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Offline Deborah91

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« Reply #15 on: March 09, 2011, 11:34:45 PM »
Hey! Thank you so much for posting all of this information..
I went to Darrington Academy in 2004 when I was just 14 years old. I was there for 6 months & never made it past level 2.
I would compare this place next to hell.. I wouldn't know how to tell my story yet because I'm still trying to get past some things that happened there.. I have nightmares about that place. Every time its a different facility, staff, & people there, but its always the same trapped feeling. It was clearly unsuccessful because my real journey started AFTER I left the program. I had never been exposed to such horror before I went there. I was in 8th grade. I'm a Christian so they let me have my Bible, but NEVER talk about my religion or express it in any sort of way, and I deteriorated further from there.. When I was sick, I thought I really needed to go to the doctor but they would not let me since I didn't have those privileges. They separated me in the intervention room and all I ate for days was a small bowl of soup for each meal; as if I was going to gain health back with just soup... The doctor there had me start on a very high dose of Depakote several times a day also. I passed out several times on it, but no one seemed to care! I was shaking so bad and people had to help me walk to the next place we had to go, but still, the doctor would not take me off of the unnecessary medicine for days after my reaction. I was one of the smallest girls there and was one of the first to go on what they call "150%" for meals. I had told my mom I was really hungry there with eating strictly 3 times a day and that's it. Normally I would eat 6 small meals a day. I have a fast metabolism and I was getting so weak there. We would also run right after eating lunch so that would make me so sick.. Run run run. I'm very fit and always have been, but I was so overworked like an animal. Over a few months, my scalp started scabbing up... The very cheep shampoo used for our 5 minute everyday luke warm/maybe cold, shower was making my scalp react terribly.. It was infected basically and the nurse did not care! No one cared.. I remember seeing a girl go into a severe asthma attack once and she was looked at like a weakling. She didn't have her inhaler and I felt so bad. I knew something could have gone terribly wrong and she should have been rushed to the hospital..but of course that didn't happen.. I had also got my first 2 cavities ever there. Still//no dentist. I couldn't have midol for my SEVERE periods that I would have either. I found it funny that the boys could have razors but the girls were not trustworthy to have tampons, or razors.  Boys got showers first//so we get the leftover hot water, if there was any. This is just a few things off the top of my head right now. But I'll end it here. Btw, I'm doing just fine today, finally. :)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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« Reply #16 on: March 10, 2011, 09:16:23 PM »
A "doctor" at Darrington gave you Depacote? Well, he really should've known better.

The NIMH warning quoted in Part I is worth repeating here:

"According to studies conducted in Finland in patients with epilepsy, valproate [Depacote] may increase testosterone levels in teenage girls and produce polycystic ovary syndrome in women who began taking the medication before age 20. Increased testosterone can lead to polycystic ovary syndrome with irregular or absent menses, obesity, and abnormal growth of hair. Therefore, young female patients taking valproate should be monitored carefully by a physician."

The University of Toronto study also bears repeating, where half of those on Depakote reported menstrual abnormalities vs 15 percent among lithium users. Those taking Depakote had higher levels of male sex hormones, with half the overweight women with menstrual abnormalities having hyperandrogenism


see also: http://
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BuzzKill

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« Reply #17 on: March 10, 2011, 09:29:23 PM »
And also:


   Depakote's pros and cons:

Pros: Proven to be effective for wide spectra of epileptic and bipolar disorders. It's been around for so long that the long-term effects are well known and well documented. If you can get past the initial side effects and get used to a valproate medication, you don't have to worry about anything biting your ass in the long run.

Cons: The side effects suck donkey dong! The valproates are amongst the harshest meds to take. Everyone hates them so much that they've given the entire class of anticonvulsants a bad name.

Depakote's Typical Side Effects: The usual for anticonvulsants plus a special set for valproates: instant old age. You'll get fat, bald, tired, confused, uninterested in sex, unable to hold your liquor and everything will give you heartburn and/or the runs.

 For tips on how to cope with these side effects, please see our side effects page.

 Depakote's Not So Common Side Effects: Edema. Being more prone to respiratory infections. Getting a ringing in your ears.

 These may or may not happen to you don't, so don't be surprised one way or the other.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah91

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« Reply #18 on: March 11, 2011, 11:20:18 AM »
Btw, I'm not taking any sorts of medications now. There is nothing wrong with me. I just think Darrington Academy wanted to drug me up. -& the Depakote certainly wasn't monitored with me, as I told you my very bad side effects. I was taking it as early as 14 years old there; big 2 doses a day. I didn't even know what it was for until after I got out. When I was 16 or 17 a doctor took an ultrasound because I was having really bad pelvic pains. They said cysts were bursting and it was endometriosis. Another doctor told me recently that it was impossible for me to have endometriosis because I was so young, but if I have polycystic ovary syndrome then it says it can start as early as 12. & Depakote hormones could cause it? hmm
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline thomasC

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« Reply #19 on: March 16, 2011, 10:13:31 AM »
I remember "butt hurt" from my program days.  Isn't it sad how they get you to accept the programming by making you feel special for having submitted to it?  Getting you to be an asshole for the program's sake like they were to you when you first got there?  That's the real effect of having gone through the program.  They replace whatever personality you had when you came in with that same elitist cult personality that you find in Scientologists, Marines, etc.

I still have those dreams, too.  It isn't always the same staff, the same program, whatever.  It's the same environment of complete domination, the same helpless, hopeless feeling, and I have been trying to escape it in my dreams for 5 years now.  The actual events aren't as important to this trauma as the feeling of being completely isolated, having lost everything you thought you knew, all of your safety, your belief in a just world, your ability to influence your surroundings and so on.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah91

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« Reply #20 on: March 24, 2011, 12:50:36 AM »
Yep.. Those dreams will get to ya. (the isolation) It was worse than jail because you didn't know when you were getting out, if you could, if they liked you enough, if you could change everything about yourself to make it to level 6(hence "Fake it til' ya make it").. Something will come up and remind me of Darrington everyday and nobody gets it. It broke me down and didn't teach me what it intended to teach, but I did learn SO much and now I appreciate a hot shower, food, a quiet room to sleep in, privacy, respect, freedom to talk about my religion, friendships, and more to a new level. As far as what they WANTED me to learn; That was all trash.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Darrington Academy (on
« Reply #21 on: July 16, 2011, 11:05:38 AM »
Comments left for Darrington Academy on the industry website

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US > GA > BLUE RIDGE > Darrington Academy

Contact Info
    ID: 13425
Darrington Academy
Blue Ridge GA,
Services - Darrington Academy
    Primary Focus: At-Risk Youth,Struggling Teens
    Services Provided: Structured co-ed boarding school with therapist on staff
    Type of Care: Co-Ed Boarding School with Optional Therapy
    Special Programs/Groups:
    Forms of Payment Accepted: Education Loans, Credit Cards,Checks
    Payment Assistance:
    Special Language Services:

    Therapy and Residential Treatment Services Offered: Adolescents[/list][/size]

    By: Tina · Posted: Jan 31 2009 07:42:53 PM
      This school is a joke. Anyone who would send their kid to any of these type of schools is heartless. These schools are torture, brainwashing and hid the real truth of what is going on behind those high walls. Don't do it, save a child's life. There are other ways of helping your child, this isn't. These schools are a way of HARMING your child more.[/list]
      By: Tina · Posted: Jan 31 2009 07:44:54 PM
        This school is a joke. Anyone who would send their kid to any of these type of schools is heartless. These schools are torture, brainwashing and hid the real truth of what is going on behind those high walls. Don't do it, save a child's life. There are other ways of helping your child, this isn't. These schools are a way of HARMING your child more.[/list]
        By: here · Posted: Mar 03 2009 09:25:48 PM
          all that you said is naive and idiotic...i went there and your full of it. have you ever been there, probably not as a student. i learned more there than i would have out in the world i was in. do yourself a favor and put yourself in other peoples shoes and think before you speak.[/list]
          By: anon · Posted: Mar 12 2009 11:48:40 AM
            both ways
            I worked there. I was told I cared too much for the students and it was all about the money. Some of the kids would come out of "intervention" with bruises and black eyes, bleeding. Yes, some of them needed a lot of attention, but others were in need of care. Half of the students seemed to have parents that just didn't pay attention to them. I don't agree with almost all of the ways they treated the kids.[/list]
            By: Avian · Posted: Jun 04 2009 01:04:00 AM
              Parents Please Listen
              Please listen to me. I went to one of these when I was 14. I spent a year and a half there and I have never been the same since. It is now 6 years since I got out, and not a week goes by where some terrible thought bred from my time there comes cropping up. I understand that many parents are desperate, worried about the LIVES of their children even, but this is NOT the answer. I wont claim that NO-ONE finds it helpful, but by and large it simply increases the distrust, resentment, and fear between parents and their children. Creating deep issues that are extremely hard to get over even in the years that follow such an experience. These schools DO lie to the parents, they get away with it because many of the children sent there have lied to their parents and are therefore considered untrustworthy. Also, all mail is screened and children are made aware that mail with "negative comments" in it, will not be sent. My mother finally found this out much later when I was home again. I could go on and on as to the traumatic effects of sending your child to one of these programs. Being sent to these types of places and forced to handle incredible pain with no support and no one you can really talk to honestly (without being severely punished at least) creates an insecurity and deep-seated fear that can easily last well into adult-hood, if not a whole lifetime, causing an entirely new and considerably more dangerous set of behaviors to form. Parents I beg you, consider EVERY other possible option first.[/list]
              By: gaby lopez · Posted: Dec 09 2009 11:07:54 AM
                fuck DA
                i hate that place and the man who owned it but hey thanks for buying into my bull! btw that shakespeare book has been trashedd[/list]
                By: casey · Posted: Nov 02 2010 01:44:07 PM
                  should have learned
                  FOR THOSE OF YOU... who should have learned the first time you went through this program, it is neither brain washing or abusive. You are a manipulator who still doesnt get it. And sounds like your still struggling for not having worked through what you were sent there to work through. I have been to two schools. One was shut down and i graduated from darriton. Being that i have worked in intervention, R&R and worked through level 1-6. Id say i have just as much if not more experience. Yes im sure ppl come out with bruises B/c i watched them slam their heads into walls in rebellion. It IS NOT because of the staff!!! So for those of you who were given a gift when ur parents were at wits end and you did nothing with it, I am not surprised at all that your no better off than you were when you went in. On the other hand I have been out for 6 years as well coming up and 8 years clean. And the experience changed my life. FOR THE BETTER. I Would not be successful with out the help of these people.[/list]

                  « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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