Author Topic: Synanon and current-day rehabs.  (Read 18079 times)

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Re: Synanon and current-day rehabs.
« Reply #15 on: August 22, 2009, 12:39:40 PM »
Dear Mr. George Farnsworth,

Why are you referring people who “need help” to seek it from Synanon derivative programs
all staffed or run by former Synanon residents.”
A program described on your dedicated site as ...
by turns joyful and terrifying, but which none of us can ever forget”.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis

Offline Ursus

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Marvin's Corner TC - About Us
« Reply #16 on: August 23, 2009, 06:53:43 PM »
It is quite obvious that George Farnsworth is helping John Schmidt get off to a running start. The evocative photos all come from Farnsworth's site.

Until Schmidt can actually get a permanent physical facility/location for his TC, however, he is still stuck doing a lot of referral work.

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About Us

    Until our new facility is completely up and running we can only offer those in need a carefully researched referral to an existing facility that seems to match their specific situation. There can be no guarantees, of course. Experience shows that most addicts leave any rehab facility within too short a time -- they invent excuses about not liking the food, or the beds, or the staff. Even those who stay for 90 days or more often go back to abusing drugs or alcohol within a short time.

    For these reasons we must charge a nominal up-front referral fee for our time and expertise.

    MCTC and its staff as well as residents with a little bit of clean time know the importance and difficulty of your coming to us and asking us for help. We recognize the sincere task being accepted by you if you agree to our terms so that you can change and become real people as opposed to what came to us for your interview. You are known to us. You are transparent, as there isn't one person here that is not an ex-addict, ex-convict, ex-whatever.

    Staff at MCTC is not here for salary. We don't get one. We are here because we understand the necessity of not just placing you in an environment where you can help yourself but being here to allow you to draw from our experiences while going through this process as well as after you graduate — return to the world that brought you here to begin with. We exist in order that you may learn right living as well its components we are here to make sure that when you leave that you have internalized our thoughts and attitudes toward behavior and personal discipline — the same ones and perhaps your new twists on our old ones that have kept us clean ranging from 10 to 38 years each. Being clean is not such a challenge, but you just don't pick up staying clean. Knowing that the reasons you have to accomplish this is a daily final exam — fail it and you might just die or worse. MCTC exists to teach life skills to allow you not to just have several trades, but we make sure that when you leave us you have adequate funds for an apartment and a car with residual money in the bank to avoid the undue stress brought on by emergencies should they occur. Prior to leaving you will have enough therapeutic interaction with your peers and staff that you should be your own best friend. Should you just go through the motions not to worry you can still graduate. Just work and remain the shell you were when you joined us and see with time who suffers for this extreme stupidity. Let us share with you as we have so many before you the practical time-proven methods that allowed us to become mature adult human beings. Apply yourselves as we have — as people have in the program models we used in our development of MCTC and either leave or stay. YOU WILL HAVE A LIFE YOU ONLY DREAMED OF BEFORE.

    No one gets rich working at MCTC. If anything the truth is our staff, our administrators don't have and won't have any salary for their long days and frustrating hours. Their pay is your sobriety, your freedom from social as well personal oppression in all its forms.

    Required to make it here is a willingness — a need to change along with the ability to care for your peers as you would have them care for you. We also require that you admit to and take responsibility for your errors and apply yourself every day is if it is your last day.

    That said, call us and make an appointment. You will be amazed at the results.

    MCTC recognizes the responsibility of its residents as ex-offenders in the rebuilding of areas of society damaged by the action and inaction of its residents during their years of drug addiction, alcoholism and other forms of subsequently destructive behavior. We offer as matter of course Community Interaction Programs through which our residents assist seniors in their difficult activities such as shopping, cleaning, and cutting grass to name a few. The reward received for this is unique. Those who were harmed by or afraid of our people or who simply have no one else but the government to rely on learn to see us as we are — people who made errors — serious errors in many cases who are willing to make amends by admitting our idiocies and working through positive means to demonstrate that our change is something we live — our change is heartfelt. All we want is the chance to have the privilege to earn the acceptance, if not the trust, of those with whom we are fortunate enough to interact. As a matter of policy all senior citizens from the areas in which our buildings are located are welcome to join us for dinner nightly Monday through Friday night from 5-6:30 during our house meal time.

    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Marvin's Corner TC - Methods
    « Reply #17 on: August 24, 2009, 01:35:51 AM »

    1. Honesty is required. Drug addicts alcoholics and petty criminals spend their lives avoiding the truth. Some would not know it if they fell on it -- so ingrained is this behavior. Change demands, as do we, that those who stay with us practice what we preach honesty is rewarded and required. For the record we wrote the book on gamesmanship. So you shouldn't even consider bringing your rusty old bad habits with you. They will only cause you to be treated as if you are a newborn child.

    2. MCTC is not here to tell you that you are beautiful and misunderstood. This goes back to rule number one: no lying. We don't offer whirlpools, acupuncture, or anything vaguely resembling colonics. We do promise you that if live according to our rules for two or more years that (a) You will get your GED diploma. (b) A minimum of two well-paying pride-instilling trades. (c) You will have no excuse to get high or commit another crime. (d) If you wish to pursue a real trade or collegiate education that we will provide you with the ability to do so. Other than that what else do you want?

    3. No drugs. We don't have to say this twice but we will. No drugs.We are not equipped to dispense medication but will when possible refer those that we can't accept to other facilities that would be able to aid these people in a professional fashion.

    4. Work. Everyone works at MCTC and we all start at maintenance. From humble origins. In our community with constant learning and internalization of our philosophies you can rise to (a) Marketing executive (b) Mechanic (c) Moving company employee (d) Professional wholesale flower salesperson (e) Cooks. You will learn how to work and will be taught ways to work that will bring you to a financially comfortable life in the world at large.

    5. Learning. Without learning and a willingness to use what is offered you have no right to call us or expect us to take you. We will challenge you also to unlearn. If you don't unlearn that which you thought you knew when you got here there will be no room for what we give you and if you wan't it these lessons will keep you free and clean for your remaining days.

    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Anonymous

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    Re: Marvin's Corner TC - Methods
    « Reply #18 on: August 24, 2009, 06:00:30 AM »
    Quote from: "Ursus"

    1. Honesty is required. Drug addicts alcoholics and petty criminals spend their lives avoiding the truth. Some would not know it if they fell on it -- so ingrained is this behavior. Change demands, as do we, that those who stay with us practice what we preach honesty is rewarded and required. For the record we wrote the book on gamesmanship. So you shouldn't even consider bringing your rusty old bad habits with you. They will only cause you to be treated as if you are a newborn child.

    2. MCTC is not here to tell you that you are beautiful and misunderstood. This goes back to rule number one: no lying. We don't offer whirlpools, acupuncture, or anything vaguely resembling colonics. We do promise you that if live according to our rules for two or more years that (a) You will get your GED diploma. (b) A minimum of two well-paying pride-instilling trades. (c) You will have no excuse to get high or commit another crime. (d) If you wish to pursue a real trade or collegiate education that we will provide you with the ability to do so. Other than that what else do you want?

    3. No drugs. We don't have to say this twice but we will. No drugs.We are not equipped to dispense medication but will when possible refer those that we can't accept to other facilities that would be able to aid these people in a professional fashion.

    4. Work. Everyone works at MCTC and we all start at maintenance. From humble origins. In our community with constant learning and internalization of our philosophies you can rise to (a) Marketing executive (b) Mechanic (c) Moving company employee (d) Professional wholesale flower salesperson (e) Cooks. You will learn how to work and will be taught ways to work that will bring you to a financially comfortable life in the world at large.

    5. Learning. Without learning and a willingness to use what is offered you have no right to call us or expect us to take you. We will challenge you also to unlearn. If you don't unlearn that which you thought you knew when you got here there will be no room for what we give you and if you wan't it these lessons will keep you free and clean for your remaining days.

    Are there really so many addicts seeking colonics that they had to put it out there that…
    We don't offer whirlpools, acupuncture, or anything vaguely resembling colonics.
    It is probably for the best they’ve included that they don’t perform procedures that only vaguely resemble colonics.  ::OMG::
    For the record we wrote the book on gamesmanship.Maybe not but we know where they got it So you shouldn't even consider bringing your rusty old bad habits with you. They will only cause you to be treated as if you are a newborn child.
     programmies openly threatening infantalization  
    If you don't unlearn that which you thought you knew when you got here there will be no room for what we give you
    If they were to offer colonics they would have still more room to shove some program in and the colon is the appropriate place for that shit.

    Other than that what else do you want?
    According to them people want colonics
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

    Offline Ursus

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    Marvin's Corner TC - Frequently Asked Questions
    « Reply #19 on: August 24, 2009, 05:38:57 PM »
    The guy in the middle of the first small pic (lighter jacket over dark shirt) would appear to be John Maher, who left Synanon to found Delancey Street.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What is the cost of treatment at MCTC?
    Rumor has it that we are a free program. This is true as we don't require you to pay us ridiculous monthly fees or any fees at all to get better. You will be assigned various jobs during your stay here and it through your engaging in these requirements that you prosper internally and we keep our doors open to assist other people in need. If you come to us with the desire to donate or your family wishes to do so this gesture will be graciously accepted.

    2. Can I visit my family?
    Yes, as soon as you have grown to a level that this won't cause a slip. Your old envirionment and often friends and family had something to do with you coming to us to begin with. We must understand that prior to your going back. Family visits are treated the same. When you have begun to emerge as the person you can be and have dropped the attitudes and characteristics that brought you here then we can talk.

    3. How long is MCTC?
    We require a minimum two year stay. Look at the facts. It's taken most of our people 10 years -- up to 20 or more to get themselves here to begin with. It's not going be changed after 90 days.

    4. What are the living conditions?
    All newcomers live in dorms and progress to units with more privacy and comfort with ongoing demonstrations of growth in behavior as well as thought and development of personal philosophy. You will end in an apartment if you apply yoursef fully and practice what we teach.

    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Marvin's Corner TC - History
    « Reply #20 on: August 25, 2009, 03:38:33 PM »

    MCTC Inc -- Marvin's Corner Teaching Center -- is the result of one man's daily interaction with another person during and after life in San Francisco's Delancey Street Foundation.

    Marvin Tobman was Jon Schmidt's best friend and guide during approximately 3 years out of Schmidt's 5 year stay in DS. Shortly before Marvin died he engaged Schmidt in a promise that Schmidt would dedicate his years to providing for people the same things and more that Schmidt received in Delancey Street. Specifically that the business model and therapeutic structure be altered to be more educationally oriented.

    This new place was to take the best of the place where Marvin was cleaned up, called Synanon, and mix it with DS and other bold non-profit self-reliant programs of that day. The goal was to produce a residential facility that taught functional work ethics. A place dedicated to the return of the addict whenever possible to the world as a whole, morally awake, human being and which provided a home for those too scarred by the system to ever find a comfort zone in the world outside of MCTC.

    MCTC is designed to be a moral standard bearer for those who seek a functional and real example as to what a clean and free life is dedicated to and based around.

    Lastly MCTC is in existence today based on Jon Schmidt's love for a very complex man named Marvin Tobman and his best friend the founder of Delancey Street, John Maher, as well as the many ex-residents of Synanon that followed the dream Maher made into a reality.

    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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    Offline Ursus

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    Marvin's Corner TC - Contact Us
    « Reply #21 on: August 26, 2009, 07:04:11 PM »
    I think that top photo might actually be John Schmidt himself, judging by the previously posted YouTube clips...

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    Contact Us

    Call NOW! We're here 24/7.
    There's never a wrong time to save your life.

    John Schmidt


    MCTC Inc.,     1800 NW 24th Ave,     Miami, FL 33125

    Marvin's Corner supporter Jim Hall,
    Director of Miami's Upfront Drug Information Center
    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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