Nigger this nigger that. Something tells me you were sodomized by a black man and you are now realizing that you enjoyed it. But your hate is just a guise for your true feelings. You want to suck a black mans dick. Youd like to swallow the cum of a black person. You want a black cock in your ass, and when its almost ready to blow its load, you take it in your mouth and suck the warm salty fluid down your throat along with your own anal fluids.
Its ok to admit it. Nobody will judge you if you come out of the closet and admit you have an insatiable desire to be a black mans bitch. Say it a few times and it will grow on you. Cmon, say it "Im a bitch, Im a bitch, I am your bitch"
Thaaats it, say it, cuz you know your my bitch mother fucker.
Your such a fucking punk bitch too. Anon in a message board with all your hate...cmon over to charlies bar and grill in Redding. Just walk in and tell the bartender youre from Fornits... Ill give you the cock you want, and the bullet you need.