Author Topic: Len, you're fucked.  (Read 1210 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Len, you're fucked.
« on: May 26, 2007, 09:27:48 PM »
I must admit, I'm impressed by the amount of trouble you've gone through to keep that hellhole open. In the end, it's just going to increase the amount of ownaj, of course. All the roads you could possibly travel lead to it.

I suppose I should thank you for that- your moderately-abusive hellhole is paving the way for a major explosion of realization, at least in the state of Georgia. Tortured kids, massive fraud, false accusations, self-arson.. wow, the news media are gonna go carcharodon on your ass. Scandal galore!

You couldn't be doing us a bigger service, and when Bubba finally widens your tailhole, I'll be here laughing...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Len, you're fucked.
« Reply #1 on: May 29, 2007, 12:47:14 AM »
Or is it because you know You- the lot of you- have unleashed something you cannot possibly hope to control and that will dissipate only when your existence is ended. Did you really think you could incarcerate children to any good effect, and not have them coming out with rage bubbling inside them like a cauldron of death? Maybe in some other reality, with different evolution and thus laws of human nature. Not this one.

I will, however, tell you exactly what will happen. The first thing is that some investigator (and does it really matter which one, by now?) will find there is something wrong with you, underlining the slowness of bureaucracy. More will follow. And then still more. News media will continue reporting, and as it'll just get juicier they'll start elbowing each other for more in-depth coverage. Eventually you will end up charged for one of your numerous crimes and end up striking a plea bargain- you cannot possibly be so stupid as to plead innocent- and you'll go to cushy minimum-security prison before coming back to the outside world a broken, defeated man. Do you understand this? There will be nothing left. Whatever money you have will be gone. Whatever friends you might have had (the idea of you having anything like real friends is ludicrous, but let's suppose it anyway) will have long since abandoned you. Not even your own industry will touch you, and you'll probably end up working at laughably low wages for some no-name small business by someone who hasn't heard of you. You will die alone, a pariah, ignored by most, scorned by many, and bitterly resented until the very end by those who will eventually piss on your fucking grave.

Well, either that or you'll commit suicide fairly soon, your wisest course of action under the circumstances.

What should happen, in a thoroughly just universe, is that you are given Bush justice- no, not the justice of a primitive tribal society, although that would be entertaining to watch- but rather the justice of our current President. Habeus corpus stripped away, you ought to be detained simply for being what you are (a child abusing scumfuck), and swiftly sent to Guantanamo for your existence. Since Muslims do not practice homosexuality, we can introduce half a dozen large, black, maximum-security inmates Into your cell. What will they call you, I wonder? "Betty"? "Jessica", perhaps. You'll be too busy screaming in pain to know for sure, but the pay-per-view watchers will hear it. Profits going to Halliburton, naturally.

Who knows? After having your anus widened past the point of Goatse, maybe you might start to like it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »