did get some wires crossed. I meant to say State Bar Association, as in, whatever State you're in.
I should also point out that the State Bar Association will want to see that you have made "good-faith" efforts to resolve the situation before turning to them with your complaints. So you probably should write a friendly but firm letter like Truth Searcher suggests, detailing what you believe to be billing errors, and respectfully request greater detail or explanation. Save copy, of course, as well as response. If you do not get a response, that is still a response.
What you want to do is be as fair as possible. That is what we all would want, eh? And that will go far in bolstering your case with the State Bar Association if this guy really is taking you for a ride, even though it may seem like it takes a lot longer at first. Just make sure you save copies of all your good-faith efforts to resolve this.
On the other hand, even just receiving such a letter might be enough to get this guy to clean up his act and it doesn't have to go any further than that. And lastly, what you perceive to be billing errors may, in fact, not be, and you will have lost nothing by your friendly but firm letter, and will feel a lot better about the whole thing.
Good luck!