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ASR Discussion Thread

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Free of spamming of bogus facts and other crap.

The governor of Massachusetts is a fucking Mormon.



Correction: The Governor of Massachusetts was a fucking Mormon, who broke bread with Bob Litchfield. He's no longer in office.

Who wants to be the first to tell the new governor how much his predecessor loved child abuse?

Troll Control:

--- Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penalty"" ---Ooh.

Correction: The Governor of Massachusetts was a fucking Mormon, who broke bread with Bob Litchfield. He's no longer in office.

Who wants to be the first to tell the new governor how much his predecessor loved child abuse?
--- End quote ---

I'll be happy to.  I've been working with Mr. Patrick's staff to get complaints re: ASR addressed properly.

So far it's more of the same snags as with HLA.  Pencil pushers don't want to upset the apple cart or actually do their jobs, so we're going over their heads.

Mr. Patrick seems to be a good guy and will probably be a good governor.  His staff has been pleasant and helpful.


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