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Sue Scheff? - Bringing Families Back TogetherSM

What's New
NEW Sue Scheff And P.U.R.E. Set Sights For 2007
NEW Sue Scheff Reveals What Led to the $11.3 M Victory
NEW Troubled Teen Programs - 25 Plaintiffs Join in Lawsuit Against WWASPS, Cross Creek Manor, Robert Lichfield, and Associates ? More Expected to Join In
NEW Sue Scheff Wins $11.3 Million For Internet Defamation
NEW Internet Defamation can carry a Big Price Tag
 The Miami Herald Article on PURE and Sue Scheff: After her own harrowing experience, a Weston mom formed Parents Universal Resource Experts

Sue Scheff is a Parent Advocate who promotes Parent Awareness and who is about Parents Helping Parents. She believes that educating parents about an extremely confusing industry is the first step to finding the best help for their teen.

Parents are completely foreign to the industry of teen help until they experience problems with their own teens. Sue Scheff's personal experiences when her daughter was abused in a program in 2000 are what prompted her to create her organization, Parent's Universal Resource Experts, Inc. (PURE).

She is well aware of the dangers in the industry and has dedicated her life to helping parents by providing the knowledge they need to see through the glossy brochures and slick DVD's or videos.

Sue Scheff recognizes the politics in the teen-help industry and helps sift through the confusion. She offers assistance in how to research and investigate schools and programs - hints and tips that can make all the difference in the world for their child and family.

Sue Scheff has a built a network of parents over the past seven years. She has connected many parents throughout the country who were silently suffering with today's teens and issues, letting them know they are not alone in their feelings.

Mothers are typically the ones calling, the ones hurting, the ones fearing for the safety and well-being of their troubled teen. Often times their lives are a mess from the turmoil teens have created within their household. As a result of this, M.E.S.S. (Mother's Existing and Silently Suffering) is currently being created by a parent. Fathers suffer also, however the majority of parents calling are mothers.

Sue Scheff continues to visit schools and programs. She listens to parent feedback and student feedback. She uses this feedback as a powerful tool in locating quality schools and programs for teens.

Since 2001 Sue Scheff has grown her organization, Parent's Universal Resource Expert's (PURE), to be widely recognized throughout the country and world. P.U.R.E., recognized for its integrity, sound professional advice, and honesty, has been a Member of the Better Business Bureau for the past 4 years.

The World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS aka WWASP) attempted to silence Sue Scheff by putting her through a 2+ year legal battle. Her desire to be a voice for those who were silenced and to fight for the rights of children helped her during a time when she was emotionally ripped apart. She won against the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS aka WWASP) in a Jury Trial in their home state of Utah.

In June 2006, Sue Scheff again defeated WWASPS in the Appellate Court. She is someone who has come under attack on forums and blogs in an effort to discredit her. However her voice is stronger than ever for the parents who are desperate and at their wits end! The attempt to silence Sue Scheff was lost, and she will continue her fight to raise parent awareness.

Sue Scheff's and P.U.R.E.'s dedication and devotion to parents and children are seen through the countless thank-you letters, e-mails, and cards they receive on a regular basis. Please review the testimonials.

Many professionals such as Lawyers, Therapists, Doctors, and others refer to P.U.R.E. and Sue Scheff to help their clients, as they have grown to trust her judgment. Please review their excellent references on the P.U.R.E. website.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. are not about textbook studies, they are based on reality. They deal with real-life situations - parents whose feelings and emotions are tested as their teen is spiraling out of control. She has been there for these parents, letting them know they are not alone and that they do not need to suffer alone.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. work with organizations such as Coalition against Institutionalized Children Abuse (CAICA) in an effort to help bring awareness to a multi-billion dollar industry that continues to grow and that is virtually unknown.

Due to the overwhelming number of requests, Sue Scheff is in the final stage of writing her book - it will be a useful tool for parents and will include what desperate parents are saying today, options and alternatives, as well as real life experiences.

Sue Scheff was contacted by Zadig Production in France in 2002 to assist with a documentary that outlined the alleged abuse of teens today in facilities as well as her publicized trial that she won against WWASPS in 2004. The film aired in Australia in 2006, however is not yet scheduled for release in the United States.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. are promoting the future release of "What Every Parent Needs to Know" coming out in the fall of 2006. This CD will be an introduction to parents just stepping into the arena of the teen help industry.

Sue Scheff was recently interviewed on WNN 1470 AM Health Talk Radio, discussing the need for parent awareness. Sue Scheff encouraged people to take a moment and sign the International Petition to End Child Abuse sponsored by CAICA.

Sue Scheff recognizes there are survivors of programs from many years ago who suffered the ultimate price. Sue feels pain for their experiences, however realizes that their apparent desire to close all programs is not the solution - helping parents find safe and qualified schools that can benefit today's teens is what is needed.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. recognize the need for strong regulations and guidelines for private teen programs and schools. Since currently, there is little to no governmental regulations or oversight, and no method for children in these programs to report abuse, Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. will continue their research and will continue to find safe alternatives for children.

There are no perfect schools, there are no perfect programs. But making the mistake of choosing the wrong one could be very costly, and not just in terms of money.

Sue Scheff and PURE believe in:

Helping Teens - not Harming Them

Building them up - not Breaking them down

Positive and Nurturing Environments - not Punitive

Family Involvement in Programs - not Isolation from the teen

Protect Children - not Punish them

Copyright © 2001-2006 Sue Scheff, P.U.R.E.
To get Help, CLICK HERE or Call TOLL FREE: 1-866-798-2285
P.U.R.E. does not provide legal advice and does not have an attorney on staff.

One sick bitch

it says parent advocate under her name. she sure isnt a child advocate that is for sure.

Can't they post this stuff on IZZY's Ca-Ca- site?

Oh, forgot.  No one reads CA-CA.

Great, shouldn't be too long until we see a Sue Scheff Rebuttal Dot Com website.  Ain't the Internet grand?  

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:


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