Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Spouses of Survivors

ISAC update

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ISAC will be posting on their site in the document section the following reports tommorow

Where did RSC and RSA come From
Miller Newton Facts

The following volunteers need to send us their correct address as your email is coming back

Joe I - california
f Rhodes
Kim F stylist...

ISAC now has a calender page on their website to let you know when reports are due out and special dates, including protest.....

If you know of any special events you would like us to add to the calender please email isac at
[email protected]

We also now have a search engine to search our site and global news.

We are always welcome to any suggestions on how ISAC can better serve all survivors please send in any suggestions.

We will have a suggestion form on the site soon..

We will be posting a major announcement about Miller Newton soon.

from Maltsby - man, I hope that you don't waste any nore time on that report.  duh!

When, When!  I've been waiting for something, anything about Miller Newton (in the vein of justice, of course) for a long, long time. When will this news of him be out? I know, I know, calm myself. It's just that there's this closure out there, somewhere, someday, that a lot of us long for, and we search all the time for news of his karma coming to call...Ok, I'm done. Thanks for letting me vent.




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