Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Who Am I Discovery/Whitmore

Cheryl Sudweeks- Completed 50 Hours Community Service Yet?

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Cheryl Sudweeks accepted an Abeyance Agreement in connection with the criminal charges against her at Whitmore Academy.

Part of her Abeyance Agreement was, "Defendant will complete 50 hours of community service."

Anyone know what this "community service" was?  Maybe picking up trash around good the fine city of Nephi?
IHas sheGK2F4M bothered to complete this requirement?

What's the penalty if she doesn't complete the community service?

Think this irresponsible broad has completed this community service? Hope not. Let this probation be revoked, and her buddies can BLOG about it.

Does anybody know if Sudweeks' letter admitting to hazing four students is available to the public?  


ISAC has learned that Cheryl Sudweeks, owner of Whitmore Academy in Utah, has beenoffered a plea deal by Juab County Attorney, Jared Eldridge. Sudweeks is scheduled to stand trial next month on 7 counts of child abuse and hazing. Child welfare investigators said they substantiated eightinstances of physical abuse, educational neglect, medical neglect andenvironmental neglect. According to the plea deal, Cheryl Sudweeks will only
have to:

1) Obey all laws.

2) Write a letter to Eldridge stating she attempted to haze 4 students and will not open another program in Juab County.

3) Pay any damages awarded in the current civil case against Sudweeks and
Whitmore Academy.

4) Stay away from any program or school dealing with teenagers.
After one year her record will be expunged.
It is exactly THIS kind of lax "prosecution" that allows abusive program
owners to simply relocate and carry on with business as usual.
ISAC encourages everyone to contact Jared Eldridge and Judge Lynn Davis and
voice your outrage to this ridiculous bargain that would allow a confessed
child abuser to have no criminal record at all.

Jared Eldridge
Juab County Attorney
160 North Main Street
Nephi, Utah 84648
(435) 623-3460
Fax: (435) 623-8919

So did she finish her community service? I hope she had to walk along the freeway picking up trash with a gun toting Sheriff's deputy behind her.


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