Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Lighthouse of northwest florida (fka VCA )/ Rebekah / Roloff )

Lester Roloffs Rebekah Home for Girls Survivors-Cult-mindcon

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Lee Burleson-Latham:
The person defending this place I noticed is signed in as "GUEST"......why? I am also a survivor
of Rebekah Christian Academy. I was there for almost a year starting in October 1972. I saw
and experienced much during my time there. I was beaten horribly with a leather strap with two
thin strips of meatal taped on the ends by Pappa Weatherford for slamming a door. I was black
from the back of my neck down to below the back of my knees. I had to sleep on my stomach
for weeks because of the pain. I was thankful at the time that it was Pappa & not Granny doing
the beating because I think Granny would have enjoyed it & I would have been injured more than
just the bleeding & brusing that eventually went away. I am sure that there are a few girls that
were fine with the place. I can still see their faces but don't remember many names. A couple
girls there I remember (Angie from TX who taught me a few chords on the guitar & was also
not going to conform ;< ) A girl named Annie from IL and very few others as I have spent many,
many years trying to forget the place. I remember the day Brother Roloff's plane crashed...
I felt bad for the girls that also perished but was almost happy he was gone. That is an awful
thing to say I know but I what he truly was as do many of you that were there in the early years
& those of you who say that the place saved you that is great & I am happy for you but I can't
believe that there are still homes open & was shocked to find out after my Mom told me a couple
weeks ago that they still (almost 40 years now) send her crap to make donations. She never has &
never will.

Larry Nelson:
:jawdrop: I was in the Anchor Home in CC, Tx back in '81 and '82. I am not ashamed to have my name displayed. It is LARRY NELSON. My comment is this, and others have stated it before me...what you went through while you were in this/these home(s), depended on WHO you were. I saw guys that rarely, if ever, got licks. And then, there were others, who were beat to the point of unconsciousness. I remember struggling the first time I was to get licks, they overpowered me, handcuffed me, and proceeded to beat me. THAT'S how I remember this home. You either did things THEIR way, or your life was VERY miserable. Folks, we had guys attempting suicide. They wouldn't have been doing it if things were THAT great. Personally, I received HUNDREDS of paddlings, ate lye soap...even forced to swallow it. I couldn't eat for 2 freakin' day. I ran a lot of laps at one point, as the DHR was investigating, and they weren't giving out paddlings for awhile. But, the running got us into shape, and as soon as some of the guys used their "form of punishment" to run away, or go AWOL as we called it, they discontinued the laps... Then, it was on to the wall. Yeah, I spent HOURS looking at that darn wall. HOURS. I even learned how to sleep standing up, nose to  I was there THAT often. But, eventually, the investigation was over, and the licks were back on. Did I see abuse? Are you kidding me?!?  Yes, I did. I not only SAW it, I LIVED it. There was the "public" humiliation of having to wear signs around our necks stating we were not good enough to talk to, and if ya did talk to me, you'd be sorry. Yeah, I remember that "stuff" all too well. And, on top of that, we had corrupt "leaders." Dave Harpold, for instance. Best friend a person could have, as long as you did everything he said. Cross him...and he'd make stuff up just to get me licks. CORRUPT!!!  I also recall having to roll up my cords past my knees, kneel on a board, hold out a bible for HOURS, until I memorized what it was that they wanted me to. I couldn't walk for 2 days after that. I remember ol' Bro. Schumacher, face ALL red, yelling at me...that HE was going to break me. Well, dude, ya didn't...and I'm still here :)  And let's not forget Bro. Nacho...evil little dude. Yeah, corrupt leaders...   I'm not trying to say that EVERYTHING was bad, just most of it. Mrs. Schumacher was nice to us boys. She did her best to teach us our education. I, at one point, and I STILL get a kick out of this, received a "Citizenship Award" from ol' Schumacher   What a joke. One day I was theirs, and the next, I was Satan's. heehee  When Bro. Roloff died, they blamed my friend and I for it, citing it was our rebellion that killed him...not the fact he made poor choices flying. Personally, I'm glad the dude died. I was sick of being in isolation...was there for months....yeah, I was glad. AND STILL AM. The PEACE that I get is this...Schumacher was an old man then. He HAS to be dead by now, and I thank GOD for that. He cannot hurt anyone else anymore. And, that goes for the rest of them, too. Personally, I hope they ALL have met their Maker, and been judged for doing what they did to CHILDREN.  Thease are just a few of the things I personally went thru. I left out other people's stories out of respect for them. We have lost many of the guys we were there with, and it makes me sad. They gave up. NEVER surrender, baby. We didn't then, and by GOD...I'm NOT NOW!!! I would be glad to take any test you want to PROVE that I am telling the truth. I have NOTHING to hide. I'm not the one who is cowering under the "People's Baptist Church" banner...cowards. Am I angry for what they did to me? heehee I suppose so. BUT, I am ANGRIER that I wasn't the ONLY one that these things happened to. Some of those boys didn't have the "spirit" that others of us did. They were BROKEN...and THAT makes me the most upset.  It's been a few decades now, and obviously, I haven't forgotten too much. I will say this...I'm glad that this home isn't open there anymore.

Larry Nelson:
Hmmm. Another moron trying to control me. I don't hide behind a silly name like some sissy. If ya have something to say...then say it. Don't use the vocab of an immature little boy...or girl...say what your problem is. Step up...or shut up. That simple...

My brother was at Intercoastal canal home don't remember name of it. He was there my dad got sick he escaped and wAs in corpus the next morning calling because they wouldn't tell him why dad was in hospital. They were amazed he could escape. Lol he was in navy seals for several years got in trouble and judge let him go to roloffs. It was a God send he hated it but he will tell you today it was t as bad as the alternative. I on the other hand was at Bobby mcmeens Christian corral ranch for same kind of behavior problems was t getting caught but was always in trouble I spent time at roloffs later on. I found it too be no trouble at all. It was what it was a Christian place where they tried to get into the people's heads about God who were and looks like still are possessed. It seems to me since Kay e y'all read the bible the thing tells you all about what's going to happen one thing is that this world will end and it will be soon ww3 is coming when Iranian war starts. We all know it we can all feel it God made us able to feel the fact that something has to change or else. I can promise you it has nothing to do with any prophecy except the bible. Iraq next Iran then America will be destroyed like the wars and people we've been lillng we will be killed. What we've been giving were about to get back that's simply what the book says. I beleive that too be true and about to happen weve been conditioned and told enough about Iran to have accepted the fact it's going to happen it's called conditioning. Government doesn't like competition so they closed roloffs homes down. Roloffs conditioned people for God that's what some need. Some people aren't chosen and some won't conform. They will go to hell it's pretty important. Going out spreading your legs and having sex doing drugs isn't what life's about we are here to serve God. Sounds like a bunch of self indulging people maybe hoes and pimps who don't have a clue still about the point. The point os God not self and if you and a pro lemon with help your about self. Roloffs was a God send and still is was when brother Cameron tool over was when roloff Lester was still alive. Amen folks at roloffs I have stayed there since abOut 7 years ago and left a donation and will again and again amen

i don't remember you.   Holly morrow was my first room captain. and the barrettes ran the the girls home.  my name is diana.  is there anyone out there from  my time?   Rita,  Holly, Tara,  Taracita, Geraldine, Patsey, Sundraia, Trudi, jennifer, Beckey and what about lil amilia and lonora? kena?


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