Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Brat Camp

Brat Camp: Fifth Installment in the Works

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Covergaard wrote:
--- Quote --- It was harsh on the children, but not quite reality. We should also keep in mind that it is 24 hours of television cut down to 1 hour. How many tears did Jada not cry, we did not see.
--- End quote ---

I think it would be safe to say you get to see all the conflict and tears.  Viewers don?t want to see a bunch of kids sitting around enjoying themselves and laughing (not good for ratings).  Any conflict or argument, fight is going to make prime time?..think about it, how many drunken brawls or shots in the hot tub are left on the editing floor in place of the group sitting around eating pizza and discussing what they want to do tomorrow on the show ?Real world??  Its all about conflict and controversy, something the people can take to the water cooler the next day.

Oz girl:
What was totally alarming is that people indeed want to see kids be made cry, sometimes in physical pain!
 If six fat people want to wear a bikini on TV and be yelled at to loose weight or a bunch of adult slappers wish to lock themselves in a house for 15 minutes of fame all power to them. But the fact that as a society we encourage the public degradation and shaming of children who dont have a choice is really sad.
How can any adult person justify what they did to lucy. it was obvious that the girl was a handful. it was also obvious that she was more likely to act up for the cameras than the other girls. But at fifteen she was made an international figure of fun. Unlike georgie who the audience laughed with when she was able to point out the stipidity of her 20 year old wardens, or Joe from BC2 who aptly dubbedthe roundy camp facist Wane the Wanker, the audience laughed at Lucy, even when people twisted her wrists for over an hour. Even when she was followed and goaded and literally told to punch guy in the face.
What is amazing was that this was not portrayed as discraceful but as must see TV. Channel 4 and Aspen have made socially acceptably for adults to laugh at fat kids!

Hopefully we will pull out of this mentality as a society and turn to more cultured programs.  The reality tv craze initially caused a blur between documentary and fiction.  The first few episodes of survivor, real world, American Idol, Apprentice etc. was focused on the humanitarian aspect of people living together or competing together and was extremely real, competitive and interesting.  But what the participants found out was if you stood out or became the protagonist or antagonist you could make a few bucks after the show aired so screw the million dollar prize, the key was to get yourself noticed.  Brat Camp is not excluded from this?.if the kid acts right for the camera it could become an audition for a spin off series?.., the biggest Brat, the one that does well or moves on to college first etc.

I laugh at kids who are hurt on TV, Ha,Ha,Ha.. the screaming was my favorite part, Ha,Ha,Ha..

TheWho (can't sign in)

Some of the kids are smart. They have used being on Bramp Camp as a kind of recommendation for a future job.

Jemma from Brat Camp two (The girl they could not break) is seen here on another show:

Lydia from Brat Camp 3 is seen as a succesful show-dancer with little but at least some clothes on. I think I have her myspace address somewhere, if you want to go to such a place. (Personally I dont visit such places).

But we also have victims. Fran from Brat Camp 1 could not walk in town without people also asking her to through one of those fit of rages they saw her do on TV.

James (BC1) can not go anywhere with his car without the police being all over him. (No smoke without a fire. If a person needs to be sent 6000 kilometers away, he must be a bad person, so the police is properly just doing their job pulling him over everytime his car leaves the driveway)

Also either Gordon or Tom (BC1) was shown in the follow-up a year later, properly because Gordon continued to use his fist and Tom wanted to continue to smoke some weeds "because he only lived once".

Georgie from Brat Camp 3 is locked up at Excel Academy. Julia is living in the streets as far as I have heard.

So being on Brat Camp can either be a positive jump-start into public life as the tough one or just one kick more down the gutter.


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