Author Topic: Elan's daily routine  (Read 9553 times)

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Elan's daily routine
« Reply #30 on: April 01, 2007, 07:39:39 AM »
You really are a Troll Artie.

Look at this shit, the idiot actually responds to old topics that are over 3 yrs old.

Is this what your life has come to Artie? Trolling this forum 4-Life?

I know it was you who made the second to last post, you spelt a simple word wrong as always.

My God, you really are a loser aren't you? Wow, real sad.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan's daily routine
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2007, 10:07:25 PM »
" alt="" class="bbc_img" />
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan's daily routine
« Reply #32 on: April 04, 2007, 10:05:25 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
" alt="" class="bbc_img" />

That is pretty funny...I wish I had it as a poster when I was in Communications hanging up those gay assed "Communications Rules" signs...
Or the slogans "I cried when I had no shoes till I met a man who had no feet"..

I used this on my new resident plaque "I am who I am and I chose to be so"

They allowed it actually...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan's daily routine
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2007, 04:16:50 PM »
IS THAT A true story or a metaphor?
either way it says alot about elan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan's daily routine
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2007, 09:49:04 PM »
WHERE did this happen?
they threatened the girls with knocking out there teeth?
(if you are pulling my leg let me know unbearabley EVIL)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan's daily routine
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2007, 02:43:58 PM »
I hear ya Eliscu, When I was in prison I knew a girl that had fractured her lower leg/foot. Some say she did it herself by kicking the metal doors in the SEG unit really hard for a long time and she says she fell in her cell and her leg banged on the edge of the metal toilet/sink unit.

Regardless this was a Friday afternoon. She told the C.O's her leg was KILLING her. She finally had a nurse come look at it and feel it, etc. The nurse said she was OK and was most likely "sore" or her weight put to much pressure on her leg/foot. She got 600mgs. Ibuprofen. Over the weekend it got worse. To the point it was so swollen it was turning a purple/bluish color. She could NOT even walk the 5 steps to the door to pick up her meals/medicines throught the trap. Having the rep of a whining baby trouble maker made it so they ASS-U-ME-D this was another tall tale.

I could hear it in her voice though, She WAS in MAJOR PAIN.
I became her advocate to the C.O's. I cleaned the unit so I interracted w/ the I.M.'s & C.O's alike.

Monday, she had to go to court. When they came to get her at 4 a.m. they tried to put shackles on her ankles! They were so swollen they had to make them as big as possible and they were still tight!
They joked she was getting "fatter" and called her "porkchop".
She was in tears, begging to see a real Doctor or go to the E.R.
They told her if she did not go to court and stfu she would get a Class A ticket AND be charged with outside charges for failing to appear in court!
She accepted her fate.

When she got to court the Marshall's were so pissed off at her obvious medical emergency that they called the prison and told them that the Judge ORDERED them(prison) to take her to the E.R. and he personally was going to oversee it all. She was sent to the E.R. and it was determined that her leg and foot and ankle were infact fractured. A bad fracture borderline break in some area's.

She was kept in the DOC inpatient unit for nearly 1 month! She liked it though. No locked doors, daily showers TV, good food/soda, magazines to read, phonecalls, etc..Kick ass pain killers in the form of IV Morphine Drip then Oxycontin's..

Upon returning to the prison they tried to give her a few tickets for "disobeying direct orders" "causing a commotion" type shit.

Of course she wrote grievance after grievance and contacted a few lawyers. A few years later she is free and has gotten no where with the lawsuits.

She was out of prison nearly 2 years then got sent back for a 11 month sentence a few months ago..Stupid Girl..

How does iy look that a fancy, modern, gazillion dollar costing prison in Connecticut has shabby ass medical treatment but the C.O's and DOC staff have 2-4 BBQ's per year on the grounds of the prison. They get a fully catered BBQ with any and everything you can imagine and to make issues worse the population can see them at their little party. Walking(IM's) around the campus watching C.O.'s on the clock dip into the yard for a cheeseburger and slice of watermelon! Then come back out and start yelling at the IM's again while still spitting out watermelon seeds! I shit you not..

You think Elan was unjust?! Atleast we were able to get quick medical care..Atleast we took showers 7 days a week. AM & PM if you wanted to clean your ass that often. If you got a shower (in prison) BEFORE 2pm you were damned lucky...A shower upon waking/after bkfst? Yeah, and purple fairy's rule the earth..
There is a laundry list of fcked up stuff that happens in prison.

Fact is if you hate being told what to do then don't get thrown in the slammer...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Elan's daily routine
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2007, 04:14:28 PM »
Quote from: ""88""
We had an incident in house dorms with first no one belived the student that copped to it, but when it all came out in the group we were pretty much shocked about it.Man Jeffery almost blew his own head off in that GM, the man was irrate.

When I was there in the 90's a few of the guys broke cards. One of them was the tough guy type and had his girl the other people assumed was gay.
Well, it was the freaking shock of the year when their LONG term relationship came out.
I was still dude's friend, the other dude's girl was ready to hang herself though! She was heart broken and humiliated!
Jeff's face was bright red nearly purple, he was shooting spit strands out of his mouth, going hoarse from screaming so much. He was going to die if he did not stop yelling and chill.
That trick Rosenfiend stepped in.
When a man and woman broke cards Jeff screamed and shit but this was not like the others.
I think he felt personally offended. Maybe he does not like gay people. Who the hell cares if one is gay or not? As long as you're cool you're cool......
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Elan's daily routine
« Reply #37 on: April 08, 2007, 11:21:41 PM »
You're right them county jails are all kinds of fucked up! I knew a dude that was in one in Virginia and in the summer it would hit 100 degree's + with no a/c! The men and women were ready to KILL one another..They had barred cells with one miserable window that opened in some cells and a few fans blowing hot stank air around..

The co's gave them 3 showers per day, lots of outside time (as if that was cooler in a cement rec yard!) they handed out lots of cool water and smokes. That was nice all of the smokes they got to stay cool.

In CT. the women have no "holding jail" just the prison. You are just classified a different way. We were all together. They have 2 sides East/West..East is low security, no fences just woods and vans driving around..People do run into the woods some make it some are stupid and try to hitchhike 2 miles down the road from the prison..Usually the only people over there are sentenced/about to go home.

The wild, wild west is all kinds of people. Some  are there for shoplifting lipstick to your youthfull offenders to your baby killers and rapists. Yes, female rapists. No, they are not hot. They are usually 200+ pounds with more facial hair than Jeff Gotlieb!
Actually there are SO MANY fat chicks there it is not funny.
I am not talking 140-50 pounds of fat I am talking 200+ pounds!

I once saw a chick with a FULL BEARD AND MUSTACHE! I mean full and thick and scraggly! Some of the facial hair issues they have are pretty serious. They must need hormones to stop it or electrolosis or waxing. Since no razors or tweezers are allowed you can use nothing, nair or electric (if you can afford 60$ for it!)
You can get waxed too. BUT they are IM's practicing on you. If they don't like you or whatever they will fuck your shit up. For the POOR girls who can't afford nair or waxing they gotta apply to go to the medical unit 1x per day to have their faces shaved by a nurse! I don't know, If I had that issue I'd apply for it.

There is one group of 3 girls who were all white trash loking and pretty fat too that were insanely jealous of a pretty 14 year old girl and one of their ex men liked the 14 year old (they were all about 17-19) So, they kidnapp her, beat her within a inch of her life,
torture her with lit cigg's, strangle her, rape her, etc. When she was dieing one of the boys was raping her while they held her head under water! They raped her after she died too! And these fat,sad, pathetic girls helped! They were so jealous of a 14 year old that was a cheerleader, skinny, cute, popular, etc. they took out all of their hatred for themselves on her..It was sickening what they did to her. They wrapped her up in a rug, wrapped it with chains and dropped her into a lake. A year or so later one of the girls snapped and told.

I knew one of the girls. She seemed nice but I saw her ugly side a few times that led me to believe that she was 100% capable of being mean and spitefull and do this to a girl she was jealous of.

Another girl shot her sick daughter in the back, close range with a shotgun!

Another nearly decapitated her baby's head she slit his throat so deep and far.

Another cooked a baby in the microwave oven and fed it to her man! I believe it was his with another woman. The man killed himself because he ate a bit of it and when he asked "where's joe" ( a made up name) and the sick bitch said "your eating him" just like that..

I've got a ton of stories but I'll stop for now....

I spent 18 months in that dump! I ended up being a level 5 high security inmate for an escape..That is a long story too..Funny as hell but long...

A place like that makes you happy your not any more fucked up than you already are!

When I feel fucked up in my head I think of THOSE freaks and the world is sunny again..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »