Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > The Troubled Teen Industry

Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant

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Teen Advocates USA:
To Anonymous,

What the heck are you talking about?  Exposing the dark side of a $200 million dollar industry is not sick and wrong .. it's reality. Second, blaming parents and even the victims themselves is not the answer.  How about holding program owners and operators accountable for the deaths of these children instead of viewing these so-called "teen helpers" as somehow above the law?


http://www.teenadvocatesusa.homestead.c ... a2003.html

I visited your web site yesterday before you removed the slogan "sunlight is the best disinfectant".  What was that all about?
Sick and wrong is the fact that this so called mother is now trying to become the martyr.  I feel she is using this boys death for her 15 minutes.  Get real!!!
Truthfully this letter by the "birth mother" is not helping your cause.  
Barbe, where are you coming from?  Did you have a child in a program?  are you a former program kid?   What gives????

Teen Advocates USA:
Personally, I do not believe posting an impact-statement written by the birth mom of a now-deceased child is inappropriate or irresponsible.  15 minutes of fame? In exchange for losing a child in the name of therapy? A child that you believe should have been aborted as the answer to protecting him from harm while participating in a wilderness therapy program?
GET REAL YOURSELF. (Or at least an identity which might help explain your lack of critical thinking skills ...)

In this case, having the "birth mothers" story is turning people away from a good cause. How about listening to the suggestions of those who were fortunate enough not to have died, but did suffer? You just sound defensive, not like some-one with enough conviction to see the forest through the trees. I don't have much compation for a woman who gives up her child to begin with. Open adoption is selfish and wrong. Let him grow up and search out his Mother then, some do some don't. That is not an option here of course. The birth Mother just has nothing to stand on. She was not the boy's Mommy. The poor boy, how confusing, no wonder he was troubled, having to see his real Mother have more children, right in front of him. It must have broken his heart and made him confused and troubled, hence,"a troubled teen" Where's the adoptive Mother? She, as far as any legal considerations go, should be the one activly pursueing this. Ask a Judge.

As far as identity, I'm a different anon. than the last, but there's no way I would even want to introduce myself to the likes of you. I'm a good Mommy. Would you like my daughter's opinion? We talked about this over dinner the other night. People thought I should abort, or give her up.   The age factor has nothing to do with it. Neither does money. Those are excuses. Love is what you raise healthy children with. There is no excuse for the "birth mother's" neglegence. None. People like her have no right having kids, her priorities are out of whack. It's sickening.

On 2003-03-16 17:01:00, Teen Advocates USA wrote:
"To Anonymous, Exposing the dark side of a $200 million dollar industry is not sick and wrong .. it's reality."
http://www.teenadvocatesusa.homestead.c ... a2003.html

That's why no-one disagrees with Wes Fager, and others like him. He is a saint, so is Ginger Warbis. Stop trying to get sympathy for the "birth mother" this isn't about her. Her involvement is to little, to late. This is about OUR CHILDREN!


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