And then throw in our most helpful insurance companies who believed that my child should be cured of her suicidal tendencies in 3 days and capable of remaining safe. Doesn't matter what the psych doc says ... 3 days stay for suicidal ideation.
Unless you have tried to find help in the world of mental health professionals spare you would not understand the ineptness of the system.
I am wondering how this works. Is a hospital more expensive that a tbs school even without the insurance? I would think that even if the monthly fees are higher the kid would be there for less long. Or are hospitals exorbidantly expensive?
As to the my child was killing thmselves with booze argument, This gets idea that the kid would be dead gets bandied around a lot. Yet few american kids have died of alcoholism recently. But lets say the kid in indeed a raging alcoholic, it seems that few schools specialise in any one thing so how they can treat the booze hound and the deprressed kid for 2 completely different conditions using the same therapy needs to be questioned. How does that work?
The reason why tthe thanksgiving panicker and parents of that ilk disgust me is because they seem to be using a private family issue to publically badmouth their own offspring. it is all very oh poor me. In the event that the kid is really still stuggling and the parent is not just being hysterical, then why should their difficulties be put on the www for anyone to judge and comment on? If i genuinely had an addiction I dont think i would be able to trust my family if they gave the whole world my story. What posts like this are saying is- feel sorry for me because my kid is ruining my life and that of my family. Not have compassion for my kid because i just want to see them happy.