obvious as well as accompianied with great relief that this method would also work quite well. Like a backfire of sorts. Powerpurge your mind. That 'conditioning crap' will leave you in a relatively short order. They fear you (the truth) more than any fear you have of them or yourself.

Have faith, survival instincts beware, the onslaught is at hand, a tensioned rubber band, spreadin hope across the land, carvin wishes in the sand, hopin people understand...  8-)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline seamus

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« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2007, 12:08:55 PM »
Beside the "sqeel lak a pig " line ,the best line from that movie is.                "you've got to lose everything to find anything"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad

Offline seamus

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« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2007, 12:31:16 PM »
Sometimes,I wonder if I was EVER cut out to spend too much time in close contact with people,most of the shit-assed stress I get in my life comes from some stupid fucker or another trying to bend my will in some whack way or another,so to a great extent,Im pretty anti-social ,always suspecting alterior motives to whatever people say.I mean I dont believe much that I dont see with my own 2 eyes.Trust? I trust in almost nothing.I can count the people I really trust on 1 hand & still have fingers left over.Straight did me no favors in that regard,I always had a tendancy to be like that but post-program,I became much worse.At times I lie just to keep people out of my buisiness,At times I want to go live like an Indian or something,pretty isolated,away from people.I even have trouble trusting my wife though she's never done a goddamn thing to betray me.I trust only in my dogs,and my guns really....MOST other things just let me down.Trust is such a fickle thing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
It\'d be sad if it wernt so funny,It\'d be funny if it wernt so sad