Are you saying Pavel M has something to do with this "Hyde is the best-kept secret in American education!" campaign?
I honestly don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me to learn of some preparatory conversations of that ilk.
Although "secret" and "mystery" appear to be buzz words amongst the newage cults these days, what twigged a certain recognition for me was the call for publicity from a grassroots swelling of support. The exhortations sound very similar to the way "What the Bleep?" supporters were rallied to arms. Whether this Hyde "campaign" is, in fact, partially or exclusively Paul's handiwork... I haven't a clue.
One thing is for sure: it certainly doesn't sound like the methodology of a mainstream Public Relations firm, ha haa! If it actually worked, they'd be losing money! Not to mention the... er...
grammatical finesse employed in the notice. :lol: