Author Topic: *Petition*  (Read 7420 times)

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« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2007, 12:31:52 PM »
This was in 2004.  One of the old staff members at KHK has a huge scrap book full of articles about Miller Newton and everything that he's done.  Once I had graduated, I was talking to her about how I ended up there, and she said that she wasn't surprised because he was a good friend of penny walker (but she's not there anymore, right?), and pulled out that notebook.  Newton's retreat thing was weird.  He still has graduates of KIDS who follow him around, that's who interrogated me.  Alternating yelling at me and calling me a liar, I actually started agreeing with what they said I was doing (these people knew me for 5 mins) just to get them to stop yelling in my face.  and that was the seal on me being sent to KHK.  KHK does give drug tests now, but even if you pass it doesn't matter, i was up in a monday night rap (the discipline rap i guess you could call it, i don't know if straight had that) and was almost started over bc the staff was convinced i was using and messed with the drug test somehow.  I wasn't.  You're right, it is kids helping kids a pathways family center.  For the last year, two years (i forget when the transition started) khk has been phasing stuff out.  Beltlooping is out, so is T&Ring (putting you hand on their shoulder if they made it to T&R)  from what friends who still go there tell me, it's falling apart, in their eyes.  The kids get up whenever they want, the bench norms are out, as is asserting (flapping your hand in someone's face to get them to follow bench norms, one of the most frustrating things ever)  and from what I can tell, the sobriety rate it dropping drastically.  It seemed like every other kid who graduated either signed off their follow up, or off fifth phase and relapsed.  So I don't know what the deal with that is.  How can they have enough funding to open a new one? the one in Milford appears to be barely staying afloat.  The whole reason that KHK merged with them is because it was going to have to go bankrupt if it didn't.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nonconformistlaw

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« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2007, 02:40:15 PM »
Omg I wish I could see that scrapbook! What a wealth of information that must be! Penny Walker is still at KHK as far as I know. DO you remember if that scrapbook contained everything Miller Newton did at Straight (before starting KIDS)? I just wonder if Miller Newton's past was revealed to KHK clients.

So its falling apart huh? Of course it is, the second you take away the things that force kids to stay and comply naturally they will not follow the program anymore. That is just one reason the Straight treatment model does not work....its 100% based on coercion. No treatment can possibly work unless they individual wants to change and has made that decision of their own free will. And if KHK/Straight treatment "works" its only because its coerced....the "happy perfect child" is not real in the sense that they are 100% forced to be that way....those "changes" dont last long. Most Straight sirvivors will tell ya all about how they fell apart once the programing wore off and they realized the bs they had been forcefed in the program.

So Miller Newton is still running his little cult. Is there anything that will wake this idiot up? How many times does that jerk have to be sued for millions because of his bogus "treatment methods" before he gets it?

btw, you are the 2nd former KHK client to say KHK ignores those drug tests. Did you see all the articles in the Cincinnati Beacon? One former KHK client did a guest column....that person was pretty ambivalent and said bad things but then at times seemed to defend KHK. These articles were run after we did the Feb 2006 protest.  I can send you links to all of them if you want.

Yes, Straight had a "discipline rap" after each Open Meeting (Mon & Fri) Straight it was called Open Meeting review. Check out this clip....its from the movie "Not My Kid" the film version of Miller Newton's book which portrayed Straight, only it really watered the truth down, blatently lied...or completely omitted facts.

"Not My Kid"

Read the comments...I posted the same thing you said about the affect of the yelling, screaming and being called a liar.

The money issue is another persons area of interest but I do know PFC lobbied county officials in Indiana and spewed all their lies and got county money for the Valparaiso branch.

Are you in Cincy? I am....I am having a gathering next month for Cincy and Michigan Straight survivors but I already invited one other KHK person.....she's from before your time though. You should come if you are close....I am sure you would have everything in common with us.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.\" George Orwell

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« Reply #17 on: July 14, 2007, 03:07:19 PM »
"The whole reason that KHK merged with them is because it was going to have to go bankrupt if it didn't."

I believe that there may be a few reasons for the merge. One of the main ones is that KHK was the trade name that TriState Drug Rehabilitation and Counseling Inc. (TSDRCP) used first in KY then in OH for that company which by the way was originally named STRAIGHT-MIDWEST. When a major complaint against KHK was filed in 2005, part of it was the fact that TSDRCP had not filed its annual report as per KY law. Furthermore, it had been administratively dissolved by the KY Sec. of State. Soooo, this meant that TSDRCP was non-existent anyways, but KHK was joined at the hip to PFC way before the complaints. So, after they were busted for running an operation using a possibly bogus company, they dissolved TSDRCP and actually GRANTED the KHK property to PFC.
 What's weird about this is that PFC took out a loan from the PNC Bank for roughly $625,000 or so even after this TSDRCP entity DONATED the property. Seems to me that someone may have pocketed around $625,000 or so somewhere, but it just so happens that I am not an IRS expert investigator.  :(  
Another reason might include the fact that PFC/KHK grosses over 2 million dollars a year. the last thing they want to do is shut down the Milford building operation, but, maybe what they'll do is shut that one and move the remaining clients to the new one in BURNS HARBOR, IN and claim that costs were too high in Milford or some BS like that. Either way, the machine is still running. I would imagine a large portion of their business in OH is comprised of court ordered clients and the unfortunate few people who don't research places to send their kids before they send them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline hp456

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« Reply #18 on: July 14, 2007, 04:01:41 PM »
As far as the scrapbook goes, I only saw it for a few minutes, and at that point, I had no idea about straight, just that whenever that subject would come up the staff would say that we were not straight, or anything like it.  I believe she told me that a program parent had put it all together, it was full of newspaper clippings and stuff like that, I would assume that it included things about straight.   Pre KHK i had no idea that there were programs like this, so when straight was brought up and anyone asked questions about it, the subject was shut down.  I really didn't think anything of it.  Miller Newton was never brought up, however, he did visit the program once while I was there.  I had totally forgotten about that.  He wasn't there for very long, and I don't think that his presence was explained.  I think that I was the only one who knew about him because he put me in there, but the other clients had no idea who he was.    

Only recently have I started looking into this stuff, and have heard things about straight.  I guess I'm in that phase that your talking about where you start to realize everything that happened was so f*cked up, and I guess I'm just trying to work through it? I don't know.  Most of my friends that went through there with me are still all about the program, and when it comes up they say it doesn't matter what it was like because it was the best thing that happened to us.  I disagree.  And so far, talking to other people does nothing because they don't understand, I mean, how can you explain "time out" to some who wasn't there?  So I feel kinda in limbo between the whole 7 stepper thing and 'the real world' for lack of better words.  I haven't talked to anyone about this in a while, hence the long posting.

The merger started when I was about to graduate, I don't believe they told us anything as clients, only that they were phasing some of the old stuff out, like beltlooping.  I don't remember what reason they gave us though.  Once I had, my friends on staff told me that it was because of finances, they were very hesitant to talk about it though, I was always swore to secrecy when we talked about it, so there probably is more to the story, but I doubt that peer staff would be in on it.  They gross 2 mil a year?? Staff was paid almost nothing, and I was always under the impression that money was scarce.  Where does it go?  

As far as I know, most of the kids that are there are court ordered, and they changed the payment system, so you pay based on how much you make or something like that, so I think that they are accepting families who aren't wealthy (i don't know how to phrase that, but you know what i mean) so the group has a totally different feel.  I think that they are accepting medicare too.  Looking back, the parents seemed to be brainwashed too.  I mean they all loved us, and wanted the best for us, but they didn't understand.  They were just totally scared.  All of this is just what I've heard, so don't take it as factual.  To me it seems like it would be bad for them to lose the Milford building.  Not only is it completely locked down, but the location allows for families from Cincy, Columbus, Dayton, and Kentucky.  

I remember when ya'll did the protest.  I had already graduated, but my staff friends told me a little bit about it, people standing outside with signs right?  Penny was pissed when they did that news segment on KHK.  I guess she was under the impression that it would be good publicity for KHK, and instead they made it look cultish.  I haven't read any of the articles that you are talking about, do you have links to any of them?  I'm no longer in Cincy, but just curious, what do you all do when you meet up?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nonconformistlaw

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« Reply #19 on: July 14, 2007, 05:02:15 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
I remember when ya'll did the protest.  I had already graduated, but my staff friends told me a little bit about it, people standing outside with signs right?  Penny was pissed when they did that news segment on KHK.  I guess she was under the impression that it would be good publicity for KHK, and instead they made it look cultish.  I haven't read any of the articles that you are talking about, do you have links to any of them?  I'm no longer in Cincy, but just curious, what do you all do when you meet up?

Yes we stood outside in the freezing cold all day with signs...we were there until open meeting was over. The WCPO tv crew showed up and reported for local evening news.

Hey Other working links to those 2 WCPO KHK stories?...the links I saved arent working anymore.

Cincinnati Beacon also showed up for this protest....which was the beginning of all these articles, responses etc. You will notice that each article has numerous comments beneath the original story....all the comments are worth reading, although it will take some time.

Here are all the links to the Beacon articles (all should work, I just checked)....I'll reply to the rest of your post after I finish cutting grass! ... ask_force/ ... s_milford/ ... stigation/ ... _survivor/ ... ir_rights/ ... onnection/ ... _employee/ ... ping_kids/ ... arch_31st/
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.\" George Orwell

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« Reply #20 on: July 14, 2007, 06:07:36 PM » ... agit+limor

The other main one should be in this forum somewhere, check around November 13, 2006 is when Hagit aired it at 11PM. That story came out the same time that Mark Levine radio show aired and all them survivors called in and it was SWEET!!  :rofl:  the program got completely blown out of the cocoon they were in,  :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2007, 07:51:48 PM »
Went to wcpo and it has been completely remodeled. Jeez! So anyways, the video of that 2005 story must be gone or unavailable except through a request to the station. BUT BUT BUT, here's the transcript of that story:

It showed the kids motivating, a wood block on the double doors, etc etc... really creepy for survivors to watch.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nonconformistlaw

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« Reply #22 on: July 14, 2007, 10:29:53 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
   Only recently have I started looking into this stuff, and have heard things about straight.  I guess I'm in that phase that your talking about where you start to realize everything that happened was so f*cked up, and I guess I'm just trying to work through it? I don't know.  Most of my friends that went through there with me are still all about the program, and when it comes up they say it doesn't matter what it was like because it was the best thing that happened to us.  I disagree.  And so far, talking to other people does nothing because they don't understand, I mean, how can you explain "time out" to some who wasn't there?  So I feel kinda in limbo between the whole 7 stepper thing and 'the real world' for lack of better words.  I haven't talked to anyone about this in a while, hence the long posting.

I cant imagine what it is like to be coming to certain realizations for the first time AND be reading this stuff on the internet. In 86 when I snapped out of it, there was no internet to validate that what I was going through was real, nor did I know it was so common among survivors. I cannot tell you what you are going though but I'll explain what it was like for me. I know its very similar to what Straight survivors went though but we are all individuals who may come to certain realizations and react to them in slightly different ways. It might be different for you or very similar. In other words, I am not trying to tell you what you should be realizing or how you should be reacting.

For me, one day I realized that 20 months of my life had been a lie because it was impossible for me to be a druggie....I never tried drugs and only got drunk once. So I realized that Straight lied to me from day one and screwed with my head (brainwashed) to the point that somewhere along the line I believed I was a druggie.

The other realization was seeing the obvious, glaring and enormous difference between reality and what Straight taught us. For example, people dont go around sharing feelings all the time. Straight taught us to do that to that point that is all we freakin did. So needless to say I got a lot of weird reactions from people. There were many other ways Straight's bs conflicted with reality but that one really sticks out...So I realized Straights teachings were lies because they were so extreme and not remotely realistic for coping with "real life."

The other realization for me was that I had no clue to carry on normal conversations, didnt know what was new, cool or recent music due to Straight isolating me from the world. Of course it didnt help that I also had symptoms of PTSD caused by Straight mixing in all these realizations. It also did not help that every time I tried to explain Straight to people they looked at me like I just said I was from Mars or something. So there was no one I could talk I know what you mean about how people just dont get it when you try to explain.

I ended up going "downhill fast" because of all these realizations and being overwhelmed by them.... I turned into a wild party girl almost overnight. I did things I never would have considered doing before Straight....and it was because I was trying to forget Straight, rebelling against Straight, trying to be normal and of course as part of PTSD.

Dont worry about the long winded posting....that is also typical around here!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.\" George Orwell

Offline Nonconformistlaw

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« Reply #23 on: July 14, 2007, 11:05:51 PM »
Quote from: ""hp456""
As far as I know, most of the kids that are there are court ordered, and they changed the payment system, so you pay based on how much you make or something like that, so I think that they are accepting families who aren't wealthy (i don't know how to phrase that, but you know what i mean) so the group has a totally different feel.  I think that they are accepting medicare too.  Looking back, the parents seemed to be brainwashed too.  I mean they all loved us, and wanted the best for us, but they didn't understand.  They were just totally scared.  All of this is just what I've heard, so don't take it as factual.  To me it seems like it would be bad for them to lose the Milford building.  Not only is it completely locked down, but the location allows for families from Cincy, Columbus, Dayton, and Kentucky.  

I remember when ya'll did the protest.  I had already graduated, but my staff friends told me a little bit about it, people standing outside with signs right?  Penny was pissed when they did that news segment on KHK.  I guess she was under the impression that it would be good publicity for KHK, and instead they made it look cultish.  I haven't read any of the articles that you are talking about, do you have links to any of them?  I'm no longer in Cincy, but just curious, what do you all do when you meet up?

In Straight the parents were the same....scared so they were easy prey. Straight manipulated parents by using every parents worst fears....parents were told that "Your child will end up dead or in jail" without Straight. Straight also did a damn good job brainwashing the parents as well.

Well what we do when we meet up just depends. There has been protests, a gathering for a memorial service for Straight victims we lost to suicide or other causes, other reunions or unorganized hanging out. Since we are "older" you might think what we do is at the VA reuinion last summer we grilled out, hung out, some drank, some didnt, talked about Straight here and there, talked about "normal" things too. When I have met up with survivors informally, we have gone out to see a band play, go out to eat, or just hang out shooting the shit. Basically, aside from the protesting type stuff...we basically do "normal" stuff when we hang out. But hanging out is generally infrequent cause we are all so scattered.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
quot;In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.\" George Orwell

Offline wdtony

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New to this but not a newcomer.
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2007, 06:57:41 AM »
I just found this site. I was in kHK (Hebron KY then) from 86 to 88. My brother and sister went in too. It has been 20 years and I didn't even know these torture camps still existed until I looked it up online yesterday.  I am ready to face my demons now. If anyone could contact me about this I would appreciate it. What can I do to help shut these assholes down??????
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Pathway Family Center Truth =

Offline wdtony

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« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2007, 07:10:45 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
DP, you're totally wrong. KHK has helped may kids and their families.

Them's fightin words.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Pathway Family Center Truth =