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« on: April 06, 2007, 12:18:49 PM »
« Last Edit: January 15, 2008, 09:44:05 PM by 69 »

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Institutional Abuse by WWASP Blog
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2007, 08:35:40 PM »
Nice work, i am creating a site too. The more sites like these the better. WWASP has a long history of changing names and hiding the truth. That is the keyword TRUTH, if only the public knew the truth about these places they would be shut down and the owners would be jailed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Institutional Abuse by WWASP Blog
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2007, 02:53:09 PM »
My Daughter dated a guy that graduated Spring Creek Lodge. I sat down a talked with him one day and he told me that Spring Creek had changed and saved his life. Very nice young Man. I hope you are collecting information on both sides. Yah right !!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Covergaard

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Institutional Abuse by WWASP Blog
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2007, 05:45:44 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
My Daughter dated a guy that graduated Spring Creek Lodge. I sat down a talked with him one day and he told me that Spring Creek had changed and saved his life. Very nice young Man. I hope you are collecting information on both sides. Yah right !!!!

He believes in the program, like most graduates. It is not a new thing and he is not lying to you. The very purpose of brainwashing is making people believe in a certain version of truth.

The problem with or should we rather rephrase the consequence of the "threatment" aka the programming ist that it does not last.

Sometimes it takes one year, sometime five or even 10 years then the brain of the former "student" kicks in with very unpleasant images of the darkest period of the threatment.

In Denmark we have people who had stayed under similary conditions some 30-50 years back and they still have to live with it. It hunts their daily life. Is that OK?

See: and

Translated from the last page:

"Hundreds of danish boys stayed at one of Denmarks largest and most respected children's home in the 1960's and 1970's."

"Psychologically humiliations and beating were a part of their daily lives. A number of them became test objects for experiment with psychoactive drugs and habit-forming sedatives."

Sounds familiar?

It is a part of our shameful past, which we have been able to close down for good, but unfortunately we can now see Danish institution, who has sent their employees to the states.

The town council of Randers - a city in Jutland is just now looking at a place called "Kanoen" who had forced a child to sit in a chair for 15 hours (a kind of O.P) and use boxer and other musclemen in their intake. We have laws which can bring people behind such places to justice before the children starts to die.

What kind of justice did Karlye Newman get?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Institutional Abuse by WWASP Blog
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2007, 10:13:57 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
My Daughter dated a guy that graduated Spring Creek Lodge. I sat down a talked with him one day and he told me that Spring Creek had changed and saved his life. Very nice young Man. I hope you are collecting information on both sides. Yah right !!!!

I don't think he needs to, look what the current president of the program has to say, they know it doesn't work, they are greedy bastards who want money you idiot!!


"These people are basically a bunch of untrained people who work for this organization," Ken Kay told the Denver Rocky Mountain News in an interview before he rejoined Teen Help as a vice president. "So they don't have credentials of any kind. ...

"We could be leading these kids to long-term problems that we don't have a clue about because we're not going about it in the proper way. ...
"How in the hell can you call yourself a behavior modification program -- and that's one of the ways it's marketed -- when nobody has the expertise to determine: Is this good, is this bad?"

There's the other side for you, the president of the company!  :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Institutional Abuse by WWASP Blog
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2007, 01:41:07 PM »
I found this, of all places, on spring creeks own blog page in the comment section, I thought it deserved some more attention,it was a great post.

virgil said...

    As none of the comments left so far have been moderated, I assume that this blog isn't frequented by its authors or by parents considering Spring Creek Lodge, but as it is linked to directly from the school's site, I thought I'd leave a comment in the hopes that anyone considering entrusting their child to Spring Creek or its affiliates might come across it.

    I wasn't physically abused during my months at Spring Creek Lodge; I was never kept in solitary confinement (although I was aware that some of the rowdier students were). However, I have serious issue with anyone who attempts to downplay the severity of the psychological and emotional abuse the students are subjected to on a daily and hourly basis.

    I understand the need for discipline of children who are troubled or acting out; however, I would not trust the staff of Spring Creek Lodge (largely untrained, unscreened, and undisciplined themselves) to housebreak a dog, let alone provide the guidance and stability needed to put a child on the right path. Their methods are cruel and inconsistent, and their attitudes are petty. The students at Spring Creek flourished only as well as could be expected under these conditons: they were fearful, miserable, vicious and distrustful with one another, and they found their emotional and behavioral needs unmet at every turn.

    The place for criminal children is jail, under the supervision of trained guards and counselors. The place for mentally unstable or depressed children is a hospital, where they will be seen by medical professionals and cared for by skilled attendants--case in point the tragic death of Karlye Newman, who was placed in the care of negligent and untrained staff who were not equipped to help her. The place for unruly children is in the home, with kind, stable, and reasonable discipline from the parents. I saw none of these kinds of children aided in any way at Spring Creek Lodge. It is a warehouse for the mistakes of bad parents, plain and simple--all of the literature distributed by the school virulently avoids and denies this fact, but it is true. Children don't act out because of some inherent flaw in their character, they act out because of lapses in their upbringing that can only be corrected with the proper care and discipline on the part of the parent. Anyone willing to foist their "problem child" on an unregulated institution that allows no contact with the child (no phone calls, no personal visits, no emails, no direct interaction of any kind) for months at a time should be ashamed of themselves.

    They should be equally ashamed of the "progress" they are told their child is making--learning to parrot the program's feel-good jargon (I'm working my program, I would be dead or in jail, I'm making working choices now) equates to a temporary change in behavior, not any kind of change in beliefs, attitude, etc. (If you slap me enough times for telling you the sky is blue, I'll tell you it's red until I am out of arm's reach.) Any superficial changes that appear to be occurring in the students are entirely eclipsed by the serious psychological damage their parents are doing them by abandoning them with strangers.

    Since my release, I have come in contact with several GRADUATES of Spring Creek Lodge--those children who were released to their parents at the end of a year or more with a seal of approval and the assurance of a real change in attitude. At twenty to twenty-five years old, they are smokers, drinkers, the pierced managers of sex shops, and (one girl who I recall had done exceptionally well in her program and worked exceptionally hard) on the run from the law. I strongly believe that these are people who the program not only failed to save, but who it actively and maliciously damaged.

    Bottom line is, there are numerous accounts of the suffering, injustice, and harm that children in facilities such as Spring Creek Lodge have experienced. The rosy testimonials posted on their websites and printed in their literature often come from the parents of children currently enrolled in the program (and really turning themselves around, finally admitting to themselves that the sky is red after all!) or recently released and still too afraid to defy their parents. I would venture to guess that any children who have graduated from the program to become successful, independent adults did so not because of Spring Creek's efforts, but in spite of them.

    The psychological harm done by my time at Spring Creek is something that will stay with me for the rest of my life, and although I love my parents dearly there is a part of me that will never forgive them for their ignorance and weakness in sending me there. I don't know if any child could recover entirely from a betrayal so intense. My feeling is that many have not and will not.

    I would seriously urge anyone who considers their teen "troubled" to look beyond the hype and fearmongering that Spring Creek and other such organizations attempt to feed prospective clients. These companies are at best misguided and at worse corrupt and malicious; no matter how bad your situation is, there are better places for your child.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »