Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Hyde Schools

thoughts about hyde

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--- Quote from: ""Guest"" ---yes, absolutely. i was thinking the other day that there are more than enough outspoken victims of hyde to orgonize resistance. i am very interested in starting some sort of website or something to dispell myths about the virtues of hyde and educate people before they get sucked in.... i have no experience with this sort of thing but i feel like it is my responsibiliy to fight this thing. lets get in touch somehow?....
--- End quote ---

Maybe you cooda orgonized your thoughts a little better two while you're on some sort of website like this one.


--- Quote from: ""Guest"" ---yes, absolutely. i was thinking the other day that there are more than enough outspoken victims of hyde to orgonize resistance. i am very interested in starting some sort of website or something to dispell myths about the virtues of hyde and educate people before they get sucked in.... i have no experience with this sort of thing but i feel like it is my responsibiliy to fight this thing. lets get in touch somehow?....
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Don't you know anyone who can start a site or a blog?  Don't want to take away from Fornits because Ginger has been wonderful giving us this outlet, but starting a Hyde site could add another venue for Hyde students, parents and staff to vent.


--- Quote from: ""Guest"" ---
--- Quote from: ""Guest"" ---yes, absolutely. i was thinking the other day that there are more than enough outspoken victims of hyde to orgonize resistance. i am very interested in starting some sort of website or something to dispell myths about the virtues of hyde and educate people before they get sucked in.... i have no experience with this sort of thing but i feel like it is my responsibiliy to fight this thing. lets get in touch somehow?....
--- End quote ---

Don't you know anyone who can start a site or a blog?  Don't want to take away from Fornits because Ginger has been wonderful giving us this outlet, but starting a Hyde site could add another venue for Hyde students, parents and staff to vent.
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I would wholeheartedly support a Hyde blog.  I know many former Hyde parents who are extremely eager to inform others about their very negative experiences at Hyde.  Of course, people who have had good experiences there would also be free to post.  There's so much "behind closed doors" muttering about Hyde that it's important to get all of this out in the open.

Duncan McCrann, who was head of school at Hyde Woodstock, is no longer in that position.  Does anyone know why?


--- Quote from: ""Guest"" ---Duncan McCrann, who was head of school at Hyde Woodstock, is no longer in that position.  Does anyone know why?
--- End quote ---

He "supposedly" wanted to do what he loves, go back to teaching.  How come Hyde is not honest about the real reason he left the same way they teach the students to be honest?  Part of the hypocricy of Hyde.  Obviously things were not working out well for Duncan in the position he was in and the Gaulds wanted to make a change.  Then again, could it be that word got around about his son being sodomized on the Bath Campus?


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