Author Topic: Laughing all day, the cedu way...  (Read 2238 times)

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« on: March 27, 2007, 12:45:26 AM »
I sit here at my computer screen in shock as to what I have stumbled upon in a recent session of "Internet surfing."  A forum of cedu alumni!  This is truly an unbelievable meeting.  After leaving Cedu in 2004, I look back on it roughly three years later and I smile.  I do not smile at the long raps, propheets or constant torment.  I smile because I remember the people the faces and the feelings.  I remember sitting on work assignments for seemingly endless days with the hot sun beating down on my back, only to be followed by the most satisfying cold shower and dinner, even if it was to be eaten alone.  I sit here and I laugh at some of the craziest jokes and craziest people I have ever met.  I sit here and most of me has forgetten all of Cedu.  Sometimes I wish I could go back and have one more day with all of my friends back at one of the most unique places on earth.  I hated it when I was there and I love it now that I am gone.  I choose to remeber the good not dwell on the bad.  Thats why I am laughing my ass off to see people that went there over ten years ago still bitching about it.  I almost cannot believe my eyes.  Good dreams, good night.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2007, 03:08:49 PM »
amen brother!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #2 on: March 27, 2007, 03:22:37 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I sit here at my computer screen in shock as to what I have stumbled upon in a recent session of "Internet surfing."  A forum of cedu alumni!  This is truly an unbelievable meeting.  After leaving Cedu in 2004, I look back on it roughly three years later and I smile.  I do not smile at the long raps, propheets or constant torment.  I smile because I remember the people the faces and the feelings.  I remember sitting on work assignments for seemingly endless days with the hot sun beating down on my back, only to be followed by the most satisfying cold shower and dinner, even if it was to be eaten alone.  I sit here and I laugh at some of the craziest jokes and craziest people I have ever met.  I sit here and most of me has forgetten all of Cedu.  Sometimes I wish I could go back and have one more day with all of my friends back at one of the most unique places on earth.  I hated it when I was there and I love it now that I am gone.  I choose to remeber the good not dwell on the bad.  Thats why I am laughing my ass off to see people that went there over ten years ago still bitching about it.  I almost cannot believe my eyes.  Good dreams, good night.

umm, my sister went in a very happy girl. Came out and promptly killed herself. Do I have the right to still bitch about it?

Perhaps you can have a bit  of empathy and not simply think about your own supposed reaction to the cult . And I say supposed as I recognize your writing style and I suspect you are staff- as no one else would be so unfeeling

But lets take your post at face value for the sake of folly.The fact that you have not this empathy makes me feel that dispite your self congratulatory proclomations of pychological welfare something in you is as dead as my sister. Perhaps when you think back on those dear freinds laughing realize that some of them have since commited suicide or simply had their lives destroyed and it is their pain that gives you so much joy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #3 on: March 27, 2007, 04:04:51 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I sit here at my computer screen in shock as to what I have stumbled upon in a recent session of "Internet surfing."  A forum of cedu alumni!  This is truly an unbelievable meeting.  After leaving Cedu in 2004, I look back on it roughly three years later and I smile.  I do not smile at the long raps, propheets or constant torment.  I smile because I remember the people the faces and the feelings.  I remember sitting on work assignments for seemingly endless days with the hot sun beating down on my back, only to be followed by the most satisfying cold shower and dinner, even if it was to be eaten alone.  I sit here and I laugh at some of the craziest jokes and craziest people I have ever met.  I sit here and most of me has forgetten all of Cedu.  Sometimes I wish I could go back and have one more day with all of my friends back at one of the most unique places on earth.  I hated it when I was there and I love it now that I am gone.  I choose to remeber the good not dwell on the bad.  Thats why I am laughing my ass off to see people that went there over ten years ago still bitching about it.  I almost cannot believe my eyes.  Good dreams, good night.

umm, my sister went in a very happy girl. Came out and promptly killed herself. Do I have the right to still bitch about it?

Perhaps you can have a bit  of empathy and not simply think about your own supposed reaction to the cult . And I say supposed as I recognize your writing style and I suspect you are staff- as no one else would be so unfeeling

But lets take your post at face value for the sake of folly.The fact that you have not this empathy makes me feel that dispite your self congratulatory proclomations of pychological welfare something in you is as dead as my sister. Perhaps when you think back on those dear freinds laughing realize that some of them have since commited suicide or simply had their lives destroyed and it is their pain that gives you so much joy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #4 on: March 27, 2007, 04:12:04 PM »
CEDU doesn't encourage an attitude of self-satisfaction, smugness, or lack of empathy... nooooooooooooooo.

Glad you're doing so well, there, slappy-cakes. You just keep it up. I give you about a year before you definitively go either way.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #5 on: March 27, 2007, 04:59:28 PM »
All these people who post these "get over it" style comments are the same 2 or 3. Their writing styles, their thought structure are too similar.

They are most likely staff.
Especially the guy who just was too weird
"working all day in the hot sun, then eating dinner alone in isolation...oh happy days". He only left out his nostalgia for the multi limb amputating ceremony. So bizzare. I think the post was likely written by someone who was FORCING  kids to slave in the hot sun, PUTTING them in isolatiion, BEING the "crazy character" and TELLING the "crazy stories". A staff member

its just so sad. that these morons can get ahold of such subtle brilliant good-hearted heroic children and USE them HURT them, hurt them, hurt them
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #6 on: March 27, 2007, 09:13:30 PM »
I dunno, I think a lot of staff members are too busy working at new facilities doing the same old shit to be bothering with this. Maybe, maybe not.

There are plenty of programmies out there who write shit like this. Even some who aren't who say the same things. It comes from lack of empathy or ability to put yourself in someone else's position. We all learned that lesson quite well.

I think to some extent it is to keep yourself from being disturbed about the fact that there are so many angry, bitter and a lot of times, severely damaged people out there. Much easier to dismiss it as weakness than to acknowledge that it has seriously fucked some people up.

But it could also be a staff. I often notice that most of these posts are anonymous guests who don't have the balls to get a username. At least when some survivors have come in here talking the same shit they will say who they are and when they were there. So that is definitely an argument in your favor that it might be staff.

I remember seeing a lot of similar posts on the cedu alumni board, in its previous incarnation.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


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We need a trollometer
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 02:38:22 PM »
for the staff who do visit.
i know because I can see you through your screen, dimwitz.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
lease.. please... please for the love of god don\'t post pics of that said bowel movement.

Also.. this is getting old, boring, and I\'ll saying.. totally retarded.
You aren\'t acting like retards.. no.. you are a bunch of flaming retards.

There I did it.. I called you all gay retards.
Is that even possible?
Hey.. anyone know if retards swing both ways?

Offline Anonymous

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #8 on: March 28, 2007, 09:14:11 PM »
Well here ya go... the poster of this topic is myself, Braden Smith.  I am a nineteen year old college student pursuing a career in buisness.  I live in Colorado and have the privilage to spend my free time skiing and rock climbing (my two favorite things in the world.)  I enjoy pursue academics, workethic, hobbies and of course for most of us the opposite sex.  to those who did not like what I posted, my phone number is 616-283-0681.  I really do not like talking to screen names on forums.  please feel free to call me at anytime and leave a message if you don't get me, I would love to chat.  My sympathy certainly goes out to those who took their own life after leaving CEDU.  I am certain that their pain was much more deep seeded than mine and if the CEDU experience caused them that pain, they certainly had a different experience than myself.  Again my offer goes out, to all that think that I huddle behind my computer as a previous staff at a CEDU program.  Call me.  I previously had an account on this forum but I forgot my password, thats why I post as a guest however, if the I get this much action on all my topic's, I will surely create another.  Typing a ten page paper right now about Samuel Adams, the governer, not the beer.  Although, I wish I had a  Samuel Adams right now, it would be incredibly ironic, only however, if it happened by chance.  Take care.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #9 on: March 28, 2007, 10:59:48 PM »
If you used a good email address I can reset your pwd for you. Or if I can verify that you actually are the one who established the account I can reset it for you.

Don't take this the wrong way, kiddo, but that was the other possible explanation I was going to posit. Take a look at the other thread on a similar topic in this forum. (not being cryptic, just too lazzy to look it up and I don't remember offhand what the topic is) The one where I post about my brother, Thom. So often, it's hard to tell the difference between between different people who have taken on various roles in this great big dysfunctional family dynamic of ours.

That says a lot about how we all were affected by the thing. It's uber fucked up and don't take this the wrong way, but the way you were talking, the sentiments you expressed, even your choice of words, well Castle hit it on the head. Not that you haven't got or will never fully regain your own personality. But right now you're exemplifying what the program is all about. In my era and branch of it, they would have called you a Super Seedling or Super Straightling. What would CEDUites call you, a look good? Maybe not. Maybe there's some more nuanced term?

Do a damned good job on that Sam Adams research. He was a hell of a rebel and at once a well organized leader and passionate fighter for freedom of thought and conscience. And, of course, good ale. Excellent role model for anyone trying to wash program bigotry and conformity out of their mind. Let me know if I can help you w/ the lost password.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #10 on: March 29, 2007, 03:43:14 AM »
A certainly worthy response and I dig every bit of it.  

The reason why I am the way that I am is that I had the seemingly unique ability to filter.  A lot of what was going on got to my head but I had the ability to drain what I did not want.  When I think back about CEDU I certainly do not think about some tool or some amazing rap where I let loose, I think about me gaining respect again for my family, something that I had lost along the way.  The look good comment was an interesting one only because that was the one thing I never got called.  Other kids knew I was going for it and did not get in my way.  I figured hell, as long as I am here why not make the most of my parents  160,000 bucks or whatever, so the majority of my stay I was in agreement after some minor sex offenses and tabacco, huffing etc...  Of course I was never completely in agreement because that was all bull shit.  I realized that there might be something wrong with having sex with a girl who might have deep seeded issues with rape, however I did not think it was wrong to enjoy food in my dorm room or run into the pond naked in the middle of the night after night staff made rounds.  Again I say I had the ability to filter the bull shit.  I knew wrong from right in my head and it didn't matter what they said.  What is also very important to know is that I was at RMA almost immidietely before the program shut down at least for a short period, 2004.  At this time the program was under incredible change.  There was a split in the staff.  We had the old school hard asses and the new school genuines.  The propheets and raps were certainly toned down if you participated with certain staff.  The therapists were running the place and the majority were pretty cool.  If you got put on a restriction for bull shit they would go to the bridge and take you off of it.  It was truly outrageous.  The rules were becoming lesser and lesser until finally the program came to a hault.  You could say I was there for an extremely sensored version.  I regret to have missed the day a few certain staff were announced to have left the program but, I can live without that moment and be happy for those who were privilaged enough to be there for it.  Again, my heart goes out for those who were effected in a deep dark way.  You might not believe me but I certainly know where you are coming from.  Argggggg Sam Adams!

Good night

Now comes the hardest question of the evening, do I stay awake and finish the paper or do I get a solid six hours of sleep and wake up and finish it.  I like to call that rolling the dice.  About 70% of the time i hit the snooze until class.  Im rolling tonight.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #11 on: March 29, 2007, 03:45:02 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
A certainly worthy response and I dig every bit of it.  

The reason why I am the way that I am is that I had the seemingly unique ability to filter.  A lot of what was going on got to my head but I had the ability to drain what I did not want.  When I think back about CEDU I certainly do not think about some tool or some amazing rap where I let loose, I think about me gaining respect again for my family, something that I had lost along the way.  The look good comment was an interesting one only because that was the one thing I never got called.  Other kids knew I was going for it and did not get in my way.  I figured hell, as long as I am here why not make the most of my parents  160,000 bucks or whatever, so the majority of my stay I was in agreement after some minor sex offenses and tabacco, huffing etc...  Of course I was never completely in agreement because that was all bull shit.  I realized that there might be something wrong with having sex with a girl who might have deep seeded issues with rape, however I did not think it was wrong to enjoy food in my dorm room or run into the pond naked in the middle of the night after night staff made rounds.  Again I say I had the ability to filter the bull shit.  I knew wrong from right in my head and it didn't matter what they said.  What is also very important to know is that I was at RMA almost immidietely before the program shut down at least for a short period, 2004.  At this time the program was under incredible change.  There was a split in the staff.  We had the old school hard asses and the new school genuines.  The propheets and raps were certainly toned down if you participated with certain staff.  The therapists were running the place and the majority were pretty cool.  If you got put on a restriction for bull shit they would go to the bridge and take you off of it.  It was truly outrageous.  The rules were becoming lesser and lesser until finally the program came to a hault.  You could say I was there for an extremely sensored version.  I regret to have missed the day a few certain staff were announced to have left the program but, I can live without that moment and be happy for those who were privilaged enough to be there for it.  Again, my heart goes out for those who were effected in a deep dark way.  You might not believe me but I certainly know where you are coming from.  Argggggg Sam Adams!

Good night

Now comes the hardest question of the evening, do I stay awake and finish the paper or do I get a solid six hours of sleep and wake up and finish it.  I like to call that rolling the dice.  About 70% of the time i hit the snooze until class.  Im rolling tonight.

That was me Braden BTW.  I should really get another account.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline try another castle

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Laughing all day, the cedu way...
« Reply #12 on: March 29, 2007, 05:01:04 AM »
Again I say I had the ability to filter the bull shit.

When you filter bullshit, you still end up with bullshit, as opposed to say, ambrosia. Maybe you do have a miniature sewage treatment plant in your head, but pardon me if I have my doubts. Besides, I still wouldn't knowingly drink treated sewage, would you? (I think the EPA agrees with me on this. Or at least I hope they do.)

If you really were a look good, you would have a much different perspective on the place than your current one. A look good would most likely talk about how fucked up the program was soon after they left, since they were only faking it to begin with. Although, look goods don't last too long at RMA.They either get turned in, or turned out. More the former than the latter. I know it was apparently easier to get away with shit during your time than when my old-fogey ass was there, but there are others from your time who tell a story very similar to my own in terms of programming and mind fuckerey.

Besides, you walk the walk and talk the talk that I find oh, so familiar, so some things never change. Sounds like RMA was doing its job up until the end if you ask me. I give you an A+ in justification and defense.

Let's just say that your topic title for this thread speaks volumes.

I think the operative term here is simply "programmie". Or maybe we can borrow from Ginger's example as say "Super CEDUite". Whatever, it's just a label.

Glad you're doing well, though. Give it a few more years. Some people start to see things differently once there is a little more perspective. Others do not. That's life.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »