Author Topic: How Elan Saved My Life  (Read 11954 times)

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #60 on: December 03, 2006, 08:10:19 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""

In response to this post, Art potrayed himself as a homosexual. He has said countless times how he wanted certain male beings to come to his home and suck his penis.
Now what the fuck do you call that? He also talked about giving blow jobs for a nickel, yea, he's real hedrosexual. NOT.

And BTW, one can't be arrested for harrassment in real life for calling someone a homosexual, I want you to get your head out of your ass. You do not know jack shit about what you are talking about.

HARASSING someone for their sexual preference IS A CRIME.

Just thought I'd give you a heads up. Youre obviously not educated beyond a fifth grade level.


So is solicitation for sex on the internet..And even worse, solicitaion on a message board whereas a minor could easily read it. I'd say you painted yourself in a corner pretty damn good. And if and when that paint should dry, I don't think you are gonna be able to walk on it without leaving tracks for someone to see.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #61 on: December 06, 2006, 09:20:55 AM »
Though my outlook on Elan is not a nice picture, but I do admit it taught me to be better at being vindictive. Before coming to Elan, I would act off my anger which could've resulted in being arrested for assult of something, now I use the law to the fulliest extent as a weapon to get back at someone.
I guess booking all those incidents trained me to be a prick and a
"By the book" person.
Though I fought Elan all the way until I was old enough to leave on my own will by signing out. I did prove all wrong that I didn't need some treatment phacility to guide me down the correct path of the road to a more progressful, successful life, I accomplished that on my own.
I really see no difference in what Elan does vs what a teen does wrong in his life, with the exception of it being done by the law and it being the right way.
Elan had the incident book where one can book another student for a wrongfull action. Most of the students learned to use the incident book as a weapon to mostly get back at another peer that they didn't like, I know I did. There were some real fucking Brats in that place with me that just didn't belong there.
And after awhile I adapted using Elans incident book as a means of getting back at the assholes who were just plain assholes all the time. I find it more gratifying now using this same method in life today.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline xres8182

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #62 on: December 06, 2006, 10:39:51 AM »
You can't be serious. So your saying basically that you are a rat prick bastard and proud of it. Are you in witness protection? I hope your just posing on here for your sake.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #63 on: December 06, 2006, 12:17:33 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I did prove all wrong that I didn't need some treatment phacility .

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #64 on: December 06, 2006, 08:09:13 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Though my outlook on Elan is not a nice picture, but I do admit it taught me to be better at being vindictive. Before coming to Elan, I would act off my anger which could've resulted in being arrested for assult of something, now I use the law to the fulliest extent as a weapon to get back at someone.
I guess booking all those incidents trained me to be a prick and a
"By the book" person.
Though I fought Elan all the way until I was old enough to leave on my own will by signing out. I did prove all wrong that I didn't need some treatment phacility to guide me down the correct path of the road to a more progressful, successful life, I accomplished that on my own.
I really see no difference in what Elan does vs what a teen does wrong in his life, with the exception of it being done by the law and it being the right way.
Elan had the incident book where one can book another student for a wrongfull action. Most of the students learned to use the incident book as a weapon to mostly get back at another peer that they didn't like, I know I did. There were some real fucking Brats in that place with me that just didn't belong there.
And after awhile I adapted using Elans incident book as a means of getting back at the assholes who were just plain assholes all the time. I find it more gratifying now using this same method in life today.

Who would of guessed that ?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2006, 03:33:09 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I sounds like a lot of bullshit, and I don't want to admit it, but despite the emotional abuse, the verbal assaults and the humiliation Elan provided me with the tools to evaluate my behavior and weigh the cause and effect of my decisions.  It hasn't always worked, but for the most part I'm still alive and I'm not locked under a prison for the rest of my life. I hold no animosity towards Elan, the sadistic staff (there were some good staff members) and I'm over the injustice,  anger and resentment that I held for so long.

Prime example of a successful brainwashing event that elan suceeded on performing on you. I think we call them Elan-Bots if not mistaken. How can you live with yourself knowing that Elan got the best of you?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #66 on: December 14, 2006, 08:24:33 PM »
Prime example of a successful brainwashing event that elan suceeded on performing on you. I think we call them Elan-Bots if not mistaken. How can you live with yourself knowing that Elan got the best of you?
We have discussed this a number of times.Many people ARE over it.The real question I have is who the fuck are you to pass judgement on anyone?
Especially with the elan lite that you attended.I am convinced beyond a doubt that the elan you attended was far more damaging,in spite of the lack of physical abuse. I am very grateful for the lifelong friendships that I have as a result of my time in Maine.
Again no secret what landed you there kid.Too bad Joe wasnt around during your stay.that crazy fucker would have made a man out of you,instead of this fucking brat we see.
The Real Art
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #67 on: December 15, 2006, 09:26:56 AM »
As stated: You were defeated by Elan staff. They manipulated your brain and trained you into thinking what they wanted you to become.
Elan really helped you , so you say? Care to explain why you turned to the bottle for so many years? Surely there must be a reason? People just don't wake up one day and say
" Hey you know what?, I think I'm gonna become an alcoholic."
I'd say you are far from being normal. You glamorizie and openly admit about being a gay by posting crap about bj's and nut sacks dangling from a chin, that is far from being normal. I'd say you have some serious issues, and Elan is a huge cause of it. Elan made you into an alcoholic asshole, bar none. You say you are over it? Then why ion the hell do you continue to lurk at this forum? That's right, lurk. You are obsessed with this particular forum. You come here day in and day out and for what? You attended Elan in 81 right? I was there 6-7 years after you. I saw rings, non-stop verbal abuse, people wearing mops around their neck for punishment, people having their shoe laces and pants taken away because it was a privelege to have them. People wearing multiple signs around their neck, knocking on doors 10 times a day. scrubbing bathrooms with a brush, even know they were clean, what possibly is lite about that? What in 81 did they beat you with a broom stick or something? I witnessed the same shit you did too asshole, big fuckin deal. I also seen Joe R in action in General meetings close to 10 times, and yes he was a nasty, short tempered man. I even seen corner people tied in restraints at night so they wouldn't spilt on their S.P's. Nothing lite about my stay compared to what Elan is today. I was the smart one, and was saved by my Birthday and excercised my right to sign out of that hell hole. What are you proud or something because you stayed the entire 18 months?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #68 on: January 02, 2007, 08:27:06 PM »
In the early 90's Elan was STILL chock full of "abuse". I saw and heard some of the most frighteneing things in my entire life when I was in Elan.
It is all a matter of opinion.
I thought "GM'S" got carried away 9x outta 10. Only 1x did I see an incident worthy of the "in your face spitting verbal abuse session" that was passed off as "therapy". Even that I am still undecided about.
Does a person who refused to "GI" a trash can really deserve to be called a "Mother fucking loser that is going to end up a piece of trash laying in the gutter with a needle hangin outta his arm" at the age of "14"? BTW: This kid NEVER did drugs nor has he even seen drugs.
My favorite was a 15 year old girl being called a "Slut bag" for flirting with a boy she found cute.My oh my! Imagine adolescents having a "crush" on someone? That is unheard of!
I used to watch people "chomping at the bit" to get up there and start spitting and screaming at someone. Others did it so they would not end up in said persons position. Basically they were "scared" into it. Some were actually friends of said person and wanted their friend to cut the shit so he/she does not have to suffer this again.
The last 2 types I can understand but the 1st type is a sicko.
Imagine getting off on terrorizing a person in such a manner. Disgusting.

If you're one of the wack a doodles that intentionally scape goated a "weaker" student of your house you are nothing but a sociopath.

 Climbing on people to raise your status is nothing to be proud of at all. Making coordinator by booking the house "misfit" is no great feat.

If these poor people still "practice" this way of thinking/acting in their everday life they must be pretty miserable fucks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #69 on: January 29, 2007, 09:51:55 AM »
"The last 2 types I can understand but the 1st type is a sicko."

Not necessarily. Sometimes people actually believed that "this house is a family" shit and were determined to defend the "family." That got them really driven to shout down the person getting GMed. Wasn't right but they were brainwashed and didn't know much better.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #70 on: January 29, 2007, 09:54:58 PM »
I agree with you. I forget that we were all very young. Under 18. Some people had been shuffled around so much before Elan that they were happy to finally have a place to set up camp for a while.
Some had family some did not.
My father and I had a very rocky relationship in my early teens BUT he still loved me enough to question Elan's methods. He was powerless to remove me at that point in time. Try he did though. When he told Tanya he was going to either send me a ticket or pick me up to come home to attend my NaNa's funeral Tanya told him I was "suicidal". My dad laughed at her and she threatened to call the courts that placed me in Elan and report him for removing me before my discharge date. I was due to be discharged about 1 month after the funeral BTW. Ain't that some shit?
It was sad to me when I saw the kids who were very lonely latch onto staff members. I remember one girl who stalked one female staff member. She did everything possible in her power to get this persons attention. She was an ok kid when you forgot about her "single white female" type obsession with the staff lady.
People used to really bitch the poor kid out and it was sad to see it. Her loneliness and their attitudes towards a lonely young girl. Out of everyone there this staff member was not 1/2 bad. Maybe a little less than 1/2.
Besides isn't adolescence a time in life when people start picking out role models? Isn't that why people are always bitching out celebrities who keep screwin up?
It is funny how so many things I see here remind me of shit I forgot about for so long.
I guess when the people in Elan are the ONLY "family" one has had in a very long time it is easy to fall into being "brain washed" into defending your family against the enemy.
I was very surprised we were not all lined up looking for the Halle-Bop Comet with our paper cups of Kool-Aid at our sides.
Oh well time to go do some more productive shit before my day starts again in 13 or so more hours.
Your a slave to money then you die.
If you don't have money you don't eat nor do you have a roof over your head. Unless you like the whole soup kitchen/shelter scene.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #71 on: February 13, 2007, 03:56:24 PM »
Elan sucked!!! I'm glad Joe Ricci is dead! Kate Barry rocked though.  I understand that it is all fun, games and poetry reading now. Fucking lame!!! Those people were abusive, especially that Linda lady & her Coke & Cigarettes, and Claire was and I am sure still is a white trash BITCH!!!!! WE WERE KIDS! They didn't give a shit. I got in trouble because I didn't want to yell at people for being KIDS!
I swear I'm not bitter! Hahahaha!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #72 on: February 13, 2007, 05:51:10 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
As stated: You were defeated by Elan staff. They manipulated your brain and trained you into thinking what they wanted you to become.
Elan really helped you , so you say? Care to explain why you turned to the bottle for so many years? Surely there must be a reason? People just don't wake up one day and say
" Hey you know what?, I think I'm gonna become an alcoholic."
I'd say you are far from being normal. You glamorizie and openly admit about being a gay by posting crap about bj's and nut sacks dangling from a chin, that is far from being normal. I'd say you have some serious issues, and Elan is a huge cause of it. Elan made you into an alcoholic asshole, bar none. You say you are over it? Then why ion the hell do you continue to lurk at this forum? That's right, lurk. You are obsessed with this particular forum. You come here day in and day out and for what? You attended Elan in 81 right? I was there 6-7 years after you. I saw rings, non-stop verbal abuse, people wearing mops around their neck for punishment, people having their shoe laces and pants taken away because it was a privelege to have them. People wearing multiple signs around their neck, knocking on doors 10 times a day. scrubbing bathrooms with a brush, even know they were clean, what possibly is lite about that? What in 81 did they beat you with a broom stick or something? I witnessed the same shit you did too asshole, big fuckin deal. I also seen Joe R in action in General meetings close to 10 times, and yes he was a nasty, short tempered man. I even seen corner people tied in restraints at night so they wouldn't spilt on their S.P's. Nothing lite about my stay compared to what Elan is today. I was the smart one, and was saved by my Birthday and excercised my right to sign out of that hell hole. What are you proud or something because you stayed the entire 18 months?

Are you kidding me?  Strange as it may seem,alot of things said about AA here are true.there are prob 100's of reasons i turned to a bottle.Elan may have even been one.
But I havent had a drink in over 10 years.One thing ive learned is that over time I have healed tremendously. AA was a huge factor in it. But AA has become something that i find counter-productive in my life. There are very few meetings i want to attend. The real AA is in these dingy places where the real deal is about not drinking. Not all this fanatasizm that is found in most other groups.
I dont see the whole proud of being at Elan thing,though i will tell you,as will many of the residents from Elan 6,that I was a fair,good man,with compassion.I still get a x-mas card from one of them every year since. Well over 25 yrs.Some have come to Chicago and other places I have lived to see me....This I am proud of.
I hope this answers your questions
If you have any more,just call me,its not like i dont recognize your style of writing after all this time
Oh and the posts about the sexual stuff ?
Just something that makes me smile after i read all of your sick shit that you post.Its funny to read the threads and threads of crap that you post following any type of homosexual inuendo.
In fact it may be for effect and entertainment (yes I am kinda twisted too)  For you,it shows the world what you are.Who cares who ! :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #73 on: February 15, 2007, 03:39:38 PM »
For cryin out loud people. Elan sucked no matter who you were or what part of the dichotomy you were in.
How much shit did we see and could not say jack about it for fear of punishment.
People knew what went down was not right but it would be them against the "system" if they were to stick up for someone being treated a little to rough.
One time I stood up in a GM and said something to the extent of "this is all bullshit. She does not deserve to be up there. Why don't you punish the jerks that provoked her knowing she had anger control issues" I got booked AND got demoted to ramrod of kitchen from expeditor. Jerks yelled at me in group too.
They were strength so the staff put their precious kids on a pedestal and claimed they could do no wrong.
Without others to back up your story you may as well sit the f*ck down and try to remain under the radar.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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How Elan Saved My Life
« Reply #74 on: February 22, 2007, 02:36:45 PM »
I agree 100%[/color]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »