Author Topic: AARC Survivor Tally  (Read 1853 times)

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AARC Survivor Tally
« on: April 28, 2007, 05:56:11 PM »
I was reading the older posts on this forum to see if I could glean any useful information that would contribute to building a legal case against the Wizard of Vause and All About Recieving Cash.  I am not a survivor.  My interest is not in coming to terms with being stolen and attacked by AARC.  I want to see AARC shut down and the Wizard of Vause in jail.  AARC claims, and for years has claimed, an 85% success rate.  With 300 graduates and an "85% success rate", it seems odd that I have met seven former inmates who did not have "chemical" addictions to drugs.  (And for any of you Flying Monkeys who come across this post, you'll know who they are when you're in the docket.)  While the model to shut down AARC is probably Miller Newton's turn of misfortune, I would also look at the cases resulting from the Native Canadian residential schools.  
I think it is important also to consider the payment method.  My benefits would probably pay for part of my child's stay in a treatment facility, which causes me to wonder if AARC is committing insurance fraud in the same manner as Kids.  
When I first heard about AARC, my Special Lady Friend referred to her time there as having been "in jail".  It seemed odd when I found out that "jail" was actually a "rehab".  
Who prefers to have people think that they were in jail rather than a "spiritual" facility that "treats" a medical condition?
Doubly odd since she was a graduate, and was one of the chosen ones who appeared on TV for the Blessedly Unqualified Quack/Charlatan/Pervert.
Adults can join any church they want, and All About Recieving Cash is a religious entity.  However, the government sends some of the children to AARC, and that won't fly.  As a parent, you can foist your religious beliefs onto your children, but you can't force other people's kids to adhere to them.  People like Crook Stanhope and her debauched, shameful husband did just that.  And what about Jerkoff?  What was a probation officer doing referring kids to her husband's church?
This distinction is important.  AARC is not a medical facility.  Vause is not a medical doctor, nor a psychologist.  He is a trained dodgeball instructor and natural predatory salesperson.  Additionally, he is a psychopath and I'm still curious about which inmates (J.H.?) changed his oil, so to speak.  (Can he pull the Mickey Mantle and hit it from other side of the plate?  That might explain the homophobia, although that may also just be a tactic to dismantle a person's identity).
I remember an old Tesco V. and the Meatmen song that had a verse seemingly written just for the Wiz: "I enjoy various inhalants and beating off while watching videos of myself beating off."
I know a scammer when I see one.  Making dipshit adults feel better through flimflammery is okay.  My dear departed grandmother was a renowned psychic, so I've seen "spontaneous spiritual cash generation" since I was a boy.  But the Wiz is imprisoning and torturing kids.  That's a no-no.  Dance around and steal all you want Mr. Doctorvause/David Koresh, but no-touchee the chilluns.  
This shout-out is for you Wizard of Vause, wannabe jock-sniffer, swindler and all-around pervert!  Good luck and hope to see you hitchiking through Vawn when they let you out of jail.
Anyhow, it's about time to start tallying those who just couldn't buy into the Church Vause Triumphant.  There are all kinds of reasons to sue, and it would be fitting if Vauseferatu had to answer to Sunlife  for robbing them.  
Just an addendum: an acquaintance of mine recently talked a potential mark, or "donor" out of giving AARC two hundred grand.  Sorry, Elmergantryvause
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"AARC will go on serving youth and families as long as it will be needed, if it keeps open to God for inspiration" Dr. F. Dean Vause Executive Director

MR. NELSON: Mr. Speaker, AADAC has been involved with
assistance in developing the program of the Alberta Adolescent
Recovery Centre since its inception originally as Kids of the
Canadian West."
Alberta Hansard, March 24, 1992