Author Topic: Did this happen to you, too?  (Read 2054 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Did this happen to you, too?
« on: October 11, 2007, 06:54:31 PM »
Miller Newton touched my junk liberally. He strapped me in to his Straightmobile and he
couldnt keep his offensive hands off of me. He was performing many red flag touches. I couldnt believe what the fuck was going on. I told Miller Newton the city would not approve
of a millionaire touching a
n underage kid for free. Can you believe it? Miller Newton did all this. He picked me off the street, strapped my arms and legs down in the Straightmobile's passenger seat, and just wouldn't stop fondling my cock'n'ball
They definately were red flag touches. The goddamn referee he had in the back seat kept on
raising up this red flag every time he touched my junk but did "Dr." Newton care? NO WAY! He
just kept on doing it. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on, indeed. I pleaded with Miller Newton but to no avail. I told him the city would not approve of such a wealthy m
touching an underage kid like me (at the time I was 13) without at least compensating me for the trauma and the use of my body as his own personal plaything.
This got to him, worrying about his image. he continued to fondle me, all the while ignoring
the referee's red flags. Then he drove the Straightmobile to my house and ejected the seat I was in! It was amazing. But surprisingly, after I woke up the next morning, my bank account ha
d $150k in it!!! Can you believe it?????
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Red Flag Touches

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Did this happen to you, too?
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2007, 09:46:24 AM »
Still amazed, after all these years....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Botched Programming

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Did this happen to you, too?
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2007, 04:06:13 PM »
Oh pleeeeze tell us about Ruthie Ann !!!!!!!!!! [/color][/b][/i]

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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By popular demand---"THE TIME I FUCKED RUTHIE"
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2007, 01:25:15 AM »
Quote from: ""Botched Programming""
Oh pleeeeze tell us about Ruthie Ann !!!!!!!!!! [/color][/b][/i]

OK, since you asked nicely...............

Did I ever mention the time I fucked Miller's wife, Ruth? I was on 3rd phase and going to school at Mirror Lake in St. Petersburg, when one day, after school, I heard an older female voice call from behind me. I turned around, surprised to see Ruth Newton.
"I'm giving you a ride today", she said, flashing that sexy smile of hers and indicating a large Cadillac with tinted windows.
"Thanks Mrs. Newton" I replied, holding her door open for her. I went around to the other side of the car and was shocked to see a bottle of Cutty Sark and a couple of shot glasses in plain sight, right next to a tray of sensimilla and a mirror with two fat, white rails laid out on it.
"Don't be nervous" she said, "we'll just have a little party here. It'll be our little secret." She uncapped the Cutty and took a long pull, then passed me the bottle. I tilted my head back for a long draw of scotch, and heard her snorting up a line as I felt her hand groping at my cock and balls. I took another deep draw from the bottle as fear, revulsion ,and a sick sense of desire filled me.
"It's OK" she said, "here--do a line"
I took the mirror she handed me, and the rolled up $100 bill, and bent down to see my wild-eyed reflection in the mirror as she unzipped my pants.
"I've never done coke before" I said, kind of nervously.
"Oh, that's not cocaine, silly boy, that's PCP. It's very decadent. Miller and I like to do it when we watch bestiality movies we made on our honeymoon".
"Oh", I said, feeling my dick reluctantly getting hard to her touch and a buzzing noise in my head.
"Why don't you roll us a joint?" she said, right before she bent down and swollowed my engorged prick and began skillfully fellating me.
"Sure" I said, feeling hazy yet strangely aroused as she continued inhaling my shaft.
Suddenly she stopped sucking, sat up, and told me to light up the joint I had barely been able to roll. As I lit it up and took a deep toke into my lungs, she pulled down the black polyester slacks she was wearing to reveal that she had no panties on. She took the joint from me, hit it a couple of times, thenthrew herself over the seat, with her ass in the air.
"FUCK ME ! FUCK ME IN THE ASS LIKE THE SLUT I AM!" she screamed, and I plunged my drug-crazed dick into her bung hole, feeling her convulse with joy as I buried my dick in her ass.
She passed the joint back to me and I hit it again and again as I continued probing her anus with my johnson. Sweat poured down my face and I continued to pump her butt as I wiped the perspiration of my forehead. She began screaming again, making wild animal noises, and just as I was about to cum, she yelled out "Look over your shoulder RIGHT NOW!"
Startled, I did as she said, and what I saw when I did was a sight I will never foget. Over my shoulder I saw Miller Newton, dressed in a torn Girl Scout uniform, furiously masturbating himself as he watched us. Then he pulled out a bible, and opened it up so he could ejaculate within it's pages.
I guess it was the PCP, maybe the weed, or the scotch, but I statred laughing. Ruthie slapped me across the face and said " You just got yourself a 3-day Away From Home, Druggie"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Botched Programming

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Did this happen to you, too?
« Reply #4 on: October 15, 2007, 01:07:53 PM »
Miller Newton looked up from the scrotum of the German Shepherd he was sucking off to see that the clock indicated it was time for his next client to come over to the church office and give a rimjob. He cursed after he spit out the dog's penis, hating that he had to quit his favorite pastime in order to make a little cash. "Oh well", he thought, I guess it's business before pleasure", although he knew he would enjoy eating Butch's feces, just not as much as sucking Rover's dick. Soon, the government official had satisfied his perverse yearnings and Miller was in possession of a promise to help expedite his reception of "faith-based" funds for his new rehab program.

Miller called Ruthie on the intercom and told her to come over to his office, as he had a treat for her. Ruthie stopped fingering herself, turned off the Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS DVD she was watching, licked her fingers, and proceeded to Miller's office. Miller told her that she could lick his last trick's shit off of his face, which she immediately did. After this was done, she went back to her office to finish masturbating and watching the DVD, while Miller broke out a bottle of Tanqueray with which to toast the coming federal "faith-based" money. While grabbing the bottle out of his desk drawer, Miller noticed a photo album out of the corner of his eye and smiled. He removed the album from his desk and opened it up, after he had poured himself a tall glass of gin. Looking through the album, he became flush with warm memories---it was full of photographs he had surreptitiously taken of male clients during their strip searches at Straight, Inc. and KIDS. He noticed a once-familiar-but-now-uncommon swelling in his groin, and he slammed down the glass of Tanqueray, quickly pouring himself another, then another, before finally opening up his pants and beginning to furiously flog himself as he continued to look at the strip search photos.

Just as he was nearing orgasm, the door to his office flew open to reveal one of his favorite clients from the old days, William "Rusty" Rollins. "Looking at the good pics from the good old days again, huh, Doc?" said "Rusty" with a knowing grin, "Well, don't let me interrupt".
"Uhhhh...uhhhh....give me a couple of seconds...uhh..uhh..William, I'll uhhh...uhh be done SOON!!!" he said as he ejaculated. "Oh God yes" he sighed, smiling as "Rusty" got down on all fours to lick Miller's spunk-spew off of the office floor.
"You've still got it, Doc" said William between licks.
"Yes, I do, William, yes, I do" said Miller, contentedly drifting off to sleep, where he would dream of abusing children at his new, faith-based, federally funded teen "rehab".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Botched Programming

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Did this happen to you, too?
« Reply #5 on: October 15, 2007, 01:37:47 PM »
How about this one?

Ruthie Ann touched my junk liberally. She strapped me in to her Straightmobile and she couldn't keep her offensive hands off of me. She was performing many red flag touches. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on. I told Ruthie Ann the city would not approve of a millionaire touching an underage kid for free. Can you believe it? Ruthie Ann did all this. She picked me off the street, strapped my arms and legs down in the Straightmobile's passenger seat, and just wouldn't stop fondling my cock'n'balls.
They definately were red flag touches. The goddamn referee she had in the back seat kept on
raising up this red flag every time she touched my junk but did Ruthie Ann care? NO WAY! She
just kept on doing it. I couldn't believe what the fuck was going on, indeed. I pleaded with
Ruthie Ann but to no avail. I told her the city would not approve of such a wealthy woman
touching an underage kid like me (at the time I was 13) without at least compensating me for
the trauma and the use of my body as her own personal plaything.
This got to her, worrying about her image. She continued to fondle me, all the while ignoring
the referee's red flags. Then she drove the Straightmobile to my house and ejected the seat I was in! It was amazing. But surprisingly, after I woke up the next morning, my bank account had $150k in it!!! Can you believe it?????????????????????????
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Did this happen to you, too?
« Reply #6 on: October 15, 2007, 09:01:45 PM »
Another classic:

My name is Clem Snide. I am a private asshole. A detective, if you will. I am also a survivor of the St. Petersburg, Florida branch of Straight Inc., so you will see why my recent assignment thoroughly intrigued me.

I had been hired by a wealthy developer from south Florida to investigate certain rumors and allegations regarding his son's predilection for unnatural relationships, one he had received "treatment" for at KIDS of New Jersey in the 90s. It seems the old man was getting into politics, nothing major, but even a small-time elected official can use his leverage to affect a lucrative change in his personal finances. The old man didn't want some nancy-boy kid blowing things with the voters, so he wanted someone to keep tabs on the kid and make sure he didn't get too flambouyant with his lifestyle, at least until the election was over.

I trailed the kid for a couple of days, and there didn't seem to be anything the old man should know about. He was the one covering my bill of $800 a day, plus expenses, and my job was to keep tabs on the young man. I didn't care one way or the other the who or what the kid liked to go to bed with, the only thing I was doing was surveillance. I would bet that Daddy had told his boy that there would be no allowance check coming next month if he embarrassed the family before the electorate.

Anyway, about five days into it, I follow the kid's BMW down to Madeira Beach. I'm not too familiar with the area, and the kid actually left me stuck behind a light. A cop was beside me so I couldn't run the light, but eventually I sighted the BMW, idling down the street from what looked like the Christ of the Sea Church. The brake light was on and I saw a figure get into the car from the open passenger side door. The door closed, the brake lights went off, and the BMW drove on, with my grey sedan following at a discrete distance.

The BMW drove a winding path, as if trying to evade pursuit, but I'm pretty much an old pro at this game, and I manged to follow the kid. He pulled into a subdivision and I let him go ahead a couple of blocks before I turned in. I slowly crept through the neighborhood, parking my car a few houses down from where the BMW was parked. I pulled up the For Sale sign in the yard and made my way casually around the house, then through the neighboring yards until I found a good vantage point in a tree behind the fenced back yard where I could get a good glimpse of the goings on at the target house. I broke out my camera and binoculars and made ready to film what I saw. I had heard some splashing around in what I inferred to be a swimming pool, I confirmed this with visual observation.

Sure enough, the kid was getting his homo freak on. There at poolside, he was strutting around naked, with a hard-on, jacking off on another man, an older man, No! can't IS...Miller Newton! Miller Newton, bastion of all things moral and decent, getting spunked on by some guy forty years younger than him! I almost broke out in laughter, but I am, after all, a professional, so I began recording the images on my camera and immediately uploaded them to my laptop in the car.

Miller and the kid performed all kinds of depraved acts, many involving his priest costume, many involving the yappy little Jack Russell terrier that kept leaping by the pool, and some involving both.

Eventually, I guess the two kooks got tired of the animal act and decided to go for some rough trade. The kid went inside, then returned to poolside with a suitcase that he placed on top of a glass patio table and opened. I heard him say, "Come here, Slave Bitch" as he grabbed a cat-o-nine-tails and a pair of metal cuffs from the suitcase.
"Yes, Master, I heard Miller reply, as he pulled his naked body out of the pool and knelt beside the kid.
The kid then chained Miller's wrists to the pool ladder, and began flogging him savagely. Then he penetrated Miller anally with a large, black dildo, pissing on Miller's bald head and commanding him to lap up the piss that collected on the patio, an order that was obeyed instantly.

This type of weirdo shit continued for a while, and my camera recorded a good bit of it. However, enough was enough, and I had a pretty good idea of how to handle the situation. I jumped into the back yard, pulling my Ruger and yelling "Hold it right there to the kid, who was just about to give Miller a jalapeno juice enema.

The looks of shock and surprise were truly a Kodak moment. "Listen, kid,I was hired by a certain MR.---------, a man with certain political ambitions. You know the man I'm speaking of, correct?" The kid nodded.

"Then you also know that your financial future could come to a bleak and abrupt end if that gentleman were to find out what was going on here."
He nodded again.

"Then listen up, kid. Get dressed and get the hell out of here. Don't ever mention that you have ever seen me in your life. I spent the last half-hour filming you two, and if I don't periodically enter a code into my computer, the last half-hour will be emailed to the gentleman I mentioned earlier. You understand?"

The kid didn't nod, just grabbed his clothes and put them on, then left out a side gate. Miller looked at me, horrified as I took close-up pictures of him. The kid had put a ballgag on him, so all he could do was whimper as I savagely kicked him in the genitals. This seemed to arouse him, so I stopped. I went over to the open suitcase and found a pair of leg irons and a jar of honey. I slapped the leg irons on Miller, securing his legs to the pool ladder. I poured the honey over his crotch. Then I went into the yard and dug up an ant pile with my gloved hands, carried the ants across the yard, and dropped them on Miller. It took a few trips, and I got bitten a couple of times, but I did it. Then I lit up a cigarette and blew the smoke in his face, saying, "Well, Miller, you've certainly got a lot to answer for, and nothing I could do to you would be enough to begin to pay you back for all the pain you have caused. I put the cigarette out on his right nipple to accentuate my speech. I'm just gonna leave you here with the ants for a little while. Then I'm gonna email a couple of those pics, with the kid's face blurred out, of course, to a few interested parties. Remember, asshole, I'll be out there, and so will others, waiting to exact our revenge. Live in fear, shithead" I said as I kicked him in the face.

I left the way I came. It had been a long day, and I was tired. I drove to the office, where a bottle of Scotch waited.

(Then I woke up. What a weird dream!)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Did this happen to you, too?
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2007, 09:10:27 PM »
Rev. Dr. Dr. V. Miller Fr. Cassian Newton pulled his dick out of the ass of the corpse he had been fucking. He bent over and stuck his nose close to the jizz-filled anus of the dead boy, catching a whiff of putrifying flesh, and smiled. "Such a wonderful way to begin a day" he thought to himself, and began dressing in his priest costume, stopping only to turn on the TV in his office, which was showing a gay porn flick that he had left in the DVD player. After a couple of minutes, he got dressed and called out, "Ruth Ann--I'm ready!", a cry which was heeded by Ruth Ann Newton opening his office door, one hand full of dog shit. She pulled up his robe and began smearing the feces over Virgil's tiny member, then reached up her skirt and smeared her twat lips with the remainder of the canine crap. This was the ritual they used to begin a day at Christ At the Sea Church, a ritual that was not complete until Ruth Ann inserted a straw in the ass of the corpse and began felching Virgil's cum through it.
Miller always liked to watch Ruthie slurping his jizz---it reminded him of the old days, back when he could get a hard-on with her. Nowadays, only animals, corpses, and shit turned him on enough to get it up.
Ruthie finished slurping Miller's jizz out of the dead boy's ass, walked over to Miller and gave him a deep tongue kiss, during which she passed Miller's spunk over to his mouth. Miller felt an inward glow of joy as he tasted his own semen, mixed with the dead boy's rotting anal flavor. He smiled at Ruthie and walked out into the sanctuary. It was time to do the Lord's work.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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another classick!
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2007, 09:13:19 PM »
Miller "Father Cassian" Newton stepped off the bus and was led into the yard of the Florida State Correctional Institute. He had been given ten years for perjury and participating in bankruptcy fraud. Five with good behavior. Years spent basking in the glow of a flourescent light in his "church" office had been hard on him. His body was frail, his skin pallid. He knew he could never make it through ten years in the general population with his virginity intact. He had to get into solitary. As soon as the burly guard unshackled him he made his move. Exhaling a feminine "hmmph" he weakly slapped the guard. He was quickly taken to the ground, receiving a swift kick to the ribs before being restrained. As he was dragged to the solitary confinement cell he felt nothing but relief. "At least in solitary," he thought "I'll be safe." Unfortunately for Fr. Cassian he had picked the wrong guard to mess with.
The next few days were uneventful. The time in his cell he spent evenly between sleeping, reading a "Drug Free America" book he had gotten from the book cart, and masturbating furiously. His self-flagellation was interrupted on the fourth day. The burly guard he had attacked earlier stepped into his cell. The gleam in the guards eye and the mean grin on his face made Fr. Cassian's pecker quickly shrivel in his hand. "You fucked with the wrong man when you fucked with me," said the guard. "The inmates here call me The Asshole for a reason. Now come with me, punk."
The guard led him down the hall to one of several empty shower stalls. He roughly threw Fr. Cassian in the stall and locked the door. Fr. Cassian was petrified. His mind raced as he imagined the myriad of different tortures that could be in store for him. His worst fears were confirmed when the guard returned. In his hands were a short black dress, black stilleto heels, and a curly blonde wig. "Strip down and put this on, bitch." Fr. Cassian did as instructed and was pleased to notice that the dress fit well and the heels gave him a nice slimming effect. The burly guard admired the drag queen. "The GNAA is gonna love you!"
The guard left the shower stall, only to return minutes later. He opened the door and led 20 large black men into the stall. "Father Cassian, meet the Gay Nigger Association of America. GNAA, meet Father Cassian. I'm sure you all will get along fine." With that the guard slammed the shower door closed and walked away laughing.
The men approached Father Cassian, backing him into a corner. The apparent leader stepped forward. "No matter what I'm gonna fuck that purdy lil' ass of yours. Now I can fuck it dry or you can lube it up for me." Father Cassian knew he had no choice. He kneeled in front of the leader, who began to slap his face with his 10 black inches. Puss from syphilictic sores quickly covered Father Cassian's cheeks. When the leader was sufficiently aroused he placed his throbbing cock up to Father Cassian's lips. As soon as Father Cassian opened his mouth the leader violently shoved his manhood to the back of Father Cassian's throat and exclaimed "Swallow my shit you cracker bitch!" Father Cassian gagged as he was violently face fucked.
Just when he was about to pass out the leader pulled out, turned him around and shoved his cock into Father Cassian's ass. Father Cassian began to scream in agony but his cries were quickly muffled by one of the other gang member's cocks. They rode him like that for the better part of an hour. When one man finished another quickly took his place. Just as Father Cassian was getting used to the throbbing pain in his anus the men stopped. One man lay down on the floor and Father Cassian was told to get on top of him and take his dick inside him. Exhausted and humiliated, Cassian had no will left to fight. As soon as he inserted the penis another man came up behind him and began to force his cock into Father Cassian's already filled anus. Again his screams of agony were muffled, this time by a smelly black anus.
For another hour he was violated in this way. When the men were finished with him he couldn't walk and his mouth was filled with dingleberries and ass hairs. Before they all left the leader had some parting words for Father Cassian: "Thanks for that sweet piece of ass, punk. We'll see you again tomorrow. Oh by the way, we all have AIDS." It was going to be a long ten years for Father Cassian.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Did this happen to you, too?
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2008, 10:04:57 AM »
true, all of them.....
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »