Author Topic: I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...  (Read 4639 times)

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Offline 001010

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #15 on: January 17, 2007, 11:37:25 AM »
You know you are in my prayers, Beth.  ::heart::

P.S. Find weed soon!!!  :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=79]EST (Landmark/Lifespring/Discovery) \'83
Salesmanship Club \'84-\'86
Straight, Inc. \'86-\'88[/size]

Offline Antigen

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #16 on: January 17, 2007, 04:45:35 PM »
In Support of Professor David Graeber
Wednesday, May 11 2005 @ 08:04 AM PDT
Contributed by: Admin

Recently David Graeber and I wrote an article together attempting to explain why anarchist ideas have received almost no attention in the academy. When you think of it, academia is full of Marxist radicals, but only a handful of professed anarchists.

In Support of David Graeber

by Andrej Grubacic

Recently David Graeber and I wrote an article together attempting to explain why anarchist ideas have received almost no attention in the academy. When you think of it, academia is full of Marxist radicals, but only a handful of professed anarchists. We came to a conclusion that it must have something to do with anarchism's concern with forms of practice; with its insistence that one's means most be consonant with one's ends; with its stubborn rejection of the idea that we can create freedom through authoritarian means, embracing instead the position that we should embody the society we wish to create. All of this does not square very well with operating within a university. The university has survived in much the same form since the middle ages, waging intellectual battles at conferences, re-enforcing class distinctions, making cabalistic decisions in secret rooms. As we stated in our article: "At the very least, one would imagine being an openly anarchist professor would mean challenging the way universities are run and that, of course, is going to get one in far more trouble than anything one could ever write".

Ironically enough, as if he was testing his own hypothesis, internationally respected anarchist anthropologist, David Graeber, was fired from Yale University a few days ago. Of course, that wasn't the official explanation. The official one reads that "his contract wasn't renewed" because of his lack of "collegiality". If you would allow me to translate this: the "lack of collegiality" that David had showed was when he was trying to defend his graduate students who were graduate union organizers. Union organizers are regularly targeted at Yale. When one brilliant graduate student organizer was almost kicked out for clearly fabricated reasons, David Graeber was the only member of her committee with the courage to openly stand up for her at that committee meeting, and then later at a faculty meeting. On david Graeber's behalf, Yale graduate students have initiated a petition which has been signed by almost all graduate and good number of undergraduate students of anthropology.

So, why has David Graeber been given the boot? To begin with the obvious, he is an unrepentant anarchist. David Graeber was one of the spokespeople for the Anti Capitalist Convergence during the World Economic Forum protests in New York. He was an activist with Direct Action Network. He is one of the founding members of the Peoples Global Action infopoint in New York. And he had authored many essays and articles on anarchism. But he never did any organizing or activism on campus.

What perhaps was David Graeber's greatest crime was simply his apparently over optimistic belief that he could remain true to his anarchist principles within the academy. Graeber believes that graduate school should be more than a training camp for becoming a commodity on the academic market. Rather it should also be about joy and creativity. Anyone who goes through a graduate program knows that such institutions are all about socialization as an academic, much of which requires the destruction of the sense of joy and creativity in learning, thinking and imagining that draws people to become scholars in the first place. For certain, some universities are worse then others. For various reasons, Yale seems to specialize in this kind of soul-crushing sport.

David Graeber offered his students an alternative model. He believes that it's possible to be an academic intellectual and not an academic prostitute, that it is possible not to sacrifice everything that makes life enjoyable, that it is possible to be both intellectually productive and politically committed. Given such convictions, is it little wonder that David Graeber was given the boot?

As a close friend of David's, I have witnessed a somewhat frantic activity on the behalf of a few members of the Yale faculty to have him fired. Not incidentally, these faculty members have not been speaking to David since his name was mentioned in the papers in conjunction with the WEF protests three years ago. But ostracizing him was difficult. Not only because of few decent colleagues who ardently defended him. Since that time David has published two well respected books and articles in dozens of languages. Last year the Yale bureaucracy renewed David's contract for only two years, citing his behavior as not being in accordance with Yale's "academic ethics" and said that his contract might be extended two more years if he improved "his behavior".

Last Tuesday a meeting was held to consider David's reappointment. Only senior faculty were allowed to attend and David was not permitted to respond to his accusations, nor where his accusers expected to present evidence. After an extended slander fest, participants seem to have concluded that it doesn't really matter if the accusations are false and trivial, because his presence is clearly divisive thus it would be safer to just kick him out.

As someone who has spent many wonderful moments with David, I am certainly not neutral here. But neither should you be. This issue extends beyond the academic career of David Graeber. And beyond the price one may have to pay for advocating anarchism in the academy. In this country, at this exciting and surreal point of its history, this could happen, as it already has, on so many different levels, to anybody who refuses to participate in the Salem-like atmosphere that is being systematically promoted in institutions like Yale, or Columbia, or Colorado. To support David Graeber is to say that we have had enough of this nation-wide persecution of leftist professors, accused of 'falsifying' their "Native American identity", of supporting anti-Semitism, or of being anarchists. To support David Graeber means to support academic freedom and to reject the conformist dictate of fear and obedience in the US academy. ... 1080430925
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #17 on: January 17, 2007, 11:53:40 PM »
One afternoon in Burlington I parked on Maple Ave just below Church St. to pick up a friend. I was about to cross the street but waited for a white sedan taxi to pass, who honked at me. Nothing altogether unusual in being honked at. However, maybe half an hour later, driving east on Main St, with my friend in the car, the same taxi pulled up even with my car in the right lane, and yelled out "Put out that cigarette!" We were both smoking, and it was May or June so the windows were rolled down. He fell back and then shortly was next to us again, passing my car, and yelled out "Thank you!" Malibu was in that taxi, we could see him in the passenger seat. The thing that was really wierd for me is that I had been going crazy a couple of months before, hearing all kinds of voices outside my house. I attributed it to the medication I was on for a few months that gave me a lot of other symptoms too. I was by the stove, the fan was on, and I heard very distinctly a man's voice yell "Put out that cigarette!" At that time I could not really believe that someone was outside, I mean, I heard the voice, but I couldn't believe someone would actually be outside yelling that. I lived on a two-lane road, about ten yards from the road and the "front" side of the house faced horse pastures. There was a lane beyond the "front" yard that went from the barn to the riding ring. When I got off the medication, I spoke to RTP and Lisa about some of the wierd things I had "heard" on the medication, so I don't know if someone overheard those phone calls and the taxi driver was reconstructing something I had hallucinated at the time, or if there had been someone out there in the night who yelled that.

Now considering the staged "stop smoking" leaflet incident, and the man who saw me smoking this morning and went on tiresomely in his old-man-with-a-fifties-hairstyle way about the increased dangers of smoking to women, I think this might be a "sensitization" thing, where the tactic is to "sensitize" me to "stop smoking" messages. These incidents are undeniable, obvious, and similar in that the men appear to be the kind that have unsatisfactory sex lives and have to play power games to get a thrill.

I will say that it is annoying. I will say that it is creepy, and if these men are comfortable in the category of "creep" -- believe me, women would agree with me, we are always spotting this type and agreeing with each other -- then that's fine if that is what they always wanted to grow up to be: unattractive to women, aging creeps. If they are happy that they grew up from all their high school dreams of being a hero and having a nice life and all that to be what they are today, pathetic masons whose secret wish (and probably secret society) is to suck each other off, that's great.

I am not talking about growing old and losing beauty in the standard sense that youth is more physically beautiful, because I like the kind of old that you can feel they are a nice granddad, that kind I like, it makes me nostalgic for my own grandparents, for the safe feeling of trips to aunts and uncles when I was a kid, when the families and generations were gathered, when you go to bed you can still hear the voices of the grown-ups, they love you and love the bugs and leaves you find and take you to the river or take everyone out for ice cream and stuff like that. Granddads know their place is proud and honorable.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Community Policing. AKA. Gang Stalking.
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2007, 06:15:33 PM »
Here is some more information about why I think gang stalking and community policing are more than likely a source of one and the same thing.  
Here is a really quick and brief explanation of what I posted to someone else on another forum.  
I will agree to the fact that gang stalking, has nothing to do with mind control. It's a perfectly explainable phenomenon.
Gang Stalking is no different than what happened in this article here.

The only difference in my book is that what I am seeing in my city
and I believe is the same in other cities, is organised and being
done by community policing, or some other kind of community  
mobilization initiative.

Ever since the RCMP and CSIS over here in Canada have taught the local police the dirty tricks of the trade, we have the snitches,
businesses, politicians, the police and others all working together
to control the state. The same thing is happening in the US. The
CIA, FBI, have also taught the police what is called intelligence
based policing. This is happening in many places.

?Savvy law enforcement types realized that under the community policing rubric, cops, community groups, local companies, private foundations, citizen informants and federal agencies could form alliances without causing public outcry.? Covert Action Quarterly, summer 1997.

Every observation that I can make about gang stalking can be backed up with articles or pdf readings that I have been able to find
Right down to the one handed signing that they do.
There signaling is fully coordinated, I do believe the signing
is more like the Talking Hands signing, than the stasi signals.  
Talking hands is a one handed sign language the police use to  
communicate, when they are covertly observing a suspect.  
This sign language is based on the language the police use is
based on what the hearing impaired use in public to communicate.
This hand signing in some US cities, is being taught as a part of  
free courses that citizens can take.  
Also based on the RCMP report on intelligence based policing, they
want to have citizens out everywhere keeping an eye on things. Eg.
The article mentioned they want kids in parks, keeping an eye on
things, people out walking their dogs, keeping an eye on things. They basically want people to be out, covertly keeping an eye on things.
They will look like the average person walking the dog, pushing the  
baby carriage, but they will be the spies and eyes for the police and
the community. This can be a good thing or a bad thing.
As far as I am concerned based on my observation, and research, this is being done by the state, and these programs, of initiatives we now  have, such as. Citizen corp, weed and seed, city watch, community  policing, Intelligence lead policing, etc. These efforts are happening  world wide. They even have initiatives to curb anti-social behaviour, and to decide what is and is not acceptable. In the UK they are now even putting people into "sin bins" for bad behaviour.
Just before Hitler came to power a lot of the same disturbing stuff
was happening in Germany.  
The other theory I just came across is that these crazy groups,  
who seem to think they are on the side of the law, because
the police do protect them, are going after people they think are

Really from what I can see they are provoking people, and even if
people are not mental to begin with, they are trying to give them
break downs, and I do from what I have read, now understand that
companies can have people placed under covert observation, and even communities can have people placed under covert observation. This practices can make sense to a degree, but gang stalking goes outside of that, and you have some real problem people, trying to hurt others, getting them to act violent and then making it look like they were the problems in the first place.
Just like all other systems, this I am sure started with good
intentions, but when you have a bunch of people high on empowerment and no rules to keep them in check, you are going to get situations like this. People are also so busy, many are not aware of these community mobilization programs.  
These program reach out to youth groups, churches, senior groups, community  watch, etc. That is why we see all these various sorts of gang stalkers. It's organised all right, and the people perhaps do not all realise that they are hurting innocent people.  
Some are probably doing what they are suppose to do, and just covertly  monitoring people, but the rest seem to be going out of their way to provoke  people, to see if they can generate a response, not maybe realising why that person is reacting the way that they are.  
Remember most of these people have average, or below average intelligence and  can't understand why the color red upsets someone, or key's being jangled, or loud coughing, or specific words. In their limited minds such actions, must mean the  person is crazy, many people don't understand classical conditioning or things like this, so if they hear someone is crazy, violent, a drug dealing etc, they don't have the reasoning or mental acumen to question any of it.
I firmly believe that abuse in these programs, which large chunks of the population  are taking a part in, is what we are seeing behind gang stalking.  
These people can signal to each other to let each other know who the target is,  they also can signal and let each other know what the target is sensitive to. Then  for some reason just like what we see in other forms of mobbing, some go out of their  way to incite a reaction from said target. Others will work on creating a reaction to a  stimuli that was not previously there.  
I believe these activities is outside of the guidelines, mandates, and functions that  these people are given to perform.  
 However there is such a frequency of occurrence that I think the problem has become  extremely widespread and it should be looked into by some governing agency, before  there is an epidemic occurrence of this, just like the situation in Korea. 1 in 10 had  reported that sort of harassment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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This is for the first poster who's being gang stalked.
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2007, 06:41:24 PM »
For some reason be it just or unjust, you have probably caught the eyes of one of these groups and now you are most likely being targeted.

What most people don't realise is that community based policing is now happening in many democratic countries around the world. The police can no longer offer all that communities require on their own, they are understaffed in some cases, and even if they could get enough police into a community it's still often not enough to fulfill the needs of the community.

Along with the already hectic problems of policing, they are being called on from higher up's, such as the CIA, FBI, Homeland security, RCMP, CSIS, MI5, whatever country you live in to do something called intelligence based policing. This is basically the lower police being taught some of the covert tricks of the trade. They are being asked to also look out for terrorist, organised crime rings, etc. They are realising that what happens on a lower community level, often has ties to what ends up having to be investigated by higher levels of security.

Once the police were taught the tricks of the trade, and remember these guys have some real dirty tricks, Cointelpro rings a bell. They are now doing community policing, which is going out into communities and getting cozy with those people so they can become empowered to take care of their communities the way they see fit.

What does this have to do with you? If for some reason you make enemies, your employer things you could be a problem, because you are going to snitch on them, or just you cross the wrong person with the right connection, you can then be set up for covert/overt observation. Keep in mine officially you are set up for this stuff, because you are a danger, a criminal, terrorist, pedophile, crazy, into drugs etc. This is what people are told about you, but in reality, you could be an innocent person, and the person with the right connections, decides to ruin your life.

This would mean that you are followed around and this can happen for some time. Now I think you are suppose to be followed around in
a respectful manner and not harassed, but this does not happen, you have these people harassing you, and trying to make you look crazy. They use things like ultrasonic devices to harass.

They also use gang stalking to try to make it look like you are going crazy, or that you are violent or dangerous. They will do this to get you out of the community, or out of your job, it can and often does affect every aspect of your life.

Most people don't realise how far spread these initiatives are. In the US citizen corp, think that with all the different branches they have in place, youth groups, religious groups, community groups etc, that they have about 70% corporation from the population. That's a really high number taking part in these programs, who can potentially be used for the wrong or right purpose.

The police will not help, because they are working with these community groups, and initiatives and just like they do what they can to protect each other, they also protect these groups and they will try to make you seem crazy if you try to complain about multiple stalking or gang stalking. These groups make the lives of the police easy, because they have spies and ears everywhere. They have average citizens watching each other, watching their neighbourhoods, businesses, etc. It's one large ass crazy spy network, that can be used for the purposes of good, but often that is not what is happening.

These people in the case of gang stalking, use this network to harass, stalk and mob people they thing do not belong, or that they believe is a bad person. You can visit these sites to learn about gang stalking. or

The other thing you will notice is because so many people are taking part in these programs, and are often sworn to secrecy, this is not getting discussed openly, or actively. You have businesses, companies, local communities, and all those little groups that form communities taking part in this stuff. Church groups, youth groups, seniors groups, you name it, they are probably taking part. You have citizen police academies, citizen on patrol programs, programs where civic workers are asked to keep an eye on things in their day to day lives, and all others happening and getting coordinated together.

Most people that are a part of this, think it's great, and they can not understand the harm they are inflicting on someone, because the role they play is often very small and seemingly harmless, then you have the others, who understand all too well what they are doing and are going out of their way's to drive people to suicide. This is what we have on going in our society today.

If you are being gang stalking, you have somehow gotten on the radar of these people, either legitimately, or more than likely none legitimately, the problem is they won't care if you are innocent or guilty, they will believe what they are told, and follow along accordingly.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #20 on: January 22, 2007, 12:20:35 AM »
I followed the AFAFA article except for all that remote viewing and electrical stimulation stuff. I don't know how anyone could verify any of that, and I speculate that it could be a fear tactic, not knowing the veracity of whatever unverified source. But if the idea is to give a target one more thing to fear and sound crazy about, great idea.

I do follow you with the Discovery Channel/Full Metal Jacket thing, but artists are always doing wierd shit like that, totally unconsciously, and I could see someone pointing it out to the artist and they're like "oh yeah! I saw that movie a few months before I started the Discovery Channel project."

I did figure something out while I was writing a bunch of stuff. I had PTSD by the age of thirteen, and was constantly triggered in the presence of my parents, which is why my life felt like hell, and I started dissociating about two years before I went into Straight. I think the effects of gang stalking have been unbelievably severe on me because of my fragile state to begin with. Despite my reservations about the more bizarre things in the article, thank you for posting. I think the whole subject I have been bringing up here has really unnerved some other survivors. I think the key question is how is a target going to psychically survive and recover.

In this town I already have someone gaslighting around the number two. I have met women in churches doing charitable fundraising who think it is okay to lie and change their stories. Maybe because her native language isn't English, that's okay with me. But don't tell me you didn't say something you did say, I am quite tired of that. Attribute it to something else, but I am going to think you are stupid or quite rude if you try to bluff me. Fuck you. I'm not the mentally ill one in the scenario, Betsy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #21 on: January 22, 2007, 12:44:33 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I think the whole subject I have been bringing up here has really unnerved some other survivors.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #22 on: January 22, 2007, 01:00:22 AM »
That IS funny on the one level, yet oddly enough, I HAVE heard of things like this happening to another person who was an ex-client of Straight. What I was told sounded creepy as hell.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #23 on: January 24, 2007, 04:55:23 PM »
Twice now, in the motel where I am staying, someone in dark clothing stands in their doorway with the door open just enough to show they are standing there. When I walk by, they close the door. I confronted the guy who did it this afternoon, he had on all dark clothes, tall guy with red hair and glasses (unattractive too, again my theory that these men have very poor sex lives and get off by their creepiness). Supposedly he was "checking out the room" before he paid to stay, but the lights were out in the room when I pushed the door open a little. Creepy! Someone did the same thing at the same motel last week. Another scam artist stole cash off me, I thought he was a nice guy, he brought beers and we talked for a while. He was scamming for a place to stay for the night. He told me he had a room there on the other side, but I checked it out (unfortunately after he left) and he wasn't staying there. Just a scam artist. He had the same darkness in the skin around his eyes. I don't know if that is a sign of a particular vitamin deficiency, or a crystal meth thing, or if he really was just a young homeless man down on his luck.

I think some of the "church ladies" I have been talking about might not be, the evil ones I think are Masons' wives. That's what I think, I'll have to look into it more to be sure. There was one at the grocery store in Charlottesville, one of those middle-aged ladies who looks a little too manly, too aggressive to be pretty anymore. Too bad. The ones who gave me nicer vibes (one or two of the women in Vermont) I think were  participating ignorantly.

It is too bad about all of this. I have never had to look at human meanness and deceit so much. But I think essentially RTP is right in that things are a matter of perspective. On the other hand, kindness goes a long way, it's real. When I am on edge and another motel guest greets me and says "it sure is nice out today!" it really does touch something.

I found out one of the people being wierd to me in Burlington, lying, changing his stories around, just got locked up for stalking and lewd and lascivious against another woman, not his first offense. I had thought he was a friend. Now I am just disturbed.

By the way, Justin and Dan, I'm not stupid, I'm just taking stock of you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #24 on: January 24, 2007, 10:11:27 PM »
This is getting to be a fascinating topic!

I thought the Citizens On Patrol thing was pretty creepy when I first heard of it back in Pompano. WTF do you think will happen when you take the neighborhood busy bodies and hook them up with little walkie talkies and pseudo-police powers? So then I come to find out that Drug Free America Foundation (fka Straight, Inc.) has been involved in spreading this particular brand of stupidity throughout the land. Thanks to my good friends at Media Awareness Project, they got punked out pretty good when they tried to take their road show to Vancouver, though.

The silliest thing about it all, though, and the most disturbing to me is that no one seems to see the obvious, simple solution.

Keeping an eye on things, spying on older kids, gossiping and spreading news is what kids used to do. It just wasn't organized and they weren't reporting to any authorities, unless we ran across something more frightening than catching your older sister necking w/ her bf behind a tree. Then the authority was usually an older relative or neighbor, not any agency of government.

Then there were the nebbish old ladies always calling our moms whenever the kids played their music too loud or anything out of sorts seemed to be going on when mom was out.

Now? People hide in their houses, scared of everything and they impose this fear onto the kids. My daughter just got suspended again under the zero tolerance for going out to your car to retrieve any object rule. I asked about this; homeland security, don'tchya know! Can't be too carefull. Sure, she was just getting her homework, but it might have been anything! Guns, drugs, plastique! Ya just never know!  :roll: I asked a guy working out on the street to snap a pic of me for a promo I was doing. His initial response was that he can't get involved in anything like that. Now this was nothing torrid or lurid or anything. Here's the ad

I asked him if he goes through life being that paranoid all the time. He said "Yeah, these days ya have to." I finally talked him into it, pointing out that he wouldn't be in the picture, so he really wouldn't be 'involved' and that I'd ask Sheba to do it and I'm sure she'd be glad to, if only she had an opposable digit.

We have this shit covered, believe me, just relying on normal, spontanious social interaction. We just have to go AWOL from the Paranoia Army and get back to acting like social creatures.

(I think I've got the car sold, still hoping for a ride to Molly Brannigan's, heh)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #25 on: January 24, 2007, 10:20:38 PM »
Oh yeah, the Masons were definitely having a suck fest tonight. Poor boys. Why don't you move to the big city if you can't get laid in this town? None of you are THAT unattractive, sorry if some old men have perverted the younger lot. Here's what you do: Lose some weight, first of all. Second of all, stop being such losers.

Brought to you live from: McNeill's Pub in Brattleboro, suckfest Mason hangout.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #26 on: January 24, 2007, 10:26:13 PM »
Quote from: ""Cassandra""
This is getting to be a fascinating topic!

I thought the Citizens On Patrol thing was pretty creepy
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #27 on: January 25, 2007, 02:34:01 AM »
Quote from: ""Cassandra""
The silliest thing about it all, though, and the most disturbing to me is that no one seems to see the obvious, simple solution.

Keeping an eye on things, spying on older kids, gossiping and spreading news is what kids used to do. It just wasn't organized and they weren't reporting to any authorities, unless we ran across something more frightening than catching your older sister necking w/ her bf behind a tree. Then the authority was usually an older relative or neighbor, not any agency of government.

Then there were the nebbish old ladies always calling our moms whenever the kids played their music too loud or anything out of sorts seemed to be going on when mom was out.

The people from the neighborhood where the kidnapped boy was living for four years are thinking the same thing. They didn't take enough notice of who was who and who was doing what. Don't you think in another era or another place the women of the neighborhood would have made it their business to know why that kid was not in school, and to ask him where his mom was?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #28 on: January 25, 2007, 03:03:00 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
The people from the neighborhood where the kidnapped boy was living for four years are thinking the same thing. They didn't take enough notice of who was who and who was doing what. Don't you think in another era or another place the women of the neighborhood would have made it their business to know why that kid was not in school, and to ask him where his mom was?

Shit, I know it! In the town where I grew up, there was a girl a few years older than me who, evidently, looked and even carried herself remarkably like me. So much so that my brother once swerved across a lane of traffic, cutting off a cop, to stop "me" from stepping out in front of traffic with a bag full of coke bottles. A friend of my other brother got into an argument with "me" and almost got thrown out of the bank. He was asking "me" about how a 15yo kid could hold a job as a bank teller. I caught endless shit from neighbors telling my parents they had spotted me here, there, everywhere outside of my boundaries. Nothing this girl did escaped the rumor mill. Later in life, she was a stripper at the Playpen. I've always wondered what happened to her. Never did meet up with her. And that's probably all for the best; might have caused a singularity and caused the universe to implode.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Antigen

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I sure have a knack for running into bullshit artists...
« Reply #29 on: January 25, 2007, 03:54:48 AM »
Nother reason why we all are sort of obliged to look out for each other as best we can. A lot of this shit may sound really fucking crazy and literally unbelievable. And some of it might actually be delusion or deception or some such. BUT....

(big but)

Don't we all know from hard personal experience that some people living and breathing on this planet really are capable of this order of fuckery? I mean, come on! Anyone who doesn't believe in conspiracy has to be a holocaust denier. Was the haulocaust not a broad conspiracy against Jews, Gypsies, blacks, the mentally challenged and a few other scapegoats?

But it happened.

People are fuuuuuked up sometimes!

And it can happen again. Even here in America and now in the 21st Century. If you don't think so then we're halfway there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes