Author Topic: Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?  (Read 6698 times)

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Offline ajax13

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Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« on: April 30, 2007, 09:40:54 PM »
The Wizard of Vause has never attended medical school nor written a dissertation for a Ph.D., yet he insists on being called "Doctor".  The Wizard is not a psychologist, yet he has repeatedly referred to himself as one.  What is the cause of this deception?  Could it be true that the Wizard contracted a form of canine syphillis from V.M. Newton while apprenticing in child torture at Kids? Are spyroketes  at this moment eating his brain?  When asked if this is the source of his delusion, the Wizard replied, "That story is arf! Arf! Arf! Arf!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Anonymous

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Defaming the institution
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2007, 02:56:39 PM »
Clinical Psychology Program Description
The goal of the Clinical Psychology Program at the University of Calgary is to prepare students for careers as doctoral level professionals in applied, academic and research settings. The training we offer is based on the scientist-practitioner model and provides students with an integration of academic knowledge, research skills, and clinical training and experience. This integration is achieved through formal course work, ongoing activity in faculty and self-directed research, and supervised clinical work in a variety of practica and internship settings. The program was granted full accreditation status for seven years by the Canadian Psychological Association in 2004.

Students are exposed to a core curriculum including research design and statistics, history and systems of psychology, ethics and professional standards, and breadth courses in the general domain of psychology. In addition to a breadth of knowledge within the general field of psychology, students will acquire:

training in the content areas and theoretical approaches specific to clinical psychology,

training in the techniques, procedures and ethics of assessment and intervention, and

the proficiency to execute and evaluate research.

Formal courses are complemented by community-based practicum training courses, summer clinical experiences, and advanced clinical practica (approximately 1,100 hours of experience), all of which take place during two years of study as a master's level student and two more years of full-time residency as a doctoral candidate. Students in the program will also complete a full-year (1,600 hours) predoctoral clinical internship. Training in this program is sensitive to diversity considerations.

Research training within the program consists of both a master's thesis and a doctoral dissertation, as well as other research activities with which the student may become involved. Research training is based upon an "apprenticeship" model in which students initially work closely with a faculty member in an area of mutual interest, gaining the knowledge and experience necessary to undertake self-directed independent research. It is expected that students will take graduate level statistics and research methods courses during their first two years of the program. During this time a master's thesis will also be completed. Based upon adequate performance, students will then normally proceed to doctoral level course work, candidacy examinations, doctoral level research, and a year-long predoctoral clinical psychology internship.

The following is an example of the list of courses which may be required:

Year 1
 Year 4
Research Design
Professional Issues/Ethics
Adult Psychopathology
Child Psychopathology
Adult Assessment
Child Assessment
Summer Practicum
 Advanced Clinical Seminar
Specialty Practicum
Dissertation Research
Year 2
 Year 5
Adult Psychotherapy
Child Psychotherapy
Summer Practicum
Research Seminar in Clinical Psychology
History and Systems

Completion of Years 1 and 2, plus the M.Sc. thesis, constitute the requirements for the M.Sc. degree.
 Pre-Doctoral Clinical Internship

Completion of Ph.D. degree
Year 3
 Please Note:
Breadth Course
Elective Course
Specialty Practicum
Advanced Clinical Seminar
 Students must take breadth courses in four areas, as stipulated by CPA and APA accreditation criteria.
Entrance Requirements
Entrance requirements for admission into the Clinical Psychology Graduate Program:

a four-year undergraduate honours degree in Psychology;
a minimum GPA of 3.6 over the last 20 half courses completed;
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test scores. The minimum criteria set is the 50th percentile in each the Verbal and Quantitative dimensions, although, applicants with scores less than the 60th percentile will not typically be admitted;
applicants whose background language is not English must take either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and achieve a score greater than 600 (written test) or 250 (computer-based test), or successfully complete Level III of the Learning English for Academic Purposes (LEAP) Program.

How about the Union Institute?

Program at a Glance
Learners admitted into the Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies complete 65 credit hours of study beyond the master’s degree. The minimum time to complete the degree is three years (six terms). UI&U's doctoral program consists of the following components:  

foundational interdisciplinary seminars related to Ethics and Social Justice, The Creative Process, and Engaging Differences
academic studies that include a core curriculum and advanced study within a primary and secondary area of concentration
praxis (connecting theory to practice) training and workshops
academic seminars in critical thinking and writing
study and research methods and humanistic approaches to inquiry
individualized study that is directly related to the learner's area of study, professional interests, and dissertation research (includes an optional internship)
dissertation research that, when completed, contributes new knowledge to the learner’s field of study.

Expectations of learners pursuing study in a selected area of concentration are to develop a program within a limited area of study aligned with the core values of UI&U and the Graduate College; achieve proficiency in general principles and approaches to doctoral inquiry; acquire both core and advanced knowledge; develop field/research proficiency; and conduct doctoral-level research by completing a dissertation that meets national standards for research at the doctoral level.

The admissions criteria, in order of priority, are the following.

1) Intellectual/analytical ability and academic preparation as demonstrated through transcripts, letters of recommendation, application essay, and telephone interview.

2) Openness to and interest in doctoral research and advanced learning--or, stated differently, the absence of a dogmatic or closed or fixed point of view.

3) Reasonable fit within the three areas of concentration.

4) Related considerations such as a personal/professional schedule that makes it possible for an applicant to participate fully in the low-residency format, ability to work with others, and similar factors.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2007, 05:00:51 PM »
Well, they obviously don't even apply their own criteria to the people they admit, given that one of the most obvious things about Miller Newton is complete commitment to a particular point of view about addiction!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2007, 05:26:00 PM »
Don't be so close-minded.  Unlike those know-it alls at the University of Calgary, Union doesn't require one of those boring undergraduate psychology degrees, not a Masters in Science, nor a pre-doctoral clinical internship.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2007, 10:31:34 PM »
It doesn't matter, it's all for show anyhow. Obviously anyone can run a prison/treatment center/mind control camp here in Canada without having to be accountable to anyone.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2007, 11:50:02 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
It doesn't matter, it's all for show anyhow. Obviously anyone can run a prison/treatment center/mind control camp here in Canada without having to be accountable to anyone.

Well, no.  There's accountability.
Find out who pays into Conservative party coffers, who their fundraisers are and you might find some links.  

Start with Hansard, then go to the electoral office and look at where the MLA's concerned get their support.  I'll bet that's where the accountability lies .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #6 on: November 18, 2007, 02:22:38 PM »
In perusing some of the articles published about AARC I have come across yet another example of Vause being described as a psychologist.  AARC's website still maintains a page with a 1998 article from Report magazine in which this bald-faced lie can be found.  ISACCorp has another Report article from 2001 in which the shame of Saskatchewan is described as a psychologist.  Funny that two journalists in articles written three years apart made that same mistake about the Leader.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Anonymous

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Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2007, 09:42:11 AM »
Yes, they are either being TOLD Vause is a psychologist, or they make that assumption based on the PhD. designation.

Either way Vause is NOT a psychologist.

Vause is NOT a psychologist

Vause is NOT a psychologist

Vause is NOT a psychologist!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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Re: Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2008, 09:46:17 AM »
The fact of the matter is that the Wiz cannot be licensed as a psychologist because he does not have sufficient academic credentials.  It is for this reason as well that AARC had to change it's name from Kids of the Canadian West.  The Provincial Government could not endorse and directly fund a program run by an amateur.  This is also why AARC has never had a license to run a treatment centre, and is not overseen, nor regulated by any regulatory body.
But, being a sociopath who had seen the adulation and power accrued by his mentor Miller Newton, the Wiz ran with it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2008, 01:34:33 PM »
Well, this seems to have struck a nerve with AJAX and all the anti-AARC crowd and Ajax continues to avoid answering any questions. how reliable a crowd they are . . . . .

Although it is like herding cats to keep Ajax on point, I'll ask again:

1. what kind of education/training do you have  ajax . . ..  or have not ,what ever the case may be?

2. have you ever spoken with DVause in order to determine he is a "sociopath"?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Hamiltonf

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Re: Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2008, 06:25:39 PM »
Vause is not a psychologist.  Observe that all psychologists licensed to practice in Alberta must be registered and pay dues to the Psychologists association of Alberta.  Under Alberta legislation,they, like lawyers and medical doctors establish the criteria as a self governing body that entitle a person to call themselves and be recognised as a member of that PROFESSION.  HE IS NOT A PSYCHOLOGIST!!!.  Are you AARcolytes so thick that you do not understand this simple fact?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
uote of the Year
The Bush administration has succeeded in making the United States one of the most feared and hated countries in the world. The talent of these guys is unbelievable. They have even succeeded at alienating Canada. I mean, that takes ge

Offline TheWho

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Re: Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2008, 06:37:09 PM »
Quote from: "Hamiltonf"
Vause is not a psychologist.  Observe that all psychologists licensed to practice in Alberta must be registered and pay dues to the Psychologists association of Alberta.  Under Alberta legislation,they, like lawyers and medical doctors establish the criteria as a self governing body that entitle a person to call themselves and be recognised as a member of that PROFESSION.  HE IS NOT A PSYCHOLOGIST!!!.  Are you AARcolytes so thick that you do not understand this simple fact?

It doesnt even matter now.  We are arguing with kids who are still in highschool or never finished.  This guy is miles ahead of you.  Go back to making fun of the kid making fries at mcdonalds and pretending you are better than him.  This should at least make you fell better about yourself.  Geeesh, what a waste of time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ajax13

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Re: Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2008, 06:39:06 PM »
Geesh, it doesn't matter that the Wizard has lied, for years, about being a psychologist.  All that matters is who I am.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2008, 06:40:22 PM »
Quote from: "ajax13"
Geesh, it doesn't matter that the Wizard has lied, for years, about being a psychologist.  All that matters is who I am.

Distraction and deflection.  Common tactics used by programmed minds.  Its really all they know.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Wizard of Vause not a psychologist?
« Reply #14 on: July 23, 2008, 08:50:58 PM »
Incredibly handicapped thinking of AJAX, one of many to follow :
 "The Wizard of Vause has never attended medical school nor written a dissertation for a Ph.D., "

his dissertation is four volumes in length??  Go to the UMI site and look it up

dear little-brain ajax, you are SUCH an incompetent when it comes to facts. Also, you obviously have no idea what doing a PhD dissertation entails as you haven't even done a bachelors degree.

So, let me give you a little bit of an idea
- when you do a bachelors degree at most universities, you do LOTS of courses with LOTS of students in them and write exams that mostly are composed of multiple-guess questions.
- when you do a masters you are a post-grad (meaning you have graduated from the minor leagues in university) and there are LESS students because they are the cream of the undergrad crop. Masters students do more independent study BECAUSE you don't need to have your hand held anymore. they take LESS courses than when they did their undergrad and they do some self-directed courses with a couple different profs.
- THEN AJAX, PAY ATTENTION since you missed this because you keep running down UNION and showing PhD program descriptions which, in your opinion don't have enough course work, 
- when you do a PhD you do even LESS course work because you narrow the field of study down even more from a Masters degree and LESS people meet the criteria to do a PhD because they need to become an expert in their given area.
- VAUSE jumped all these hoops with honours. THEN he not only developed and described a model of adolescent treatment which he IMPLEMENTED WHILE doing the doctoral work. i.e demonstrated incredible resources and ability in the area while writing a four volume dissertation. Union only, and other universities only provide profs to oversee and test a PhD student on their work. THEY don't give them courses cuz the person has demonstrated the ability to learn an ENTIRE area on their own, propose a need for knowledge in an area through thorough study of the literature and then produce new knowledge i.e. in his case AARC model of treatment.  NOW, you are going to assert that it is Kids etc. etc. because you have no idea how to read the literature or his dissertation.

Oh and by the way VAUSE has never described himself as a psychologist. Why the hell would he lower himself to a mere psychologist who has gotten generic training in an area – he wrote a bloody dissertation on the area!!!  journalists have said he is a psychologist. HE is an EXPERT in Adolescent treatment and has a PhD to prove that . . . .but you can’t get your head around the ‘salient’ points just laid out for you  here . . .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »